
Top 25 Gaming Articles on Substack

Latest Gaming Articles

Video Games Have Never Been Woke

The gaming industry has become far more symbolically liberal over the last decade. But it’s critical to contextualize these shifts.
After 2011 there was a major shift in how symbolic economy professionals thought about, talked about, and pursued “social justice.” As I demonstrate at length in my forthcoming book, these changes were visible along many different dimensions — cutting across the symbolic industries — and were largely
Musa al-Gharbi ∙ 14 LIKES
Jory Pacht
This has to be the worst researched article I have read from you.
1) You call those who disagree with you reactionaries, which shows your obvious political bent.
2) You are not a gamer. If you were, you would be aware that there is a huge disconnect between the legacy gaming press, which you constantly reference and gamers. The gaming press, tends to be far left. Gamers are not. In you want to hear the other side listen to YouTubers such as Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, etc. You do not have agree with those views, but you have to be aware of them. In the word of John Stuart Mill, He who knows only side on side of the case know little of that" Quite frankly I am disappointed that you chose to hear only one side. You are better than that
3) There are people who play games and there are gamers. You are correct that both men and women pay games, but gamers are overwhelmingly males in their teens, 20's and 30's. When game studios overlook this, they lose money. Take for example Suicide Squad, Kill the Justice League. That one game, widely derided as woke, lost Warner Brothers $200 million, Star Wars Outlaws, in which the prime character looks like a 40+ year old woman, will likely suffer a similar fate.
4) You are correct, making money should be the prime objective of any company. But before you can make money, you have to get money. Larry Fink, CEO of Blackstone, which manages nearly 10 trillion dollars in assets, is the father of ESG, He stated in 2017, "You have to force change. You do that by requiring companies to have ESG programs in place to get VC or PE funding. So, Game studios have to keep their PE/VC partners happy, as well as their fans. That is extraordinarily difficult. The result has been that many smaller gaming studios have gone out of business and some of the larger ones are hurting. Meanwhile Asian studios, unencumbered by ESG, are booming.
There has been a widely held assumption in the entertainment and other industries that you will add new costumers if you go woke and still keep your old ones. That has proven not be true. The old ones leave in droves. Lucas Studios, the prime example of this, has yet to make back their purchase price of the studio from George Lucas. You can make a lot of money selling high fat ice cream to your demographic and be far left (Ben and Jerry's) It doesn't work nearly as well when you are selling Bud Light, tractor supplies or woke games.
5) Instead of calling the other side reactionary, you should actually listen to them. You do this in your other areas of research. Who knows? You might actually learn something.

Jul 19

This was 2024’s best week of new video games

Gorgeous games, smart games, there was even a cooking Metroidvania.
When the year is done and I look back, my favorite video game of 2024 will probably have come out in the third week of February. Or maybe during the second week of May. The fourth week of September might have a contender, too.
Stephen Totilo ∙ 37 LIKES
Gavin McFarland
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the variety of this week's newsletters - from parsing corporate securities filings to giving your impressions of indie/"different" games! Stuff like that is why I followed you here and subscribed. Thanks Stephen!
Dominik Bošnjak
> How’d you feel about the Tuesday/Thursday/Friday newsletter schedule this week?
Eh, life inevitably gets in the way sometimes. I don't really mind the change, I feel like I'm getting amazing value for €10/month no matter the timing minutiae of your publishing schedule.
Keep up the great work!

