338. WHAT WHITE MICE AND COLOMBIAN GOLD MINERS TELL US ABOUT MERCURY CHELATION WITH OSR. If you have had dental amalgams or any vaccines, you were mercury poisoned, but OSR ("Oxidative Stress Relief" / NBMI) will likely help. Boyd Haley's friends spent $50 million studying it. By ROBERT YOHO, MD (12/23/24)
This article should be of special interest to open-minded dentists and patients. The article’s writing is readable and highly referenced. Its key topic is mercury (amalgam) fillings — their dangers, ameliorating their effects with chelation therapy (OSR/NBMI), proper removal, and substitution with ceramic fillings.
This information is provided for educational research only. We are not advocating or endorsing any of these products or procedures. We have not tried them. We are not doctors or dentists. Use at your own risk after consulting with professionals whom you can trust.
Summary of Topics:
Newsflash: Documented decline in mercury after using OSR.
RFK, Jr. says Boyd Haley is the world's foremost mercury toxicity expert
David Kennedy, DDS, is Boyd Hayley’s partner.
OSR and DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)
David Kennedy’s Guide to OSR
Trump's "Bleach" Conference Alluded To The Antidote For Future Pandemics. Globally ridiculed for his comments, Trump was erroneously thought to be referring to chlorine dioxide, a treatment nationally deployed by Bolivia which led to the best outcomes in South America. By Pierre Kory, MD, MPA (12/24/24):