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One thing I find monstrously offensive is when people complain that someone is “manipulative” like that’s somehow an inherently bad thing.
I see this most often in the context of men complaining about women, which I feel is particularly misguided. Don’t get me wrong, I’m probably like 70th - 85th percentile misogynistic for a man depending on how recently I’ve slept and gotten laid, but the thing that makes women so annoying these days obviously isn’t that they’re too manipulative; it’s that they don’t manipulate us enough. And as far as I’m concerned the men who fail to understand this are even worse than women.
I love it when a woman manipulates me, because it means she’s expending significant intellectual and emotional energy to spin a compelling narrative that makes me feel good. Most people pay hookers and therapists thousands of dollars for that.
Maybe she’s doing this because I have something she wants, which in her mind is worth such an investment, or perhaps she merely cares for me as a human bean and wants me to act in a way she feels will produce better life outcomes. Either way I’m flattered, because she’s affirming my masculine agency and ability to produce value.
That’s why in my Goy Story I wasn’t remotely offended when the Canadian sugar baby I hired to thirst trap nerds at our trade show hustled me for a few benjamins. That just means she knows how to play the game! What irritated me is that she allowed my rival to buy her off for an absolute pittance and didn’t keep faith in my ability to come out on top, in which case she would have kept manipulating me and I would have loved it.
We’re all whores these days; what’s truly contemptible is being a cheap whore.
Feminine manipulation is the glue that holds hetero relationships together. It keeps the male ego intact in all sorts of situations where you aren’t Batman and she doesn’t give a shit but you might. It lets her signal when you’re being retarded such that you remain in charge in every way that actually matters to a man. And it allows her to perform vulnerability in a way that maintains some degree of sexual polarity in a ferociously gay world where women are often more powerful than their male peers.
Several years ago I dated this gorgeous little Jewess who had it all down to a science. As an ENFJ theater kid1 with the distinction of having once played Princess Jasmine at Disney World while job stacking as a stripper, she knew pretty much exactly what to say in any situation to keep me feeling like a Chad… which in turn made me act more Chadly in an entirely organic and genuine way.
She had a remarkably clear vision of what the best Walt looks like. But her true power wasn’t in giving me motivation to self actualize in that direction—every girlfriend does that provided you aren’t just using her for pussy and chores. It was in making me feel like the whole thing was my idea from the very beginning.
Looking back my belle juive had me wrapped entirely around her finger, which is amusing given that she was by far the most submissive of any of the broads I’ve dated. The girl had basically zero boundaries, let me do whatever I wanted to her, and crafted elaborate schizo narratives to justify my most insane and retarded behavior.
But in giving me that space where anything was possible she alone provided real direction and constraint. She was a vast Semitic vortex singularly capable of absorbing my cataclysmic supernovas of Scotch-Irish aggression, and basked in the warmth of flames that had burned too bright for her frosty WASP predecessors. That’s why she alone could harness my fire for her own ends and did so with such terrifying precision.
Once I got inside her it suddenly made perfect sense why Jews get to run the media.
You need to realize that when a woman manipulates you she rarely has any intentions you should find even remotely insulting. From a woman on your own level it almost always means she respects you, is into you, or has a protective impulse towards you.
It’s true that a girl far below you in social status will often have nefarious intentions… but c’mon, you should find that more endearing than anything! It’s cute when a working class girl is a bit mischievous. It’s like Aladdin stealing a loaf of bread.
Back when I was very active in the sugaring world a few girls tricked me into sending them $50 “for gas money to get to you” (which sounds remarkably plausible at 2am after a breakup), but when I ultimately figured out this was a scam it never once occurred to me to get *mad* about it. I took notes!
Much like black people, poor women don’t always have the highest IQs, but they’re truly masterful at lying, and these hardscrabble broads taught me a lot of the same techniques I use today to juice multinationals for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Also if we’re being honest here I scammed half of these girls back for feet pics like nine months later behind a burner app, because as good as they are at lying, poor girls are also glass cannons. Why do you think they’re always engaged but never married?
Anyway, my point is that what you should *actually* find insulting isn’t manipulation; it’s when a woman doesn’t manipulate you, and instead chooses to speak in a direct businesslike fashion using that evil faggoty HR voice. What that means is she sees no value in engaging you as a man—that she feels zero need to soothe your ego or perform femininity or play down her own agency so she can get something from you.
She’s conveying subtextually that if she needs anything from you she can get it in a direct and masculine fashion without any onerous emotional labor.
Most of the time women who do this are very consciously employing what homosexuals and fat chicks call the Grey Rock Method—they’re specifically looking to remove any gendered energy from your interaction and sever your emotional connection. When a girl your own age or younger does this, it means you definitely aren’t fucking her any time soon (though you might if she calls you a creep, asshole, worthless faggot etc.), whereas when an older woman does this it means she feels zero maternal instinct toward you and sees you as an annoying pest to be contained and managed. Either way it’s bad news bears.
