I’ve always believed Ukraine is just a massive $$$ laundering operation, cover up of Biden family crimes and US Gov funded bio weapons labs‼️

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Thanks for that Max Blumenthal clip, which is particularly informative regarding where the swamp creatures go between friendly administrations. A lot of great work is done by the Gray Zone.

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What will it take to wake the zombies? I shudder to think.

But then I remind myself that God is in charge. Do not live in fear.

Robert and Jill - I’m sorry about your sweet chicken. So happy to hear that Max is ok. What a sweet, beautiful, amazing creature.

Happy 4th of July. God bless you.

May God bless us all!

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Oh my goodness, Robert Malone, what WOULD we do without your sense of humor? If we can’t laugh at the absurdity of it all we are truly doomed.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very glad Max is safe! Your chicken experience is one of the many reasons my husband won't let me have any. While I would probably not become as attached as I was to our almost 17 year old feline Sadie we lost last week (less than 48 hours after returning from a trip), I still form strong animal attachments.

I'm guessing someone has already told you about Emmanuel the emu. I think it was Toby Rogers who posted an Instagram video. (I don't do Instagram!) He is hilarious and I'm betting Max has just as much of a personality. What's the latest on Ivory's eye recovery?

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wait just a damn minute!!!

So, un-elected and un-accountable federal EMPLOYEES at the US Agency for INTERNATIONAL Development, shelled out 4.5 BILLION US TAX PAYER money to "Pay off Ukraine's 'sovereign' debt" - that is "Owned by the CFR member LARRY FINK - via (his) CFR SPONSORED "global investment firm BlackRock"!!!!!!!!

Anyone see or comprehend the ABSURDITY of this cozy arrangement for the FLEECING of US TAXPAYER MONEY by unscrupulous scoundrels?

Turns out, the USAID - is a so-called "independent" agency, created in 1961, by JFK Himself, and as of 2016 stats, has 10,235 federal employees; annual budget of some 27.2 BILLION dollars; salary average

around SIX figures; and is headed by none other than Samantha Power - who (formerly) was citizen of the world - Barrack Obama's Ambassador to the UN ( during which time (she) UNMASKED over 300

American citizens associated in ANY way with Donald Trump -during the FAKE Russia/Trump hoax ginned up by Hillary Clinton, the US "justice" department, FBI - and FAKE NEWS MEDIA.

WHAT A COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"Chickens, as long as they aren’t stressed for space are gentle creatures."

Same goes for humans, mostly.

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just got home from the WW2 Wright Museum in Wolfboro N.H.. Great take on a 4th of July weekend with a good friend that is somewhat a historian. Such a different time then, compared to such a different country now. People from all backgrounds then, banded together to fight for the cause. With this rudderless American hating, divisive government we are existing under today we sadly could never succeed in the same manner. Happy 4th of July everyone.


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Excellent! Had my own chicken story from yesterday. 1 chicken got out while i went into the chicken yard yesterday. I couldn't catch her to put her back in the pin. Off to other things and I didn't get back till after dark. I looked all over for her in the yard and woods w flashlight - no chicken. Went out to check on the flock this morning and somehow she had got back into the pen, I suppose she was panicked around bed time yesterday and somehow managed to get over the fence and back into the pen.

On to the Max Blumenthal video. ...I went to a townhall meeting w/my congress critter this past Thursday. I had previously sent a email to the State Dept and both of my representatives about journalist Gonzalo Lira, a YouTube journalist ,and U.S. citizen, who has been detained by the Ukraine security services. I received NO reply from any of the above.

So I confronted my rep. about it. I also asked other questions about the State Dept/Victoria Nuland involvement in the Maidan Revolution in Kiev in 2014. He knew nothing about that.And he's on the appropriation comittee. I've since been trying to educate him on the history and current situation thru one of his staff who gave me her business card w/email. I sent the Blumenthal video to her.

So I guess what I'm trying to get at is to educate your representatives if you get the chance. They are still stuck on the fake Main Stream Media and even though they are in DC, even they are low info!

I also sent this one yesterday with Col. Douglas Mcgregor:


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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hello Dr. Malone,

Thank you so much for the farm stories and especially Max’s life story, I'm looking forward to knowing how Max progresses. I'm looking at your present life on the farm and thinking to myself that would be one nice place to be in my retirement, but of course I haven't given any thought to the amount of work you must be putting into the place.

You are an incredibly good writer and I’m aware that you must have a mountain of issues to contend with at the moment. Please don’t let me hold you back Mate!

Regards from Brisbane Australia

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Hmmmmm.....Why is it that at the bottom of every stinking pile of endless questions lie the same names such as Blackrock, Alphabet, etc.?

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My eldest at 5 or 6 watched a weasel kill 11 of his beloved Indian Runner ducks. Climbed right up their backs, nearly decapitated them, and went on the next.

And then there was my bright idea of planting alfalfa and mammoth red clover throughout an orchard and its lanes. Fix nitrogen, natural fertilizer. Right. There's a reason for orchard grass. Every rodent loves apple bark and roots. Compound that with the sweet clover and delicious alfalfa tap roots, and I still can't get rid of them all. Ground squirrels, pocket gophers, mice,-- voles--they esp went to town this last winter. There was 2-4 feet of snow cover for over 4 months, and there was no end to their girdling---well up mature trees.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Emu: Viva Max!

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Happy to hear that all you need to do is stretch some chickewire across the bottom of the tractor coop. The chickens will still be able to "free range" thru the chicken wire. I'm not certain if you'll keep out the black snakes but they only suck eggs so at least you'll have the chickens.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

German Journalist Udo Ulfkotte (now deceased, as tends to happen prematurely to some whistleblowers) wrote a confessional book (English title - Presstitutes Embedded In The Pay Of The CIA) in which he revealed how the CIA, more than a decade ago, indicated they wanted to start a war with Russia. They handed pre-written stories to journalists to publish under the journalists' names, of course. Trump was a wrench in their bulldozer/plans... but it does seem that more and more of the public are looking at our 3-letter agency leadership with a jaundiced eye, thank goodness. MSM still largely controlled, but.. we have great independent papers, writers, and journalists springing up in response (thank YOU, Dr. Malone!!).

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another grand STACK of no Waffling on only the best will do!

Cheers to the well lived life!

Minus a chicken or two. (no worries we'll make more eggs)

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