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You are completely right on this issue.

Years of dealing with similar controversies in Rootclaim taught me that truth is hard. We are constantly surprised by the results of our analyses, and each time find a different party to be correct. Sometimes it's US, sometimes Russia, sometimes China. Sometimes democrats, sometimes republicans. Sometimes the mainstream, sometimes the fringe. Sometimes experts, sometimes laypeople.

In the case of Kavanagh, it's easy to see how his simplistic approach leads him to wrong conclusions:

He takes the mainstream opinion on the chemical attacks in Syria (https://twitter.com/C_Kavanagh/status/1128388814525743104). Our analysis originally yielded 92% for the opposition carrying out the Ghouta attack, and that was recently shown to be the case after a video of opposition fighters launching chemical rockets was geolocated to the attack's launch location.


He does the same for the origins of sars-cov-2 (https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3A%40C_Kavanagh%20lab%20leak%20evidence&src=typed_query&f=top), where the evidence strongly favors a lab leak.


There are no shortcuts to truth.

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