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One way to open your eyes is to ask yourself, “What if I had never seen this before?What if I knew I would never see it again?” ~ Rachel Carson

Am getting so sick of winning. But I’d just like to congratulate President Stable Genius for the terrific job he’s doing crashing the stock market, so that we don’t get too big for our britches with a false sense of financial security. Like I’ve always said, “Who needs a retirement fund?” Wouldn’t you rather own the libs than a roof over your head when you’re in your eighties?

I finally blew my stack over the “trans sports issue.” I’m sorry.

Leave Trans People Alone: A Rant

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Free article crunches key stats from Gonzaga/St. Mary’s and tourney action in the ACC and Big 12.

Key Stats From Tuesday’s High-Profile College Hoop Tournaments

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It’s totally unacceptable, Elon Musk is giving Trump political operation ANOTHER $100 million as he giggles with a chain saw and cuts staff, veterans, and needed services.

This is NOT what our founding fathers envisioned, an oligarchy in all but name.

My name is magdalena soul. I am with KMSF-DB> i WOULD love to convert your media into audio and air it live on my radio station. My website is

Sep 10, 2022
8:49 AM