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Study great art and you always find one thing modern artists hate: limits. Dr Seuss wrote Green Egg & Ham using only 50 words; sold 200 million copies. Dostoevsky had 27 days to finish The Gambler, did it in 26. The paradox of art: freedom is boring but constraints produce beauty

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How to Begin Crossing Between Worlds

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Livestream: America This Week Now

I lived in Steubenville in the mid-90s while attending the university and recently visited last October with my daughter and was shocked at how empty the city had become. Even in the 90s the city was declining in population, but now it feels like a ghost town. Steubenville's problems go beyond fewer Catholics in the pews to real economic…

Demographics and the Steubenville test case

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I’m hearing horror stories around full-remote dev hiring on both sides - but this is a new low: a small startup nearly hired a strong software engineer who was… a deepfake. Twice.

The second time, they got it on video: this was the deefake that was sloppy. The first one they didn’t even spot!

All details and lots of learnings for any star…

AI fakers exposed in tech dev recruitment: postmortem

AI is getting better at writing fiction. A lot better.

If you’re a writer, that should worry you.

If You're a Writer, This Should Worry You

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Finally hit 1,000. I feel like it’s something to celebrate, so I’m giving a free lifetime subscription comp to the guy who got me there, subscriber number 1000,

. Thanks dude, hope to meet you someday so I can tell you in person! And thanks to everyone else who’s been here over the last year, it means more than you know.

Rich Mullins once was being interviewed by a woman who worked a Christian radio program. She was more or less trying to see if he was an appropriate guest. When he shared that he figured he became a Christian when he was three years old, singing a hymn in Sunday School, she exclaimed:

“You were way too young to have any idea what you were doing!”

His reply: “Lady, none of us know what we’re doing.”

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Anyone else worried about what Substack is turning into? My understanding was that it used to be a place for nerds like you and me to try our hand at writing. But it seems that within five minutes from now it’s going to be essentially another crowd funding hub for videos and audio which I fear will drown out the written word.

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If Trump Blows it on Speech, the World is Screwed

The Signal is an itineration of versions past. Top image is me as a young adult in the military. At 24, I dove into business strategy, warfare, and psychology. Daily reading fueled my mission to innovate. Bottom image is now. In business, like on the field, innovation is everything—push boundaries, challenge norms, disrupt the ordinary.

Grow your publication on Substack

With recommendations, referrals, and a powerful growth network, Substack creators spend less time on marketing and more time on their craft.

My Now page has been updated with the latest on what I’m doing now, including a new podcast I’m developing.

I love video games but have never been able to get this out of my head

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Marketing isn’t all on your shoulders. More than 50% of all new free subscriptions and 25% of paid subscriptions come from within our network.

Five things to remember as the Mahmoud Khalil case develops

Years ago, I sat in my gambling counsellors office and cried. I couldn't see myself ever getting sober; ending things seemed my only way out.

Today I hit 1.5 years sober. Onto the next day 🙂

1.5 years gamble free...and counting!

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide

What a powerful piece. Perhaps the most appalling aspect of the whole thing is that so few people are appalled. I am another public intellectual who was widely denounced, condemned, and cancelled for my Covid heresies. As an anti-Semite, for daring to bandy about terms like genocide. As a racist (for thwarting the delivery of life-saving vaccines to the minorities that disproportionately die of Covid). As a purveyor of disinformation. You know the routine. Once upon a time, my audience tilted s…

you confirm ,sir, that I was right to reject the Left when i did. For 40 years i was a leftist but that fell apart nearly 5 years ago when I was in my late fifties.

It has concentrated my thinking marvellously, and I regret that i did not have the presence of mind to do so yeras before!!

2 Replies
Jun 10, 2022
9:14 AM

So long as human original DNA corruption exists, people will have NPC zombie thoughts, whether left or right, blue or red.

May I suggest a default to right/wrong, moral/immoral? The politcal right engages in all sorts of usurpations as well. Perhaps not as egregiously as the left, but the right has no issues with considering you a subject and stealing from you either.

For example, Neomccain warmongers on Soviet Ukraine war.

Related notes

From How to Know Higher Worlds.

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When you proclaim that anti-Zionism is antisemitism and then Zionism murders tens of thousands of children, you are naturally going to see a rise in "antisemitism" as you have defined it. That's all this whole "antisemitism crisis" narrative has been from the very beginning.

Zionism is not a religion, it's a fucking political ideology. It's always legitimate to criticize a political ideology. Saying it's evil forbidden speech to express disdain for Zionism is the same as saying it's evil forbidd…