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Bionic Health Raises $3 Million and Launches AI Health Clinic

Bionic Health, a healthcare technology startup, announced today that it has raised $3 million in funding and launched an AI-powered health clinic in the Raleigh-Durham area. The company is leveraging advanced AI technologies, such as OpenAI's GPT-4, and other cutting-edge machine learning models to provide comprehensive and personalized care to its patients.

The Bionic Health clinic is revolutionizing the way patients approach their health and wellness by using state-of-the-art medical research and machine learning. Through in-depth analysis of individual genomics, body composition, biomarkers, wearable data, and other crucial factors, each patient receives a highly personalized plan that enables them to achieve their optimal health and longevity.

Bionic Health was founded by Robbie Allen and Dr. Jared Pelo. Robbie, CEO of Bionic Health, previously founded Automated Insights, the first company to commercialize generative AI, and co-founded Infinia ML, an early machine learning company. Dr. Jared Pelo, the Chief Medical Officer of Bionic Health, is a physician and founded iScribes, a company that pioneered AI ambient technology for healthcare documentation. His company was acquired by Nuance Communications, who used the technology to develop Dragon Ambient Experience (DAX).

"Bionic Health is committed to reimagining healthcare in the digital age," said Dr. Pelo. "We believe that AI and machine learning have the power to unlock new insights and approaches to care that were previously unimaginable. By harnessing the latest technology and medical science, we can help people live longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives."

The company secured $3 million in funding from a variety of VCs and notable angel investors including IDEA Fund Partners, Studio VC, Alumni Ventures, Tweener Fund, AI Operator’s Fund, and Operator.VC.

"We were thrilled to quickly raise this money from investors who share our vision of leveraging AI to improve healthcare outcomes for patients. This funding will enable us to grow our operations and further develop our AI platform," said Robbie Allen.

To learn more about Bionic Health or to join their clinic’s waiting list, visit their website at

Robbie Allen
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