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Take a moment and enjoy this peaceful encounter with an otter. Wouldn't you love to be in this person’s place? 🦦🥰

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Numlock News: March 28, 2025 • District 12, Coyotes, Dark Ages

I could never post this one enough.

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I just got back from teaching my class and every word of it this is true, this is no exaggeration. He is writing from an American university but it is exactly the same in Canada.

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Installed in 1410, this 600-year-old clock in Prague is the world's oldest astronomical clock still in operation.

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I've posted 9 puns recently but none of them got liked. If this one doesn't either, then no pun in ten did.

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Poor baby. I'm glad she was taken care of. 🙏

Arches National Park in Utah 😍

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I had a feeling you needed this peaceful beauty in your life today. I know I did…

This shit is scary.

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#gemoftheday from One Mountain, Many Paths Episode 199


Every human being has a sacred story.

And that the story is not just the relative story of your separate self, which is your personality which you need to move beyond in order to become in union with the Field of Consciousness.

The movement beyond your separate self to become part of the larger Field is critical. That’s a key piece of your story.

But that’s not the whole story.

Actually the story of your individuated life matters.

It’s not just something you transcend. The notion in mysticism of move beyond your story. No. That’s a mistake.

You have to transform your story.

You transform your story from your separate self story into your Unique Self story.

Your Unique Self story is your personal story beyond ego.

It’s the personal on the other side of the impersonal.

It’s the higher individuation beyond ego.

Every person has a transformation to accomplish—a song to sing, a story to tell, a poem to write—that matters ultimately.


The movement from Homo sapiens to Homo amor is when you begin to realize:

My story is not an accident. And it’s not just my social, psychological, and cultural conditioning.

I am being lived by Cosmos.

I am evolution in person.

My deepest heart’s desire is the desire of Reality.

My story is chapter and verse in the love story of the Universe.

My personal story—my personal evolution, my personal transformation—is part of, participates in, the evolutionary Story of Reality.

When I awaken at the leading edge and I push my edge

• When I choose intimacy

• when I choose life

• when I choose to move out of the depression and into the joy that animates my creativity

• when I choose to say that yesterday is not the slave driver that determines today

• when I choose to create

• when I choose to sing my song

• when I choose to live the fullness of my Unique Self—which means all of the fullness of my emotional range and the fullness of my Beauty and the fullness of my Goodness

—just living that story, day-to-day, in the details of my life, actually evolves Reality.

That realization—that my story and the cosmic story are one story, that all of the Cosmos lives in me and that I’m taking it the next step—that’s the movement from Homo sapiens to Homo amor.

Mar 20
1:18 PM
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Substack, do your thing and bring me my spiritual people.

I’m done quieting my voice, wisdom and theories that bridge the gap between Neuroscience, Spirituality and Personal Growth. For so long I made myself small in my content out of fear of being “wrong” or misunderstood. But I’m ready to stand in my truth and talk about all the ways in which I can use Neuroscience to explain Spiritual concepts.

Bring. It. On. 👊🏼

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