Initial thoughts about the Attempted Assassination on President Trump

Not a chance YouTube will let me talk about this
I woke up this morning to roughly 20 emails asking me to “breakdown” the attempted assignation of former President Trump. I am not an expert in protective details, but I know a few things about firearms.This is my job. If you have $5 to support my work, I would really appreciate it.
Ryan McBeth ∙ 508 LIKES
Marine E-7
It’s difficult to the point of impossibility to feel sympathy or empathy for the being who loves Putin but hates American democracy. Sorry. I’m one of millions of Americans who can at best muster a “meh.” I feel badly for what’s left of our political institutions. MAGA has already started fund raising on the event. The only loser in this is American democracy, rule of law and our once resilient institutions.
Michael Gregory
This is absolutely because of Trump’s own behavior cultivating exactly what he wanted to cultivate but this time it was aimed at him. He’s a rapist, felon, and traitorous insurrectionist. He’s a leader of stochastic terrorism and has been playing “I’m not touching you” games to elicit responses. The assassin is to blame for the death and damage, and Trump is to blame for creating the political and social climate for violence. Calling for violence for protesters/rally disrupters, extrajudicial executions, other forms of “let’s hurt them” type of attitude. I’ve been expecting this to happen for a long time and am not at all surprised by these events. Anyone who has been paying attention shouldn’t be surprised by this tragedy. Trump isn’t just a victim, he’s complicit in his own injuries and the death and damage of the other victims. Fuck Trump. I hope he never gets assassinated so he experiences the horrors of deteriorating from his obesity, overall poor health, and drug abuse. I hope he lives another 20 miserable, decrepit years. The extremism of the right is on display with dangerous individuals making threats on air by saying “the revolution will remain bloodless as long as the left allows it to be.” They are literally playing the “I’m not touching you” game to elicit responses to then point to as justification for their immoral desires and as twisted vindication for propane they’ve been pushing.
I will never implicitly trust a democrat, but I know will always actively distrust a republican. They’re self serving, stupid, and/or morally incompetent. Any altruism from the right is transactional and conditional. The right is much more homogenous than the left and so it’s much easier to lob simplistic statements and risk making generalizations. Now, though, the majority of republicans have behaved in a way that I can safely designated Republicans as default bad-faith participants in any discussion or debate until proven otherwise. It’s no longer fallacious to generalize the party and its supporters in this way.

The Lost Boy Assassin and the Martyr Trump

Trump's Shooting Is Rashomon for American Politics
There’s an Eastern parable about six blind men discovering an elephant in the forest. Each approaches the elephant differently, touching the first part they come across. The under-appreciated American poet John Godfrey Saxe wrote a verse about the parable of the blind men and the elephant in the mid-19th century.
Rick Wilson ∙ 880 LIKES
Ann Anderson
I don't give a damn about the media and their spin. From what I can tell (and I'm aware that I view the elephant through a keyhole, nevertheless) NYT and Washpo are hemorrhaging subscribers. The target of the attack is the same guy he was before. He's not getting sympathy votes. And here's an unintended consequence: If you're someone who wants the Biden Must Go crowd to STFU *raises hand* you got your wish.
Ransom Rideout
I might suggest we let the wondering and analysis stop and do what has to be done. First call the DNC at (202) 863-8000 and let them know, under no uncertain terms, that time is wasting and start canpaigning hard and loud for Biden, the best electable candidate we are going to find. The elephants are shiiting massive piles and we have to watch our step, but there is NO time for delay.The Biden administration is firing on all cylinders and if the driver needs to take a break or has trouble keeping it between the ditches, the co-driver is up to speed and there is NOTHING to worry about. The administration is what gets it done.

Fact Check: Viral Picture Of "Trans Trump Shooter" Turns Out To Be Someone Else

A viral picture on Thursday purported to show that the Trump shooter was potentially transgender. This photo is of an unrelated person named Rose.
Erin Reed ∙ 306 LIKES
Samuel Abram
If I were Rose, I’d sue for defamation.
Sonny Gauthier
I was just telling someone the other day after the shooting before I saw a picture they’ll make the shooter transgender and they start up this hateful rhetoric and well again be the target as usual!! Sad times!!

