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Read the texts sent by Ginni Thomas to WH official urging overturn of 2020 election

Read the texts sent by Ginni Thomas to WH official urging overturn of 2020 election
Thank you, Mr Chairman, And thank you, Chairman Thompson, ranking member. As the violence was underway on the 6th, it was evident to all. But we know That for 187 minutes, President Trump refused to act and he refused to act when his action was required. It was essential, and it was compelled by his duty. Compelled by his oath of office, Mr Meadows received numerous text messages that he has produced without any privilege claim urging President Trump to take action. I read a number of those last night to the nation. Here are a few others from Republican members. Quote. It is really bad up here on the hill. Another one. The president needs to stop this asap. Another one. Fix this now. And as we saw last night, dozens of texts, including from Trump administration officials from members of the press from Donald Trump Jr urged immediate action by the president. But we know hours passed with no action by the President to defend the Congress of the United States from an assault while we were trying to count electoral votes. I understand that this is a difficult matter. I have no great desire to be here seeking consideration of this contempt referral. Mr. Meadows was a colleague for more than seven years, but that doesn't excuse his behavior. If anything, his time as a member of the House should make him more aware of the potential consequences of defying a congressional subpoena. We've given Mr Meadows every opportunity to cooperate with our investigation. We've been more than fair. He's brought this situation on himself. But there's no doubt in my mind that he he's in contempt of Congress and has to be held accountable.
Read the texts sent by Ginni Thomas to WH official urging overturn of 2020 election
The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot has in its possession more than two dozen text messages, 29 in total, between former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, a conservative activist and the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, according to multiple sources familiar with the messages.These text messages, according to sources, took place between early November 2020 and mid-January 2021. Thomas recently revealed that she attended the pro-Trump rally that preceded the U.S. Capitol attack on Jan. 6, 2021, but says she "played no role" in planning the events of that day.The text messages, reviewed by CNN, show Thomas pleading with Meadows to continue the fight to overturn the election results."Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!! ... You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America's constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History," Thomas wrote on Nov. 10, 2020.Thomas regularly checked in with Meadows to encourage him to push claims of voter fraud and work to prevent the election from being certified. Meadows often responded. On that same day as the previous text, he wrote: "I will stand firm. We will fight until there is no fight left. Our country is too precious to give up on. Thanks for all you do."On Nov. 24, 2020, Meadows promised he wasn't done battling on Trump's behalf and evoked his faith as a source of strength."This is a fight of good versus evil. Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it."Thomas wrote to Meadows on Nov. 19, 2020, "Sounds like Sidney and her team are getting inundated with evidence of fraud. Make a plan. Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down." Attorney Sidney Powell, who worked on Trump-aligned lawsuits seeking to challenge the results of the 2020 election, was also referred to by herself as "The Kraken" in reference to the ancient mythological sea creature.By the end of November, Thomas was getting increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress of the attempt to find a path to overturn the results.On Nov. 24, 2020, she wrote: "I can't see Americans swallowing the obvious fraud. Just going with one more thing with no frickin consequences... the whole coup and now this... we just cave to people wanting Biden to be anointed? Many of us can't continue the GOP charade."The committee is in possession of only one text from the month of January 2021, four days after the riot on Capitol Hill.Thomas wrote to Meadows that she was angry with Vice President Mike Pence for not taking the steps necessary to block the certification of the election results."We are living through what feels like the end of America. Most of us are disgusted with the VP and are in a listening mode to see where to fight with our teams. Those who attacked the Capitol are not representative of our great teams of patriots for DJT!! Amazing times. The end of Liberty," Thomas wrote.Thomas' messages reflected a belief that the legal challenges presented by a group of conservative lawyers helping the campaign were valid. She attempted to convince Meadows to put his faith in the hands of Powell, who had spent the weeks following the election claiming to have mountains of evidence of fraud that never martialized.The content of the text messages may be of interest to the committee's investigation, because it asked Meadows in a subpoena to turn over "both documents and your deposition testimony regarding these and other matters that are within the scope of the committee's activity."The revelation of text messages between Thomas and Meadows, both key allies of former President Donald Trump, comes as progressives and some legal ethics experts see her activism as a potential conflict of interest for Justice Thomas' work on some Supreme Court cases.Meadows turned over thousands of text messages before he stopped cooperating with the committee. The texts have proven to hold a treasure trove of information about what was going on in the White House in the days leading up to the insurrection, and what people in Trump's orbit were thinking.The text messages in the committee's possession are only part of the tranche of documents that Meadows provided to the committee during the short period of time he was cooperating with their investigation. They do not necessarily represent the sum total of communication between Thomas and Meadows during that period of time.There is also the possibility some messages were not turned over due to privilege claims.Meadows and Thomas are longtime friends, both of whom have been active in conservative causes for decades.While Thomas has been actively involved in politics, she says she has been careful to distance her activity from her husband."But we have our own separate careers, and our own ideas and opinions too. Clarence doesn't discuss his work with me, and I don't involve him in my work," she recently told the Free Beacon.The work of the Jan. 6 select committee has already come before the Supreme Court. In early January. The court did not stand in the way of the release of thousands of documents from the Trump White House despite the former president suing to keep them secret under executive privilege. The vote on the matter was 8-1, with only Justice Thomas dissenting.CNN reached out to both Meadows' attorney and Thomas directly for comment and have yet to hear back.A spokesperson for the committee declined to comment.

