
Two days ago, I made a note about my guides accompanying me on the path to Fiverr:…

Yesterday, I was sitting alone at dinner table, waiting for my hubbie and daughter to join me, and I said to my guides: “Well, I did my part on Fiverr, now it’s up to you to do yours. You sent me there, do your magic and make it work!”

A moment later, I lifted my eyes from my plate to talk to hubbie Thierry and I stopped with my mouth open before I could utter a word. Behind him was this gorgeous rainbow shadowed by another one (difficult to see the second one on the photo still). I think it’s the first time ever I see a double rainbow! So I chose to believe that it was an answer from my guides telling me they were already doing their magic…

As I was looking for a new job opportunity a few days ago, I was reading a novel in which the heroin was a writer working at home - rings some bells, here - working on a freelance platform called Fiverr. I didn’t know it so I went to check if it was real and, as it was, thought …

1 reply
1 Restack
7:44 AM
May 17, 2024