share your magic

the four-week crash course in creating—and sticking to—a sustainable marketing plan for your work will be back later this summer—as a move-at-your-own-pace course!

looking for support and accountability in marketing your work in the meantime? join the share your magic co-working & support summer session! learn more here!

why share your magic?

Whether you are an artist, healing practitioner, small business owner or running a non-profit, your work is something that the world needs and that folks can benefit from—and if you struggle with sharing that work, “Share Your Magic” can help.

Sound scary? Overwhelming? Annoying? Unbelievable?

You are not alone!

Maybe you are struggling to share your work because...

  • You’re afraid of being seen in marketing your work?

  • You feel overwhelmed by all the things you could/should do to market your work?

  • You are stuck on how to develop your brand?

  • Coming up with a marketing plan has you running for the hills?

  • You feel like people will judge you as being “slimy,” “unprincipled,” “uncool” and/or “a fraud” if you promote your work?

  • You already have a zillion things to do when it comes to running your business—how can you possibly fit even more in?

If you have answered “yes” to any of the questions above, you are in good company—know that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you! These experiences are amongst the most common people have when faced with sharing their work.

This is why I created “Share Your Magic”— to aid folks in moving past those blocks while gaining the knowledge and support needed to create a marketing plan that works for YOU, so that you are able to get your magic out into the world!

While “Share Your Magic” will be back later this summer, if you are looking for support NOW in feeling good about sharing your work, join the summer session of “Share Your Magic Co-working & Support,” starting June 25!

Learn more here about how this container can help you begin the process of moving through blocks and into feeling great about sharing your work!

“‘Share Your Magic’ helped me gain the perspective and confidence I needed to define my basic branding concepts and to develop a marketing plan that truly fit my needs and the needs of my business. The course also helped me break through the blocks that I had around sharing my work. If you are considering joining this course, I highly recommend you do!”

—Laura Sabolich - Artist - Creator of Laura Sabolich Design

What having a sustainable communications plan can mean for you and your work:

  • You’ll have a template and tools for sharing your work, eliminating the need to exert brain power, energy and time constantly reinventing the wheel

  • You’ll feel supported in putting yourself and your work out into the world

  • You’ll expand the reach of your work, connecting with, and helping, more people

  • You’ll grow your business so that you are able to continue doing your work and sharing your medicine with the world

  • You’ll avoid burnout and end the cycle of starting and stopping or giving up entirely

    Most importantly:

    your work is medicine the world needs now—and “share your magic” is here to help support and spread that medicine!

what is “share your magic”?

“Share Your Magic” is a four-part crash course that will be back to support you in building your plan at your own pace!

Each session gives you the tools you need to develop a sustainable communications plan that meets YOUR needs. Every session you will gain new building blocks to create your own plan, with the schedule below.

“‘Share Your Magic’ was huge in helping me overcome a lot of discomfort I had around sharing my work. I have a background in marketing and know all the "formulas and strategies," but they never felt good to me regarding sharing my own work. This course helped me wade through all the b.s. and really connect with why I am doing what I'm doing, why it is valuable, and the best way to share that supports my needs.”

—Colleen Kam Siu, writer/artist of Sacred Mirror Poetry

what we’ll cover:

Session One: Marketing + Branding Basics

(Finding your voice, look + vibe)

Session Two: Identifying Your Needs

(They aren’t what everyone insists they are!)

Session Three: Crafting Your Plan*

(With the tools that will help)

Session Four: Implementing Your Plan

(And getting it to stick!)

really busy?

While “Share Your Magic” is a “crash course” in that it gives you all you need to develop a plan that works for you, it is set up over 4 sessions to give yourself space and time to go through each step, with each session lasting only an hour to fit into your busy schedule.

Each step can be done at your pace—you will receive all the recordings to support you in this, as well as supplemental materials and resources.

“Share You Magic” provides you with the building blocks and tools to find your brand, create your own sustainable marketing plan and to feel secure and safe in sharing your work with the world.

“Share Your Magic” will be back later this summer; in the meantime, you can join the co-working and support summer session to get encouragement, advice and accountability in sharing your work with the world!

Learn more about how this co-working community can support your marketing efforts here!

Or…are you thinking, “does the world really need my work?

Yes! Yes, the world really needs your work!

…And it is only through sharing it with others that the world can experience the magic that only YOU can provide!

“Share Your Magic” will be back as an offering you can move through at your own pace later this summer! For support now, join the “Share Your Magic Co-working & Support” summer session, happening every other Tuesday from June 25 to September 3, 5-7 p.m. PST!

Sign up to join the co-working community here!