Call for input 2023 - Meaningful engagement of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in Article 6.4 mechanism

The rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement recalled the eleventh preambular paragraph of the Paris Agreement, acknowledging that climate change is a common concern of humankind.

The rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities should be respected, promoted and considered by Parties when taking action to avoid climate change.

At its sixth meeting, the Article 6.4 mechanism Supervisory Body recognized that direct stakeholder engagement, including with Indigenous Peoples and local communities, is vital to the work of the Supervisory Body and the Article 6.4 mechanism. The Supervisory Body also recognized that decisions taken by the Body and its work related to the Article 6.4 mechanism may affect Indigenous Peoples and local communities. 

As an outcome of its sixth meeting (see paragraph 34 of the SB 006 meeting report), the Supervisory Body requested the secretariat to launch a call for public inputs on how the Article 6.4 mechanism could better consider matters related to Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

Open Call 

The public consultation process is open for a four-week period from 5 October to 2 November 2023.

Submission Details  

The Supervisory Body encourages Indigenous Peoples, local communities, or groups that work with Indigenous Peoples and local communities to provide inputs on how to meaningfully engage with them on the work of the Supervisory Body and the mechanism. The submission could include input, for instance, on: 

  1. What are the current or anticipated challenges Indigenous Peoples and local communities face in engaging with the Article 6.4 mechanism?

  2. What mode of communication could facilitate better dialogue between the Supervisory Body and Indigenous communities? 

  3. How would you envision meaningful long-term engagement and active participation from Indigenous Peoples and local communities on the work of the Supervisory Body and the mechanism? 

Please submit your input to the Supervisory Body via email at
In the email subject line, please use: Call for inputs on meaningful engagement with Indigenous Peoples and local communities.


The call is now closed. Please contact the secretariat at for any queries.
The received inputs are publicly available in the table below and will be considered by the Supervisory Body.

Date Submission
04 November 2023 NAMATI on behalf of different organizations 
03 November 2023 Climate Justice Alliance
02 November 2023 IETA
02 November 2023 Leidy Depaz and Lisinka Ulatowska
02 November 2023 Ecosecurities and its partners
02 November 2023 International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change
02 November 2023 Friends World Committee for Consultation-Quakers
02 November 2023 Carbon-Recycling
02 November 2023 Métis National Council
01 November 2023 Operaçâo Amazônia Nativa /Swiss Lenten Fund/Rede de Cooperação Amazônica
31 October 2023 Paryavaran Mitra
30 October 2023 Indigenous Environmental Network
30 October 2023 STX
13 October 2023 SOCIETE SOMMAC