Modern Luddites: On Being a Digital Minimalist Family in a Tech-Saturated World

Advice from the author of Childhood Unplugged
Introduction from Jon Haidt and Zach Rausch:
Katherine Johnson Martinko ∙ 375 LIKES
Nyla DuBois
The case for a reasonable change in culture
I do love this but she had me at trampoline, hammock, hampster, and garage gym. That's a pendulum swung too far. Not for me personally but for the movement. This is digital luditism (is that a word?) and it's never going to work for the masses. That said, there are surely tons of great ideas and truths to be gained from this work. I will be buying her book. My fear is turning people off to the movement.
My approach with my kids has turned some heads and had some effect in my small orbit. I intend to take that further. It is just one of many approaches and to be clear, I do not disparage any approach! We are all trying and thank god for that.
Briefly my approach is to give my kids very stripped down (Troomi) phones at a young age. Tablets. And they have a computer they share. They learn to use them as tools. Period. They have a couple games on tablets. They watch tv on our biggish tv. We only have one in the house. They play duo lingo mostly. Their phones they only use when they go out to do something that requires money because their banking apps are on there, or if they require a pick up later. 80% of the time they dont bring phones with them. They use their tablets to connect to their friends via facetiime. Lastly, I control everything through the router. Anything over 3rd grade is blocked on the internet but also they dont know how to access that yet. We are currently teaching them about what they cant unsee. They are girls age 9 and 11. My oldest age 21 fell HARD with phones and all of the genZ stuff. Years in hospitals.
I thought about the luddite thing but here's where I landed... I will be a single mother soon. We are getting divorced. I have to negotiate my co-parent as well. At school and sports they WILL be required to have tech. Period. They must know how to use it properly. I am not sporty but I have my kids DEEP in sports already because its about the culture for me. I cant do this alone. I had to build a community of like minded adults. All their friends have tablets and smart watches (not my cup because they are tethered to their parents) but we are ALL in agreement about that being literally a communication tool.
What does that mean at the end of the day? We have banded together to give the kids a play based experience by each family carrying a little more weight in the "doing" arena. I took a group of 5 on a major beach adventure 2 days ago. Another mom did the sleepover a few days before. Another parent did the SUP adventure. We sent them to the same week long day camp. They all play sports together. Some dont like it but they do it anyway because thats where their friends who arent on phones are. Its about culture for us and I cant build that as a one woman show on an island.
I have been following this since 2017. I was at the depths of despair with my oldest. I vowed to never go there again. But I also KNOW you cant control everything. The worst of what she saw and did on the phones including porn etc happened on other peoples phones. In and out of school. She learned some of the worst in hospitals.
I just wanted to hilight this because what I have seen is parents in the middle getting lost in the conversation between all or nothing and we want to capture them because thats the vast vast majority us us. My kids are having a miraculous free playfilled childhood. With phines and tablets. But also with a keen understanding of what they are. Scary tools! Like butcher knives. Thats how we see them. My kids can use a butcher knife at age 9. They can use a phone.
Hi Katherine i was excitied to find your work through Jon Haidt’s Substack.
Im in Australia and have 2 daughters aged 10 and 12 who don’t have social media, phones, and only use internet with permission in a common area for research projects, etc. They do watch shows and movies and play minecraft (not online) together sometimes.
They are homeschooled so it’s relatively easy so far due to the lack of school peer pressure since most of their homeschooled friends don’t have phones either. They would generally prefer to see each other in real life.
I’m looking forward to reading your articles and book.

Both Barrels

Reading, video games, and reading and video gaming.
It’s not a surprise that I read an insane amount of text. From the minute I wake up until the very end of my day, I’m almost assuredly looking at some sort of words. My childhood literary bona fides are unimpeachable, and I carried this appetite throughout my life.
Yassine Meskhout ∙ 14 LIKES
Gortin Shyver
You could be describing me, minus the playing video games bit, but lately I’ve begun to wonder, how is overstuffing my brain making any difference in my life? Am I just playing information Pokémon? I feel the same way about productivity gurus like Ali Abdaal and Tiago Forte: what is the point of your insanely complicated productivity improvement system if the only thing you’re doing with your life is making YouTube videos about setting up said system?
Why should I be so surprised to discover a fellow DCSS player while browsing my Substack favorites? This is just one of those things you don't generally associate I guess.

