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Good article about the drug, the annoying thing is the use of BMI.

It's a bad measure.

1. It's not dimensionless even though people use it like it is. Metric BMI vs. Imperial BMI are not the same number.

2. The (admittedly small) minority of people who have more muscle are unjustly persecuted by their doctors for being "obese".

I admit self-interest here. My (Imperial) BMI is 35, I'm able to deadlift at least 3 times what my doctor does, but I'm the obese one who needs to go on a diet. I did shut him up about it by pointing out that even the US Navy has stopped using it as a measure for their incoming recruits (IIRC they use height/weight/waist/neck plus a chart now - I guess they had too many people able to lift a car but they can't run so they can't be on a ship until they lose weight).

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