Briefing | Chaos meets preparation

The meticulous, ruthless preparations for a second Trump term

The America First movement is readying policies and personnel

Silhouette of a Donald Trump statue being assembled
Image: Ben Hickey

BROOKE ROLLINS is sitting at her desk in Fort Worth, Texas, at the back of an anonymous, low-rise building. It looks uncannily like an office in the White House, with its lemony cream wallpaper, dark wood furniture and photographs of the president signing bills as admirers look on. Only one detail jars: the 18th-century rifle leaning against the wall.

The resemblance is not a coincidence. Mrs Rollins worked in the White House under Donald Trump and briefly ran his Domestic Policy Council. She purchased her West Wing furniture when she left. Towards the end of Mr Trump’s first term, she was in charge of putting together a policy agenda for his second one. After Mr Trump lost his bid for re-election in 2020, she set up a think-tank to continue that work, the America First Policy Institute (AFPI).

This article appeared in the Briefing section of the print edition under the headline “Chaos meets preparation”

Preparing the way: The alarming plans for Trump’s second term

From the July 15th 2023 edition

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