Senator Lenney says "Idaho absolutely should not be giving Big Pharma, like Bayer, a free pass from lawsuits." We agree!
Bottom line: real people in Idaho are allegedly suffering because of these products.
Ag workers, farmers—they’re on the front lines, and they’re potentially paying the price with their health. Are we seriously going to say that it’s okay to trade crops for cancer?
To sacrifice the future just to pad Bayer's pockets right now? When Idahoans voted us in, I bet they didn’t have “give lifetime immunity to Big Pharma” on their bingo cards. It’s crucial to keep these corporations accountable.
Bayer doesn’t need another hall pass.
They need to be held responsible for what their products allegedly do to people. Idaho should focus on decisions that protect its citizens, not let Big Pharma off the hook. It’s time to stop bending over backward for corporations and start looking out for the real people who live here.