OpenAI gives up on detection tool for AI-generated text

The ChatGPT creator dropped the program because of its low accuracy rate
One of the issues with AI detectors in academia is accusing students of cheating when they haven’t
One of the issues with AI detectors in academia is accusing students of cheating when they haven’t

The developer of ChatGPT has given up on its tool designed to detect AI-written text, in a blow for efforts to combat cheating and disinformation.

OpenAI quietly dropped the program, called a classifier, because of its “low rate of accuracy”. Originally launched in January, the project was designed to combat “automated misinformation campaigns, academic dishonesty and positioning an AI chatbot as a human”.

The company acknowledged then “that identifying AI-written text has been an important point of discussion among educators”.

At the time OpenAI said the classifier “correctly identifies 26 per cent of AI-written text (true positives) as ‘likely AI-written’.”

The company did not give further details about how the classifier progressed, and posted an update to a blog, but given it has now been