
What kills me about lazy book reviews is that they don’t! even! accomplish! the fundamental responsibility of a critic—to take a book seriously, take the reader of the review seriously, and actually try to understand what is happening in the book and whether the author’s project is successful.

A book review is not a vessel for one-liners. I very impractically and idealistically think of the book review as an act of service to a broader literary community, one that cares about style and meaning and quality. A book review can have zingy one-liners (Parul Sehgal’s recent pan of Manguso’s Liars did an exceptional job of this), but the one-liners are in service of actually trying to understand and critically evaluate the book…it’s really obvious when a critic has performed a shallow read of a novel and collected just enough info for their premeditated pan.

I liked what

said about the review:

Rather than being merely cliched or trite, Rooney is writing in a mode that Manov isn’t interested in. It is perfectly acceptable to dislike that mode, but it is a weak and mean-spirited form of criticism—in theTLS!—to be so dismissive without even noting what it is you are dismissing.

It is boring!!! I absolutely love negative and borderline vicious criticism, but this whole economy of weak pieces constructed around lukewarm zingers is so pathetic. These pieces have zero soul. When I read these viral hit pieces, I rarely feel like the critic actually cares ab…

“My friend sent me a sassy take down of Sally Rooney yesterday saying ‘boring’ and I replied: Oh groan, oh groannnnn. So played out by this stage, so boring. Such a boring editorial decision, such a boring thing for a writer to do.  ”
Oh groan, oh groannnnn
2 replies
5 Restacks
4:31 PM
Sep 25, 2024