Allowing Trump anywhere near our military is like giving a three year old a hand grenade. If you appreciate and value our military, then you'll vote these assholes out. 🤦‍♀️

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Jeff: This was profound. Thank you for saying what should be mantra every day

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As a liberal who grew up as an Army Brat, I am at a loss for words how what used to be the pro-military party has devolved into a screaming caucus of cowardly fuckweasles...

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It’s almost like these fuckers have zero insight into the military and how it works...

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Thank you, Jeff. This post should be plastered on the front of every newspaper, and the top story of every news outlet. Oh wait, I'm talking about our MSM...what am I thinking?! As a veteran, the rage I feel every time a fucking Repug talks about how they support the military or how Biden is mismanaging the military threatens to blow my head off. OK, deep breath, OMMMMM.

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“Cold hearted inhuman dick” - that really says it all!

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This makes me so mad, I can’t even finish reading it. Maybe I’ll come back to it later. 🤬

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As a long retired Navy officer I am even more impressed with your work today than usual. This piece resonated as I was furious with the fresh repubs hypocrisy relative to anything militarily, except giving military contractors huge bloated contracts. Please continue with this theme as, it seems, you are the only one who cares.

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Jeff, when Trump blew off the WWI cemetery visit--didn't he also secretly meet with Putin during that time? Am I misremembering?

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Satan's minions. With a video camera in place of pitchforks. Hieronymus Bosch, where are you?

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I'm surprised a lot of GIs didn't get out while the Orange Pustule (OP) was in power, but I'm so grateful they stayed. I can't imagine having to serve with him in my chain of command. He's the Biggest Loser of all time. And yes, watch what they do. Trust but verify. Follow the money.

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I hate these people. Truly.

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I can’t forget how Shitler stood with General John Kelly at the General’s son’s grave in Arlington, looked out over the cemetery and said “I wonder what was in it for them”.

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This is profound Jeff. I hope there is enough common fucking sense in the government to drown out the garbage being spewn from the gqp.

We are in serious turmoil and need Nov to come quickly before these morons cause us to lose more lives because of their complete and utter discord of democracy and it's values.

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I can understand why so many people follow Trump. They’re fucking idiots. My surprise is that I never realised there were so many fucking idiots in America. Like Hitler, don’t underestimate Trump. Madmen do things normal people least expect. Who would have thought Republicans were so sick in the head. We know now, so no excuses to let them anywhere near power.

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Dumpf is unable to believe that anyone exists outside his experience of them...And....

His ramora's don't give a shit as long as they can grab some of the scraps.

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