
I absolutely agree with this. I have four boys, and our homeschool day looks very different from some of my friends with girls. Minimum effective dose is my approach to pretty much any sort of “seat work” and they are required to run and do calisthenics of some sort before we start any schoolwork. They still love reading and stories, but our library haul always has a lot of animals and soldiers.

We moved specifically so they’d have like minded friends (cousins) next door, chores to do, and woods to play in.

I will be very transparent and say I have plenty of doubts about my ability to do anyone’s education justice these days, but these are the reasons we’re trying!

I think there may be some boys who thrive in a classroom setting, but watching the toll that even a day of co-op class takes on some of mine(the restraint collapse!) I am so glad it’s not our everyday.

The statistics are clear that our current educational system is failing boys, who in the 21st century are less likely to be “school ready” in kindergarten, proficient in reading by 4th grade, or graduate high school than female students. Authors like

, and others have done a s…

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2:43 PM
Aug 30, 2024