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Here’s link to my interview with Robin Powell of The Evidence Based Investor discussing my latest book Enrich Your Future and why it’s so difficult to outperform by stock selection +/or market timing, and why behavioral errors lead to underperformance

If you have questions about Lent, I have answers. Lots of them.

All About Lent, Part 1

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Not breaking, necessary vulgarity, and breakfast vibes
The Other Resistance — From The Right

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Another article from a former YouTuber talking about the grind of making YouTube videos and losing money in the process. Don’t become a YouTuber, kids!

The True Costs of Being on YouTube

The GG needs to pull her head out of her ass and reverse theprorogation of parliament so we can get on with life.

Vince Taylor, this will never happen unless the judge who will be hearing the March court case rules against trudo prorogation of parliament.

Jan 29
3:33 AM