unitQ GPT is GenAI for Quality

Want to know what your users like, dislike, and want more of? Just ask.

Why we built unitQ GPT

See, Quality is everything. You have to have the best product features, no bugs, and simple customer journeys across your digital products. But you need to sit still with your users, customers, listeners, subscribers, communities, shoppers, and travelers, to know how to deliver the quality they deserve.

What you can expect

Easy to use—Just ask

unitQ GPT leverages user feedback and engagement data from 60+ sources to answer critical business questions and provide supporting visualizations. With all teams leveraging the same user insights, going from hypothesis to resolution has never been faster.

Opinionated and actionable recommendations

Because unitQ GPT leverages our cleansed, translated, and granularly categorized data, it deeply understands your business like a tenured employee. It can prioritize initiatives and suggest product improvements to optimize your KPIs.

Built for transparency and security

unitQ supports its conclusions with citations, allowing you to verify insights in a single click. Trust extends deep into unitQ GPT’s architecture, with enterprise-ready security and automatic redaction of all personally identifiable information (PII).

We are constantly innovating our product and identifying new ways to improve the experience for our valued users. unitQ GPT speaks to that mission with its accuracy, transparency, and ability to speed up the team’s natural workflows. It feels like having an extended member of our team that can answer the most pressing questions to make every user’s experience 10x better.

Dar Miranda
VP & GM, Enterprise Product

With unitQ GPT, we’ll be able to identify trending support issues, spot new bugs, and see what’s driving the sentiment of new product releases with an easy to use, conversational interface that queries member feedback in real time. This will transform the way we work across the company, from support to product to engineering.

Cathleen Doorenbosch
VP Customer Care

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See unitQ GPT in action.

Integrated with your team's systems

unitQ's AI-backed platform integrates with all of your most used tools to deliver real time user insights to your engineering, product, and CX teams.

Integrated with your team's systems

unitQ's AI-backed platform integrates with all of your most used tools to deliver real time user insights to your engineering, product, and CX teams.

Meet the Quality Community

Leaders delivering the quality users deserve
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Join category‑leading companies and start driving growth, reducing churn, and building loyalty with unitQ.