HR Voice is the purest expression of feminine contempt—the distaff way of indicating she has you placed firmly on the other side of the friend-enemy distinction.
Manipulation, meanwhile, is a sign of love. Or at least a sign of… something.
Because even in the very worst scenario it gives you material to work with.
But this isn’t meant to be a pussy article, so let’s shift gears and talk about how manipulation is a wonderful thing even when purely confined to the fellas.
To that end I’m going to talk about the second ENFJ I’ve relied upon to manipulate me into acting like a Decent Fucking Human: my Brahmin BFF
.Rajeev and I first came into contact when one of my articles about leaving WN went viral and he posted what is probably the nicest thing a stranger has ever said about me.
We soon became great friends and he played an essential role in helping me expand my Substack community as a pluralist nexus for heterodox thinkers who defy easy labels. And he was able to do this so effectively because of a few important factors:
First he’s quite aggressive, just in an fantastically loving and empathetic way. That means whenever some kind of retarded drama emerges in the community he’s quick to get his arms around the situation and squash it before it can fester, but is also certain to do so in a graceful and judicious way that doesn’t burn bridges. This was insanely useful to me, because I’m kind of a weird autist who often has a hard time threading the needle between recklessly accommodating and psychotically aggressive.
He’s also brilliant at tactically using his position as a gay brown feller to build rhetorical space for shitlords like me to advocate for ourselves, but NEVER comes across as an Uncle Tom, and unlike Vivek Ramaswamy will stand up for himself in a dignified and masculine way whenever someone is a dick to him over his race / religion / sexuality (none of which he downplays either—he LOVES talking about being Indian and Gay and answering all my weird voyeuristic questions).
Honestly I’ve been in these sorts of spaces a long time, and have never once seen anyone manage this tension half as effectively as Rajeev does. And the way he does it isn’t even complicated—he’s just incredibly likable and phenomenally talented at inspiring reciprocal loyalty, particularly in eccentric right wing straight white guys who feel like nobody sees them or can emotionally relate to their problems.
Rajeev does. Go read that post I linked above if you want to see how. It will give you a good idea as to why anyone who tries to eject him from these spaces because of his background can expect to wake up with Cap’n Walt’s cutlass shoved down their throat.
See, it’s precisely because Rajeev is a gay brown dude that it’s so easy to open up to him about one’s vulnerabilities—certainly easier than with another straight white shitlord, let alone a femoid you haven’t had sex with a few hundred times. There’s no kayfabe with Rajeev—no need for performative stoicism or braggadocio or civility. There’s no need to repress one’s masculinity to impress some cunt in a pantsuit or amplify it to impress some cunt in a sundress. At long last one is permitted to simply be.
We also aren’t competing in any of the same lanes, which is usually the largest source of friction in friendships between very intelligent and disagreeable men. It’s not like Rajeev will ever want to become a leader of white identitarians (though I sort of hope one day he does, bc that would be kind of funny). If anything his “alien” status in our circles actually gives him a power not unlike that of Tom Hagen in The Godfather—a rather apt comparison given that Rajeev has established a powerful niche for himself across all of my spaces as my most trusted consigliere.
What’s interesting though is that this is a power he assumed completely organically and entirely without needing to make some gauche play for it. He never had to. Simply by being wise around all the crazy white bois who need a trusted brother figure who’ll definitely never try to fuck their girlfriend he draws in our strength like a magnet.
And that’s the power of the priestly caste. It’s why wherever Rajeev goes—from Google to rural Tennessee to my racist pirate-themed get rich quick scheme—he’ll always have a seat at the table. Capable people will cede him authority simply because it’s fucking impossible these days to meet anyone who can actually be trusted with it.
If King Arthur has a serious problem he definitely can’t ask Mordred for advice—he’ll just use the vulnerability as an opening to usurp the throne. He probably worries about asking Guinevere because it might give her the ick and convince her to fuck Lancelot, who he also doesn’t want to ask, and not even because Lancelot isn’t loyal but because it would distract Lancelot from important shit and deprive him of a figure who can help him self actualize in his own youthful masculinity by maintaining a firm and steady posture as his mentor. This, of course, is an incredibly isolating position.
It’s also what makes King Arthur so amenable to doing what Merlin says.
Hence why I’ve practically given Rajeev veto power over a lot of my decisions: Is this promotional vector too grifty? Would it be uncouth to hit on yon female collaborator? Is it too meanspirited to beef with that feller? And if I do, when should I let up?
When I ask Rajeev such questions I’m usually conflicted because I’m grappling with my shadow in some unintegrated way. I don’t know what I want or what my actual values are, so I ask him to lead me to water in a way that feels mostly autonomous.
Or in other words, I ask him to manipulate me.
