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Inviting anyone who would find it entertaining to join me in coming up with the most irritatingly narcissistic book titles they can think of. Such as:

The Adorable Complexity of Being Me

Woke Polyamorous Ayahuasca Meditation -- a Spiritual Path for the Intrepidly Sensitive

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Becoming Fully Myself

Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-Esteem

Me/Myself/I: A Journey of Three and One

Every Man and Woman is a Star

Transgressing Boundaries: A Non-Binary, Non-Toxic, Non-Violent Journey

Neutralizing Poison: The Fourth Level of Self-Healing (the first three being, of course, Curing Light Wounds, Slowing the Venom, and Banishing Blindness, and the sequel being Returning from the Underworld)

The Love of an Influencer: Very Different from Conventional Love

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"Delish" has my vote for mildly more irritating

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Saw an ad addressing 'delish-etarians' today

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How about The Anguish of the Cultivated Sensibility

also, I Kiss Myself upon the Throat

and Awesome Enough to Sell My Own Shit

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Someone actually did that last one.


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Ah, Piero, I did not know about him. There was a German artist in the 30's who did paintings of evil-looking members of the public in cafes, & mixed shit into his paints. But I can't think of his name.

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I cannot take credit for this, but:

"A Woman First: First Woman: A Memoir"


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I think this one takes the cake. Amazon blurb is really funny, but somehow I can't imagine author sustaining the amusement for 100 pp or so -- seems like kind of a one trick pony. Tho I'm sure somebody highly inventive could keep finding variations that kept the reader howling.

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I actually read it! (I gave it as a present to a friend who was also a fan of the show.) Half of the funny stuff is the disconnect between the book and what we see on the show - sometimes the book omits important things, or glosses over bad stuff, or otherwise outright lies in ways that wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know the kind of person it was about.

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Yikes. I didn't even know there was a show about a woman president. I live in a cave.

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My friend was the one who kept me in touch with this stuff. :-)

It sounds like you don't much like TV, but this might work to make you feel better about the politics of the last decade.

Heck, they even predicted a race between a 1-term narcissist and the sitting president who replaced them. Or maybe it's some sort of sympathetic magic curse, it's hard to tell. At least we haven't had an electoral college tie yet. **knocks on wood** And how about a sitting president cutting short his re-election campaign, and putting forward his vacuous VP? That sounds like it might be in the cards, too.

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Refresh this several times for narcissistic self help titles:


"Yes Your Self"

"Find Your Always"

"Love Your Yum"

(From https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/brand)

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My god, it’s an online narcissism generation machine!

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