Yes, we still have to work

The automated luxury paradise is still just science fiction.
“I may live badly, but at least I don’t have to work to do it!” — Slacker
Noah Smith ∙ 243 LIKES
Susan Bingham
You never mentioned the possibility that some of the 2% may have been people who decided to use the money to support them doing the unpaid “work” of childcare and homemaker that supports a paycheck worker.
Also, my personal experience has been that the correlation between higher wages and higher working hours is the "greedy jobs" issue: https://hbr.org/2021/09/the-problem-with-greedy-work (or google the term).
I can make very real, top 5% income if I am willing to work 60 hours a week and respond to the office at the drop of a hat. But if I tried to take a hard line on only working 40 hours, I would not have access to those roles & that income. (BTW I think this relates to the "mommy penalty" we see in wage data.)
And if what I REALLY want is to work 30 hours a week - oh that's just not even an option. That's my secret dream, to work 6 hr days for half my current salary. Absolutely no one wants to offer me that. It's bummer! Working 8am-2pm and getting the afternoon for myself would be awesome.

What's the country split for players of hit Steam games?

We researched some intriguing data. Also: Steam's upcoming Next Fest changes & more....
[The GameDiscoverCo game discovery newsletter is written by ‘how people find your game’ expert & company founder Simon Carless, and is a regular look at how people discover and buy video games in the 2020s.]
Simon Carless ∙ 13 LIKES
Florian Joffrin
Great writeup as usual! I am having a hard time understanding the "median %". Is that the median value of % of players from that country for all games in the dataset (i.e. the value for the game where 50% of other games have more players from that country and 50% have less players from that country), or is it the value of % of players from that country from the median game in the dataset in terms of players (i.e. the value for the game where 50% of other games have more players and 50% have less players altogether)? Or is it something else altogether?

The great and justified rage over using AI to automate the arts

Bosses are using AI to cut corners and kill jobs in gaming, and gamers, workers, and fans are outraged. The reason why is simple.
Hello hello and welcome to another edition of BLOOD IN THE MACHINE, a newsletter about big tech, AI, labor, and power. This thing is free to read, so please feel free to sign up below if you have not already (thank you!). It’s made possible by those of you who pay to subscribe, an act that honestly means a great deal—and makes the continuation of this w…
Brian Merchant ∙ 59 LIKES
Patricia Burke
There is also this to consider: Washing Dishes Is a Really Great Stress Reliever, Science Says https://time.com/4056280/washing-dishes-stress-relief-mindfulness/ We have lost the owner's manual for inhabiting human consciousness.
Melissa Silva
It’ll be interesting to see the next level impacts of this. If AI eliminates jobs in game production will those people then use lower production barriers to create their own gaming offerings and increase the competition? Will there be a premium for “human only” works the way there is with artisan products now?

Jul 25

Video game actors to go on strike over AI

Industry rep "disappointed," says agreement reached on 24 of 25 issues.
Video game voice and performance actors will go on strike a minute after midnight (Pacific) tonight, citing an impasse after 21 months of negotiations between the SAG-AFTRA union and major western video game companies, for a new deal.
Stephen Totilo ∙ 30 LIKES
Nathan Fouts
Hey Stephen, I like the emojis on the "news brief" parts!
>>❗️ A new crate is causing some drama among players of Counter-Strike 2, Kotaku reports.
Man, I could eat stories like this for dinner.
It's the essence of design! One tiny change rearranges the entire level.
Stories like this I think are a good way to illustrate to non-gamers how subtle games (and design in general) can be.
Hoping our friends at Guerrilla choose not to use AI to replicate Lance Reddick in the next Horizon entry ...
Sorta sounds like the Hasbro CEO may not realize Larian is a singular entity among developers.
Two newsletters mentioning Death Stranding ... clearly a sign. Would love to know what Game File thinks of the game. Just beware: Kojima went full-Kojima on the narrative.

