しかしながら非常に邪悪なものが実際にあるから こう一言で陰謀語と言われますが、実は陰謀そのものが、大航海時代からずっと遺伝子として、文化として続いている、そういうことに気がつきました。今日の私のメッセージとしては、 作った体内で病原体のタンパクを作らせるワクチンと偽装されているもの例えば次はインフルエンザがいきますそしてサルトとかいろんなもので今はしかで煽られています 全てメッセンジャータイプでやるというのが米国のグローバル製薬企業の基本戦略になっていますそれで皆さん方仲間や知り合いに遺伝子ワクチンと流するものを体内ではどんな種類であっても打ってはならないこれをテイクホームメッセージそれによって皆さん方の子供や孫を守っていただきたいと思いますそれでは半世紀経っての憧れがあれだったWHOも これはこの4年間、むちゃくちゃなことを指導してきた。調べてみると、ほとんどの85%以上のWHOの予算が、実は製薬企業とか、ビルゲーダー、メリンダーとか、いろいろなステークホーラーの持ち物に使われている。つまり、我々の健康そのものが、 武器として使われて、今情報を使った第三次世界大戦の最中にある。これをいい歳の大人がちゃんと気がついて守れるかどうか。これが我々の両親や祖父母が我々を守ってくれた結果として、我々は今日までなんとか生きてこれたんだと思います。
3発目の原爆は我々国民の手で日本人の手で阻止しようではありませんかこの国民運動実は4つの狙いがありますまず誓いと宣言ここに我々は子どもたちを守る日本を守ることを誓う 我々はWHO、グローバル全体主義、パンデミック条約と改定IHR、遺伝子ワクチン、プランテミック、情報統制、これらすべてを排除することを宣言する。テドロス、ゲイツ、シュア、リンク、バイデンというニューワールドオーダーの代理人、 その代理人の主要人、岸田文宏!そして、上川。さらには、日本のファウチ、武見!武見!武見!

Massive Rallies Break Out in Japan Against WHO's Pandemic Treaty

"Let's stop the third atomic bomb with our hands, in the hands of the Japanese people!"

April 13, 2024, will be etched in the annals of modern Japanese history as tens of thousands of citizens across the nation came together in a series of pandemic rallies. The protests centered on the widespread opposition to the Pandemic Treaty, with escalating concerns over "infectious disease" and "public health" becoming potent tools for an unprecedented push towards what is perceived by many as a totalitarian surveillance society.

From the bustling streets of Ikebukuro to the gatherings at Higashi-Ikebukuro Central Park, the sheer scale of participation speaks volumes. Organizers aimed for a monumental turnout of 100,000 protesters to demand answers on crucial issues, such as the stark increase in excess deaths and the lack of transparency on the adverse effects following vaccinations.

The protest not just opposed potential mandatory vaccinations but also the perceived overreach of health authorities and their ties with global pharma, echoing a distressing sentiment of disenfranchisement among the populace. Demonstrators criticized the lack of explanations for a sharp increase in excess deaths and demanded accountability and clarity on vaccine-related casualties.

Eminent speakers, including Professor Masayasu Inoue and modern history researcher Chikatsu Hayashi, provided compelling pre-demonstration speeches that laid bare the concerning dynamics between global health authorities and pharmaceutical agendas. Professor Inoue highlighted the concerning trend of our health being weaponized in what he termed as "a third world war fought with information." He urged the public to resist introducing genetic vaccines into their bodies, implicating a significant portion of WHO's funding comes from pharmaceutical giants and private interests like the Bill Gates Foundation. This follows Japan’s Message to the world delivered by Prof Inoue a few days ago.

Modern history researcher Prof Chikatsu Hayashi’s address was a rallying cry to resist the encroaching shadows of global totalitarianism, symbolically referring to the proactive stance against it as "stopping the third atomic bomb with our hands." His poignant discourse highlighted a national movement poised against not only the Pandemic Treaty but also the underlying structures threatening Japan's sovereignty and the well-being of its citizens.

April 13 marked not just a protest against a treaty but a stand against a future where health becomes a lever for control and surveillance. The massive turnout signifies a critical moment in Japan's civic engagement. It's a call from its people for autonomy, transparency, and the reassessment of global health governance that resonates beyond its borders. Today, Japan stands at the forefront, questioning, challenging, and seeking change for a future where health policy respects national sovereignty and individual rights.

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Video Sources here, here, here.





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