FDA discovers fountain of youth
If you take this drug, you won't die of any diseases and your chance of dying in an accident is reduced as well.
Three versions of the research
Original (unformatted)
Original (formatted)
Published (done later with more info) which has a link to the PDF
The original paper and final paper both made claims about the standardized mortality rate (SMR) and/or ACM that are absurd. The non-COVID mortality rate can’t vary based on which vaccine you choose to get; any healthy vaccinee effect should be independent of the manufacturer of the vaccine. And the reduction in mortality rate because you chose a vaccine cannot be caused by the vaccine; vaccines don’t reduce all-cause mortality. And the cohorts are too large in size to have a mortality difference of what was observed (up to an 80% reduction from normal mortality), so this wasn’t simply a non-statistically significant result.
The paper based on data in VSD was published in a peer-reviewed journal (Vaccine) in Jan 2023. The Pfizer shot is now in table 4. It’s a 78% reduction in non-COVID deaths after just two shots of the vaccine (from a .09 death rate in the unvaccinated to a .02 death rate in doubly vaxxed).
If the paper were true of course, we'd see a DRAMATIC drop in all-cause mortality numbers in the 18-44 group. We don't. The effect (a drop from .09 uvaxxed to .02 in the vaxxed) is huge.
Should we be rushing to get the shots? Of course not!
It’s all selection bias. You get more than a 2X drop in mortality of you decide to take the shot because “health seeking” people are in general more healthy. Those who opted for a second shot are even more “health seeking.” This is why there is an ACM drop, not from any magic property of the COVID vaccine (which is a kill shot).
It’s papers like these which create the false impression that the COVID vaccine saves lives. But any person who has any critical thinking skills left (which is few scientists nowadays) has to realize that such drops in YOUNG age groups are IMPOSSIBLE because most of the deaths of YOUNG people are ACCIDENTS.
But people eat up papers like this because they comport with their belief system so critical thinking skills are unexercised.
Here are the 15 leading causes of death in 2021 in 20-44 age group which account for 198,636 out of a total of 232,113 total deaths:
So if you calculate the percentages of non-COVID deaths for 2021 you get this:
So to get a 78% reduction in non-COVID deaths after 2 shot of Pfizer is truly stunning, isn’t it? It means the shots will reduce your risk of an accident, suicide, homicide, etc. to near zero.
What I don’t understand is how taking a vaccine can reduce your risk of accidents and homicide. Where is the biological plausibility of that?
Janet Woodcock, interim head of the FDA, recently emailed me a link to a study of an existing drug that shows that people who take the drug appear to be almost immortal.
It cuts you risk of death by more than two-thirds… it means you basically can’t die of any disease and you are also less likely to die of an accident.
In short, it’s a wonder drug that everyone should be rushing to go out and get. It can do something nothing else can reliably do: double your lifespan.
There were no criticisms of the study from the mainstream medical community that I was able to find. It has not been retracted.
Can you guess what this wonder drug is? It would have been my last guess.
The COVID vaccines of course!
Since around 33% of deaths in that age group are from accidents, that means that it drives death from ALL diseases to ZERO and it ALSO reduces chance of dying in an accident!
But here’s the amazing thing… NOBODY in mainstream academia has criticized the study as nonsensical.
You can’t emphasize that enough. Nobody has criticized the paper pointing out that ACM drops like these are nonsensical. There are no critical thinkers willing to speak out.
This proves that the CDC can put absurd studies out, and the medical community and the press just eats it up without question. Let me know in the comments if you found a single mainstream academic criticizing the study!
Truly stunning! See Table 2.
Let’s be clear… this is a deeply flawed study because it is either:
Hopelessly confounded (which to her credit Janet Woodcock recognized) or, more likely,
because non-COVID vaxxed ACM deaths are being miscategorized as unvaxed non-ACM deaths
or both.
Yet the paper says, “All vaccinated racial and ethnic groups had lower mortality risks than did unvaccinated comparison groups.”
There is no known mechanism of action to explain a 69% overall decrease in ACM for all age groups. It certainly didn’t show up in any of the trials. Not even close. The Pfizer trial showed a 40% increase in ACM, and a 54% increase in non-ACM.
THEY CANNOT BOTH BE RIGHT. Either the clinical trial is wrong or this study is wrong. Or they are both wrong. In my mind, this isn’t a close call. They are both wrong.
VAERS, the UK ONS data, the Pfizer trial, and direct physician reports are all consistent showing a huge increase in non-COVID ACM.
The vaccines are super dangerous and cause more harm than good for all age groups.
I am not alone in pointing out these flaws. Mathew Crawford noticed the same “fountain of youth” effect in this paper that I did.
That the CDC could publish a study like this is deeply troubling.
Crawford in fact thinks a case can be made that the vaccines actually do nothing at all. The recent UC Davis/UCSF study certainly is consistent with that hypothesis.
So there is absolutely no mechanism of action for such an effect and the VAERS adverse event stats for the vaccines are off the charts.
Please, don’t act on this study. It could cost you your life.
The reality is exactly the opposite what the CDC study shows. See my article on vaccine mandates for the evidence showing that vaccination makes thing worse.
The CDC, FDA, NIH have been putting out deliberately false studies for decades, especially when they need to contradict what their own scientists have found. Look up Judy Mikovits.
Steve - she is going to be speaking at Stanford on November 14. Scroll down to the last event - it’s the fourth of a four part series. You can register - a “free virtual symposium.” Hosted by the med school and the business school!