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Thank you for this excellent, thought-provoking, article.

My dad developed dementia when he was 80. He was the picture of health and had not been in a hospital since the day he was born in 1928. The youngest of 4 brothers, his 3 older brothers all lived into their 90s with full mental faculties. Dad's dementia downfall was swift and sobering to watch. His decline frustrated him more as he was always a very healthy man (I use to say if I could sell his blood work and blood pressure results on the web, we'd make a fortune.) We had no idea what could cause this decline, but over the next 4 years, it was a contentious battle to get him the care he needed. He always knew who I was, not so much for other members of the family. When he died, he was 84, and I was beside myself to understand what the hell happened to my dad. Well, going thru his papers and medical records, I found evidence that he had received the annual influenza vaccinations (pushed on him by his then girlfriend who worked for the medical industrial complex) for several years immediately preceding his dementia downfall. Reading up on the flu jabs, I found they contained 25,000 times more Mercury than was found in fish. Was THIS the cause of his dementia? Or was I just fishing for a cause? I don't know. But I will say that I can find very little research on flu vaccination and dementia (I don't say Alzheimer's because that can only be diagnosed postmortem, and that didn't happen.)

Thank you again. I enjoy reading your articles, and I learn so much.

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I have heard many cases of this happening after flu shots (which have never been shown to create any benefit). There are a lot of things to cover or write about so I have gotten close it touching that topic. It is very sad to watch this happen and most people just assume it's the course of nature and don't think about what could have caused it when it happens.

I have also seen what you described happen with the COVID vaccines, except at a much faster pace. You can find the cases in the log I put together (https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/adverse-reactions-to-covid-vaccines ).

I personally think the primary issue is the aluminum in the flu shots, but it could also be other things

Sorry about your dad

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Thank you. I have many stories from the 4 contentious years my dad fought his dementia. He was a proud man who refused to accept that his mind was slowly going away. His body was strong and healthy and handsome (always looked 20 years younger), but his mental capacity was deteriorating daily. One story happened while waiting to be evaluated at the VA hospital in NJ. It was 2010 and dad, like his 3 older brothers, were all WW2 veterans. As we sat in the waiting room for his appointment with the VA doctor, dad looked around the room in a quiet daze at the young men who were all disabled in one way or another. Missing limbs, steel legs, burned faces and hands, wounds which were visible and shocking. Dad took in the room for a while, then turned to me and said "I thought the war was over."

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Thank you for sharing.

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A dear friend of mine just died in his sleep of a heart attack. He was 92 and up until the age of 91 he was as fit, young-looking & mentally sharp as Lynn's father. A year ago, his mind suddenly & rapidly became very muddled, he could no longer use tech he found easy before, he had a couple of bad falls and became increasingly frail. Guess what he did 18 months ago, even though I warned him repeatedly, but he explicitly said he & his wife would be going with the herd. The herd took him just where I said it would, over a cliff. :(

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Can I quote your story in the next installment?

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Yes absolutely. I have lots of stories from those 4 contentious years with my dad and his dementia. May he rest in peace.

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