Patrick McKenzie - How a Discord Server Saved Thousands of Lives

Plus unconstitutional censorship, money laundering, Factorio, and a friendly debate about crypto
I talked with Patrick McKenzie (known online as patio11) about how a small team he ran over a Discord server got vaccines into Americans' arms: A story of broken incentives, outrageous incompetence, and how a few individuals with high agency saved 1000s of lives.
Dwarkesh Patel ∙ 14 LIKES
>There are many good writers in the world, Derek Thompson for example. He's a chemical engineer [...]
Did he have the correct name here? The linked Derek Thompson doesn't seem to be a chemical engineer, and I couldn't find one varying how the name is spelled.
Patio11 is great, I've been following him on various forums and blogs for probably 20 years. Looking forward to this one! 💚 🥃

Eczema from cell phones

Origins of screen dermatitis
Here’s what we’ll learn in this article:
Roman S Shapoval ∙ 43 LIKES
Kiwi in the Crowd
Can confirm. I've had life long severe 'eczema'. It became manageable as an adult when I learned about eating clean and how chemical / mold exposures overload the body. Aside from pregnancy, where it was uncontrollable, I was able to keep it at bay. Then abruptly, it surged and took my arms. The itching was unlike anything I'd experienced before, I wanted to peel my skin off. Nanotech in the body grows much faster in the presence of EMF. I watched nanotech come out of my skin as I used hydrogen peroxide to neutralise it and draw it out. I've documented this journey on my substack. It's back under control these days.
If you have severe 'eczema', I'd recommend:
> Avoid as many NNF's as possible (non native fields).
> Wear natural fibers, avoid commercially made clothing if possible as it's been messed with so horribly.
> Stop exposing yourself to artificial light in ANY form. Candle light works fine, and they're easy to make. We use home made beeswax candles in a candle lantern. They're so easy to make, my kids do it as one of their chores. My kids (including my teen, who does NOT own a phone) spend their evenings reading and drawing. Kids adjust perfectly fine.
> Put down your freakin' phone! Better yet, get rid of it.
> Wash your clothes in something natural. We use mined mineral borax for our clothes, hair, and skin. I use pure white vinegar in my hair as a conditioner.
> Lower your overall toxic load in every other way you can.
That's how I fixed my 'unfixable' eczema. And I still live in a high RF area (danger zone of a cell tower), when we move, maybe I'll need to take fewer precautions.
Keith Cutter
Thanks Roman for another insightful article!

How Little Kitty, Big City purred into millions of homes!

Also: those Xbox Game Pass changes, and a whole buncha news...
[The GameDiscoverCo game discovery newsletter is written by ‘how people find your game’ expert & company founder Simon Carless, and is a regular look at how people discover and buy video games in the 2020s.] Since we imagine you’re all sunning yourselves at the pool right now - not slaving in front of a hot monitor trying to juice your social stats (rite…
Simon Carless ∙ 32 LIKES
James Francis
A question: did you discuss the impact of Gamepass on Little Kitty, Big City's revenues? Did they get a big cheque from Microsoft or see a boost in retail sales? I'm very curious about the impact of subscription platforms on overall revenue and sales momentum.
тру стори, игра того стоит!

The So-Called Trump Shooting: Everything it Seems Is a Fraud!

