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Am getting so sick of winning. But I’d just like to congratulate President Stable Genius for the terrific job he’s doing crashing the stock market, so that we don’t get too big for our britches with a false sense of financial security. Like I’ve always said, “Who needs a retirement fund?” Wouldn’t you rather own the libs than a roof over your head when you’re in your eighties?

Here’s my column on Covid in NY Mag that will please almost no one. I wrote about how the left and right got a lot quite wrong over the last five years.

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We're 14% Funded! The Haunted House Adventure is Taking Shape!

Like most parents, I've walked down the toy aisle and thought Legos are really getting expensive.

It turns out that this is a big complaint among adult Lego fans too, and a couple of readers had asked me to write about Lego pricing in my newsletter. So in the latest Pricing Evolution article I dove deep into Lego pricing.

The results are b…

Surprising Trends in Lego Pricing

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Remember that a journalist quitting a legacy media outlet on principle is a luxury lots of reporters don't have.

There's the whole needing-to-pay-the-mortgage thing…

Very interesting read, but once again your math is misleading and actually a half-truth, needs some help as I' shown before. In regard to Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3) 1000 gal nurse tanks. You said each tank holds 1000 gallon, 5000 #'s of nitrogen. BUT that's NOT TRUE, a nurse tank is NEVER filled over 85% to allow for expansion. a 1000 gal nurse tank holds 850 gallon of NH3 (5#/gal = 4'250#) which is 82% act N which = 3,885# actual N.,/ tank. You are 1185#/tank too high and wrong. Now take the on o…

If you acknowledge there's a problem and that it's a big concern what are your solutions? I don't hear hatred in Chris's substack. I hear a strong call to action.

I said sometimes. Sorry but his writings say 'farmers' not 'some farmers'. That's like saying 'writer's' twisting words instead should say 'some' writers.

Out of 153,680 2020 census counted farmers in the state of Iowa 799 of them are organic. The only thing wrong with his statement is calling the other 152,000+ “Farmers” …. They’re fucking miners. Anytime you use more calories than you produce, you’re a miner! Strip mining with no concerns about the environment or anything in it. Fuck you and your disingenuous bullshit.

Wow! I personally don't feel it is a reality calling 152,000 'farmers' (producers) as #^@#%^$ 'miners. Yes I've seen a few, very few, especially in 1980's when so many going broke and no money for inputs. But they only lasted for a couple years. Thx for your intelligent input, everyone has opinion and thoughts.

Only if you use definitions of words……

Aug 5
2:59 PM