Create a website in
10 seconds for free

Telesite is a free website builder with artificial intelligence that creates a website with images and text in seconds.

AI Assistant

Made with Telesite

Telesite is for people who value their time.

Visual Builder

Create a website in just a few minutes using our easy-to-use visual builder. No coding knowledge, no programmers - simple and fast.

Mobile Templates

All templates are optimized for mobile devices. Everything you create will look great on any device.


Telesite is a full-fledged website that is easy to manage from mobile devices or computers.

Where to use Telesite

Telesite allows Telegram bot owners to add a button to call a web application, so that clients can get additional information.

Collect Customer Data
Learn more about your customers by automatically gathering information with every interaction with your bot.
Easy Integration
Add Telesite to your bot without modifying its functionality, simply by adding a button at the bottom of the screen.
Universal Access
Your website will be accessible not only in Telegram but also through a direct link to attract more users.
Bot Styling
Create attractive Telesite web apps to make your bot more user-friendly and interactive.

Video lessons

Pricing for everyone!


Make a simple and beautiful website with Telesite AI Assistant.


Full access to the blocks, Telegram WebApps, and more.


All the Personal features plus custom design consultations.

Try Telesite free today

Create your website in 10 seconds and get access to a unique AI system built for small businesses.

Create website with AI