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I slowly worked my way into Georgia On My Mind. I started into the song with a slow rhythmic groove. After a few rounds of the chord progression, I started to sing the first verse. Almost immediately… she smiled. Then, with her eyes still closed… she softly said, “yes”. She didn’t need a soothing relaxation experience, she needed… Ray Ch…
Thank you to Mr. Lelievre for sharing his story. I wish him success in his future endeavors to counter the current narrative brewing on campuses. My wake up call came years before Covid when, after having other children successfully complete their degrees in higher education, my youngest daughter fell for the insanity and become a believer of the filth spewing from these institutions. She turned "trans" and there was no saving her until she woke up and exited the cult years later. It has been a slowly broiling frog on campuses for decades but with a captured media I was blindsided by this as are many parents. Youth are easily manipulated and traumatized allowing the monster to spin out of control. Today college entrance exams ask "gender questions," campus clinics dole out cross sex hormones, "wellness" assessments have morphed into data mining for gender identities, referrals are given to the local castration surgeons, and more. Please continue speaking out.