“Wascaly wabbit Bugs Biden!” 😜. Damn. The stupid runs so damn deep. I can’t believe this is real life. Between Crockett, Raskin, and Moskowitz I have hope for the future!

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Thank you for reminding us all of what a complete waste of time this has been. All the while the Ukraine aid package lagged. We have real business to attend to, and they keep screwing around. MAGA can't govern their way out of a sack.

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I can't get enough of Jasmine and Jared, who offer a wee snippet of hope for Florida and Texas.

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Comer is so stupid he thinks fucking is a city in China.

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I love Bugs Biden!!! 🐰🐰🐰🐰

Old Joe does have a foxy side. By ignoring Comer, he's hanging him out to dry.

Just imagine Biden nibbling on a carrot. What's up, Doc????

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Geez I'm even beginning to miss the Tea Party days. Mind you, the Tea Party clowns were batshit crazy too, but they were just your run of the mill misguided "let's drown the government in the bath" idiots. Not willful Russian stooges. Not traitors.

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Jeff as an AZ resident I am so very proud our AG went before a Grand Jury and obtained indictments against these authoritarian enablers. Couple of points… why would a group of traitors film what they were doing? I mean how fucking dumb can you be? And second point concerns the leaders such as Kellie Ward and her husband who apparently have relocated to the Bahamas to run a charter boat business… does the US have an extradition treaty? Why would these individuals, both doctors, move out of AZ for a charter boat business…. Something stinks here like 5 day old fish laying out in the AZ sun…. Plus their attitudes that they did nothing wrong and fuck you for even questioning their behavior… 🤮🤮🤮🤮

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The only reason for me to ever move to Texas or Florida would be so that I could live in Jasmine Crockett's or Jared Moskowitz' district.

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From wherever he is, Orwell is writing the sequel to 1984 its called 2024!

Cant make this shit up.

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Lolololololololol. Yesterday was a good day for democracy and the rule of law. The Tears of Two Clowns (apologies to Smokey Robinson) will sweeten my morning coffee.

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It’s all absolutely wonderful, but I can’t help but think Christina Bobb’s job title is the cream of the crap. (See what I did there?)

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They had a lot to say.

They had a lot of nothing to say.

We'll miss them.

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Somehow, I just can't imagine George Orwell laughing. He saw the world too clearly. That man's brain could not take a day off. ☹☹️☹️

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“I was hoping our breakup would never become public. We had such a great thing while it lasted James. I will miss the time we spent together. I will miss our conversations. I will miss the pet names you gave me. I only wish you the best and hope you find happiness.”

OMG, that’s fucking brutal! 😆We need to get Jared to the White House, stat!! Or at least be the communications director for Biden’s public relations. He would rip apart TFG so quickly and so badly that he would remand himself to solitary confinement just to get away from him!

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