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Polish election: Angry young men give far-right upstarts shot at power

Konfederacja once called for a register of gay people yet the rebranded party, hugely popular with male voters under 30, could be kingmaker after this month’s election

Konfederacja’s leaders Krzysztof Bosak, right, and Slawomir Mentzen have attempted to position their group as a party of protest
Konfederacja’s leaders Krzysztof Bosak, right, and Slawomir Mentzen have attempted to position their group as a party of protest
The Times

Flames erupted as two men strutted across the stage, backed by American rock music. The overwhelmingly young male audience were in raptures as they were showered with fake banknotes.

“I like that they tell it like it is, rather than how it should be,” said Zygmunt Zlotopolski, 27, at a rally for Konfederacja (Confederation), the upstart far-right party that has riled Poland’s heated election campaign. “They know what normal people want.”

“We shouldn’t be forced to do anything we don’t want to do,” he added at the campaign event in Opole, in southern Poland. “I don’t want to be forced to drive electric cars. My children shouldn’t be exposed to mandatory LGTBI programmes at school. I don’t mind if someone is gay, just don’t force