The last example I’ll show you comes from my friend
, who left this beautiful comment on my recent Dildoween remake:…as well as this comment on my recent article about blackpepo:
It would cheapen these comments to analyze them too directly; their power lies in how rich they are in subtext. It practically oozes off the page, like delicious globs of fat barely clinging to a juicy piece of oxtail.
So all I’ll say is I’m obviously a great fan of unapologetic dissonance, horseshoes, push and pull… and if you haven’t noticed yet, my hatred for pantsuit AWFLs is obviously a lot more layered than I let on. Partially for tedious Freudian reasons, and partially because of my strange relationship with class / mainstream institutions… it’s all there in my writing. Look hard enough and you’ll see why Kate will always have my ear.
I’ll also recommend that you read up on how Enlightenment polemicists like Voltaire managed to operate freely thanks in large part to the incredible social acumen of sophisticated salonnières who sanitized and contextualized their ideas, helped polish their public branding while managing their volcanic egos, and stopped all these weird crazy intellectuals from murdering each other.
It’s because of master manipulators like this that we have things like democracy and human rights (both of which are kinda gay but you know what I mean), and I can get away with saying ni…
“the n-word.”
she played Anne Frank in high school and looked exactly like her, which was interesting
This discussion of the merits of manipulation goes back to the observations made at the end of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini. After an entire excellent book about the major compliance tools people use on one another to alter each other's behavior - even against their will - he spends a vital chapter in the end speaking about the moral consideration to it all. In that chapter, he brought up the natural question that comes to mind after reading about how you can bilk people out of donations by shoving daisies in their hands or convince a prisoner to confess to a major crime by offering him a Coke:
"Is this morally permissible to do?"
The answer he gave was pretty useful. He pointed out that these persuasion routes, these roads to gaining compliance, are all hardwired biological instincts in most people that are of vital importance in social formation, stability, and producing prosperity. Yes, they can be manipulated by those who simply want resource extraction or even by those with more malicious intents. But the instincts are there for damn good reason, and it would be foolish once knowing them to not use them to help guide people to making positive choices. And that was the key that Bismarck was also noting: Manipulation with positive intent towards the subject, to guide them to behaving in ways beneficial to them if not also others beyond them, is in fact something of a duty of those who come to learn of these methods. That and helping them to see through what is a ruse and what is a positive intent that they might approach all attempts at manipulation with eyes-open.
So many people in Nationalist political circles believe that upfront, naked, brutal honesty with no excuses or frills is not only good but even morally necessary. I appreciate their ever-seeking love of Truth, but the Truth alone is insufficient to move the hands of men. Unfortunately they often despise knowing that reciprocity allows one to indebt someone by gift-giving and thereby gather more resources as they try to discharge that burden, or that merely citing social proof in the form of showing big numbers is enough to convince virtually everyone that you're important and should be followed. They hate not being able to simply give people the medicine straight, and instead spurn the sugar that would help them drink it down.
We are rationalities ensconced in bodies of flesh and bone, bodies that have to navigate this world and get along with others like ourselves in order to survive and thrive. We are not pure intelligences able to imbibe Truth straight from the tap, and hardly any will even attempt it. If you want the masses to accept your beliefs, to follow your lead, give you resources, and do what you ask of them, you must embrace "manipulation". Call the rose by any other name if you must - persuasion, influence, compelling, enticing, eliciting. But you must embrace it to find social success. How you embrace those methods and utilize them is where you are to be rightly judged, but acting in knowing accordance with natural principles to affect the world is not in itself to be praised or condemned, merely noted for the real moral hinge-points.
That is, when Captain Bismarck sails off with his merry men of Tortuga towards those gleaming corporate shores, he and they should all know the many clever leverages and tricks he has used to gather them aboard. The good captain will ensure that his followers are serving a mutually-desired end that will earn the entire crew just rewards - and not just the captain. In the end it is not that Bismarck dazzled them with charming promises of riches and power to gain their compliance, but whether he chooses to make good on his promises to his crewmen or chooses to maroon them and scuttle off with the booty himself. But as Bismarck designed Tortuga, the real wealth comes not from the entry-fee but from enriched crewmen ready to support his ongoing ventures. For this venture at least, the main interests of the crew are right in line with the interests of the Captain - as all virtuous upcycles in enterprise are.
But a lover of manipulation should beware, that being able to appreciate a cunning play does not save you from taking the results straight to the gut. Merely seeing the malicious manipulator's strings does not make them pull any less urgently towards the fire. Transact as you wish, with the lifeguard's approach - with good intent, but always feet-first.
(P.S. The PDF of Influence for those looking to read it themselves: https://ia800203.us.archive.org/33/items/ThePsychologyOfPersuasion/The%20Psychology%20of%20Persuasion.pdf)
Walt is weak for Ashkenazi goddesses💯