Every human being deeply yearns to be seen, heard and understood.

Choose your TMT training

TMT ESSENTIAL: Self-guided self-study training that you can start and finish at any time.

Start date: Access is instant

Enrolment is open: NOW

Download and review the ‘Essential’ syllabus

TMT Essential
One time
For 4 months

Get access to the essentials of The Mentor Training Approach. A self-guided self-study option for use in your workplace, amongst family and friends and for your own growth and evolution.

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

TMT COMMUNITY: A 4-month certification in The Mentor Training method and approach.

Start date: 2 September 2024

Enrolment opens: 5 August 2024

Download and review the ‘Community’ syllabus

TMT Community
One time
For 4 months

When you want the skills and certification but accreditation isn't important to you, this is the perfect in-between 4-month live training. Become a part of the TMT community and start your mentoring practice this year.

✓ 2 Live teaching calls
✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Receive free mentoring from peers
✓ TMT certification of completion

TMT LEADERSHIP: Best for those after formal accreditation and an 8-month live learning experience.

Start date: 2 September 2024

Enrolment opens: 5 August 2024

Download and review the ‘Leadership’ syllabus

TMT Leadership
One time
For 8 months

Become formally IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists) accredited to be a professional mentor with our 8-month live TMT Leadership training. This comprehensive training will leave you with all the skills, experience and confidence you need.

✓ Live community
✓ Professional IICT accreditation
✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Live calls with TMT teachers twice a month
✓ 20 hours of live 1:1 mentoring practice

Get on the Waitlist:

Thank you for this wonderful experience thus far in your TMT course. I’m so glad I came across it earlier this year because ever since then, it’s like a huge missing piece of a puzzle in my life has been found! Like HUGE! If it wasn’t for your course I’d probably still be wondering what the heck my purpose was! You not only gave it a name but also gave me a direction to take! Thank you.
— Mirella C.

Become a TMT Mentor

Mentoring is a long-lost art that used to be filled by community members.

Now, with the many advances in emotional and intellectual awareness, we are able to provide safe spaces for teaching, sharing and learning that are inclusive of the dynamics of human psychology that interplay in everything we do.

Unless you are learning how to be a doctor or a lawyer and not something that is mostly based on lived experience and constantly changing what we really need in our lives are mentors who will take us under their wings and show us what they know to be true from experience and then encourage us to try things out on our own with their guidance and support.

Our collective is in a deep process of evolution. We see the pain, dysfunction, and trauma human beings have carried for generations play out every day and how that impacts everything we do, no matter how unrelated to ‘human behaviour’ it may seem. Because EVERYTHING we do is human behaviour.

Now is a time of global collective healing. We are finally starting to face our shadows, find hope, and expand to deeper levels of consciousness.

We believe we are at the beginning of a shift from the “expert”/client model. Credentials will be much less of a focus as people seek embodied teachers who’ve done the work and are willing to act as *equals* and mentors.

Mind, body, and soul will be honoured and consciousness will be foundational in the journey. 

Community-based healing will be the focus which creates more accessibility (globally) for people and more freedom for guides, mentors, therapists, and healers who no longer need to work solely within the old models. It also allows for support on a journey that often feels isolating, confusing, and scary in a culture (+ system) that was designed around unconscious, autopilot existence. 

Mentors will act as guides on the journey and openly share their own stories, display their humanness, and hold space for all that comes up in the dark night of the soul. There will be an awareness (just as our ancestors had) that we are our own best healers and that we know, innate, the truth and the wisdom that we seek. What we need from each other, and mentors specifically, is being held and guided as we return home to ourselves in our innate knowing.

In short—we will cycle back to our roots to a time before psychological and capitalist systems were created that labelled us, diagnosed us, and left us to outsource our knowing and our needs and desires to ‘professionals.’ 

We see more circles being held… both in-person and online. More communities coming together to do the work. Each person taking a leadership role in the field that they have the most experience, interest, passion and understanding in.

The Mentor Training teaches you the skills to do this confidently, and safely. We offer three options in accreditation and certification to be a professional mentor in your field of skill, interest and embodied lived experiences.

We are remembering that we really do need each other. To be held, supported and guided by one another.

TMT Modules

Module 1

  • Introduction to The Mentor Training approach

  • Emotional fluency

  • Nervous system support

  • Transference

  • Integrity & Intuition

Module 2

  • Disassociation, adaptation & projection

  • Self- & co-regulation

  • The TMT method & code of ethics

  • How to hold a safe space

  • Example case studies

Module 3

  • Scope of practice

  • Self-care, distress & burnout

  • Projection & reparenting

  • Mirroring & body language

  • Paraphrasing + reformulating

  • Boundaries

Module 4

  • Client management & contraindications

  • Contracts, policies, & confidentiality

  • Asking the right questions

  • Client on-boarding

  • How to open & close a client session

  • Client off-boarding & completion

Take a deep dive into your own mind, heart and intuition in order to become an effective mirror and sounding board for your clients and others in your life. Learn the pragmatic structure and processes required to have in place to hold mentoring sessions.