The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot has in its possession more than two dozen text messages, 29 in total, between former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, a conservative activist and the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, according to multiple sources familiar with the messages.

These text messages, according to sources, took place between early November 2020 and mid-January 2021. Thomas recently revealed that she attended the pro-Trump rally that preceded the U.S. Capitol attack on Jan. 6, 2021, but says she "played no role" in planning the events of that day.


The text messages, reviewed by CNN, show Thomas pleading with Meadows to continue the fight to overturn the election results.

"Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!! ... You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America's constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History," Thomas wrote on Nov. 10, 2020.

Thomas regularly checked in with Meadows to encourage him to push claims of voter fraud and work to prevent the election from being certified. Meadows often responded. On that same day as the previous text, he wrote: "I will stand firm. We will fight until there is no fight left. Our country is too precious to give up on. Thanks for all you do."

On Nov. 24, 2020, Meadows promised he wasn't done battling on Trump's behalf and evoked his faith as a source of strength.

"This is a fight of good versus evil. Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it."

Thomas wrote to Meadows on Nov. 19, 2020, "Sounds like Sidney and her team are getting inundated with evidence of fraud. Make a plan. Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down." Attorney Sidney Powell, who worked on Trump-aligned lawsuits seeking to challenge the results of the 2020 election, was also referred to by herself as "The Kraken" in reference to the ancient mythological sea creature.

By the end of November, Thomas was getting increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress of the attempt to find a path to overturn the results.

On Nov. 24, 2020, she wrote: "I can't see Americans swallowing the obvious fraud. Just going with one more thing with no frickin consequences... the whole coup and now this... we just cave to people wanting Biden to be anointed? Many of us can't continue the GOP charade."

The committee is in possession of only one text from the month of January 2021, four days after the riot on Capitol Hill.

Thomas wrote to Meadows that she was angry with Vice President Mike Pence for not taking the steps necessary to block the certification of the election results.

"We are living through what feels like the end of America. Most of us are disgusted with the VP and are in a listening mode to see where to fight with our teams. Those who attacked the Capitol are not representative of our great teams of patriots for DJT!! Amazing times. The end of Liberty," Thomas wrote.

Thomas' messages reflected a belief that the legal challenges presented by a group of conservative lawyers helping the campaign were valid. She attempted to convince Meadows to put his faith in the hands of Powell, who had spent the weeks following the election claiming to have mountains of evidence of fraud that never martialized.

The content of the text messages may be of interest to the committee's investigation, because it asked Meadows in a subpoena to turn over "both documents and your deposition testimony regarding these and other matters that are within the scope of the committee's activity."

The revelation of text messages between Thomas and Meadows, both key allies of former President Donald Trump, comes as progressives and some legal ethics experts see her activism as a potential conflict of interest for Justice Thomas' work on some Supreme Court cases.

Meadows turned over thousands of text messages before he stopped cooperating with the committee. The texts have proven to hold a treasure trove of information about what was going on in the White House in the days leading up to the insurrection, and what people in Trump's orbit were thinking.

The text messages in the committee's possession are only part of the tranche of documents that Meadows provided to the committee during the short period of time he was cooperating with their investigation. They do not necessarily represent the sum total of communication between Thomas and Meadows during that period of time.

There is also the possibility some messages were not turned over due to privilege claims.

Meadows and Thomas are longtime friends, both of whom have been active in conservative causes for decades.

While Thomas has been actively involved in politics, she says she has been careful to distance her activity from her husband.

"But we have our own separate careers, and our own ideas and opinions too. Clarence doesn't discuss his work with me, and I don't involve him in my work," she recently told the Free Beacon.

The work of the Jan. 6 select committee has already come before the Supreme Court. In early January. The court did not stand in the way of the release of thousands of documents from the Trump White House despite the former president suing to keep them secret under executive privilege. The vote on the matter was 8-1, with only Justice Thomas dissenting.

CNN reached out to both Meadows' attorney and Thomas directly for comment and have yet to hear back.

A spokesperson for the committee declined to comment.