Dr. Pierre Kory Exposes the Truth About the Texas ‘Measles Death’ Hoax
“She did not die of measles by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, she died of pneumonia. But it gets worse than that...”
Turn on the news today, and you’ll hear about a measles outbreak in Texas. The headline? A 6-year-old girl has “died from measles.” The coverage is nonstop. And the goal is simple: to make you angry and afraid.
But here’s what they’re not telling you.
That little girl should still be alive. She should be at home with her mom, dad, and siblings. But their unconscionable loss, which is being heavily politicized, is not what the mainstream has led us to believe. Her death was the result of medical error. Plain and simple.
And you should be angry.
When this case first made the news, little was known. But those who know it’s okay to ask questions began asking them.
Was she vaccinated for measles? If so, was the vaccination done recently or while she was ill? What treatment did she receive, if any? Was she infected with the wild type, or was this due to a leaky vaccine? Did she die with measles or from it?
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) stepped up and interviewed the mourning parents to uncover the truth about what really happened to their 6-year-old daughter.
The emotional interview reveals the child was not vaccinated for measles. She fell ill, and while the spots faded quickly, her breathing was affected. Her parents became concerned and took her to the emergency room at Covenant Children’s Hospital in Lubbock, Texas.
It was all downhill from there. And before long, their daughter was gone.
Dr. Pierre Kory Shares Disturbing Information
In a display of journalistic integrity, CHD obtained the 6-year-old’s medical records from her parents. Dr. Pierre Kory, a critical care physician, had a chance to analyze the records and shared his thoughts with CHD.
According to Dr. Kory, the child “did not die of measles by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, she died of a pneumonia. But it gets worse than that, because she didn't really die of pneumonia. She died of a medical error.”
Let that sink in.
Loving parents just lost their young child due to a medical error. But not only that, their story is being twisted and used to spread fear about measles and to push the measles vaccine—two things this family does not appear to agree with.
As it turns out, their four other children came down with measles following their sister’s death. All four were treated with cod liver oil (vitamin A) and budesonide (a steroid). And all four recovered quickly. No vaccination necessary.
Kory calls the case “absolutely enraging.”
“When you admit someone to the hospital for pneumonia, what you need to do is you treat what's called empirically, meaning you put them on antibiotics that you think will cover the most common organism.”
Covenant Children’s Hospital failed to do this.
“I mean, this is like medicine 101. You put them on two antibiotics to cover all the possibilities. It's a grievous error, and it's an error which led to her death.”
Not only did Covenant Children’s Hospital fail to provide the appropriate antibiotics, when they noticed their error, they dragged their feet and delayed another 10 hours.
“By that time, she was already on a ventilator. And approximately 24 hours later, actually less than 24 hours later, she died.”
And she did not pass away peacefully. According to Kory, “she died rather catastrophically.”
“I can only surmise that she died of a catastrophic pulmonary embolism.”
Kory calls the whole thing “disturbing.”
And it is. What happened to this young girl at Covenant Children’s Hospital was indeed disturbing. But the way this tragedy is being portrayed in the media and used inappropriately and inaccurately to cause fear and push the measles vaccine is downright disgusting.
Gone are the days when people seek help from local media to expose injustices. The media machine has one job and it isn’t to help you.
This young girl should still be here. Hugging her parents and giggling with her siblings. Enjoying the start of Spring and looking forward to celebrating Easter.
Instead, the media is exploiting this family’s unimaginable loss to push an agenda, and social media is swirling with nasty criticisms.
We can only hope this poor family receive justice and support as they combat the unwarranted attacks on their character, choices, and way of life.
“Pray. Just pray for us. That’s the best you can do, for now,” the father said.
Thank you, Dr. Kory, for continuing to expose all the lunacy in Medicine today
My heart breaks for the family, but the truth will NEVER make it to MSM and an apology will never be given to the grieving parents. While average Joe citizens are still lining up for lethal Covid shots, they are never going to understand that vaccinations have become a rather dangerous political weapon!