Maybe what I am about to say will greatly upset many, but so be it. The entirety of this fiasco stated as an assassination attempt on Trump is not only questionable, but ludicrous. The inconsistencies are so stark as to be beyond the imagination of anyone with a working brain. Question everything as I always have recommended, is imperative concerning th…
Gary D. Barnett ∙ 42 LIKES
Sending MUCH thanks to you, G. No one in my personal (geographical) realm is even questioning -- just gulping the Kool-Aid. The entire crowd looks like it was hired, waiting for cues from handlers. The flackjackets walking the stage, a smatter of blood (who caught the bullet that missed the Jabfather?), defiant fist pumps from the brave Leader. Applause! It could not have been better if it had been scripted....Oh, wait a nanosecond...!!! And the alleged gunman had no i.d. so they ran a supersonic DNA test, identified him, his vehicle, parents, etc.
Roger Mitchell
I cut my ear once when I was about 20 years old and the blood just spurted and splattered everywhere. Logic alone would dictate that if Trump had been shot in the ear, there would have been blood all over his pure white, immaculate shirt when he got up out of the dog pile, but there is not a drop to be seen. Neither was there any on his hand after he put it to his ear initially and then pulled it away.
Not a drop. Nothing. He was not shot. I am certain of that.

Digital toys at play

Top 10 toy and entertainment licensors in gaming
Both the Euro Cup and the Copa America are, at long last, behind us. Sobered by the loss to the English (a deserved win), I already have high hopes for 2026 when the World Cup kicks off.
SuperJoost ∙ 16 LIKES
James Francis
My PC GamePass subscription will practically double, so I suspended it. I can activate it if I need to access a game on there and it's considerably less than buying the game on Steam. So, basically, for me at least, the price increases make it a bit easier to decide if owning a game is better instead.
I haven't checked in on the Epic Store in months, but I hope they're keeping up. Right now, Gamepass and Steam form a nice Try and Buy dynamic.

What would a faithful World War Z adaptation look like?

Is it possible to make a serious, thoughtful movie about global disaster and recovery?
Alex Wellerstein ∙ 18 LIKES
Vaughn P. Patania
For me the most interesting aspect of apocalyptic horror fiction is the response and recovery...providing the apocalypse is a credible one that allows for the possibility of human survival and eventual recovery (for instance a massive planetoid strike that reduces the whole surface of the planet to molten magma would be right out). That's why - as an example - although "The Road" struck a cord with me emotionally - I could not fully engage with the characters and their situation because I didn't understand what had brought their world low and why - years, apparently, after the triggering event - this situation for survivors was still so primitive and desperate. Same with the generally execrable "Walking Dead" universe of stories where the characters never did seem to learn how to overcome the issues of their new normal and spent a lot of time flailing uselessly about. Did the zombie virus preferentially kill anyone with an IQ over 90?
I've been in the headspace of a much more critical discussion of World War Z. You're not wrong with it's unique mechanical-narrative framing being a boon for cinema if replicated. That doesn't take away it's politics which is to put it mildly is a time capsule fusion of 2000's liberalism and 'reformist' doctrine. This to my mind makes "How are we going to adapt Yonkers and the Redeker plan?" a bigger question to ask any future adaptation rather than the ones you've already answered in this article.
To get back to the main topic: This considerations and discussion with more neutral space does lean me more towards the mini-series. The differences in research and locational negation should provide more peer review and updating on it's politics. My only nitpick is that the adaptation should have a mixture of hi-fi/lo-fi presentation distinct from the Burns style to both preserve the post-apocalyptic with new tech of the setting and the context of the interviewing breaking this work into it's own out of a neutral goverment report.

On smartphones, teenagers and anxiety

An interview with Jonathan Haidt about The Anxious Generation. Plus a grab bag of culchy recs
Hello hi happy Saturday!
Pandora Sykes ∙ 220 LIKES
Another FABULOUS read on anxiety for this generation is:
The Twenty Something Treatment by Dr Meg Jay.
I listened to it on audible but have bought the book too as it is so useful.
Lucy Gilmour
Oh Pandora 😭 my 11 year old is about to finish Y6 and I am ALL OVER THE PLACE with giving / not giving her a smartphone. I don’t want to…but literally her entire 90-person year other than her has one already. Can your v clever techy brother give us all a primer on how he’s managed his brilliant, wonderful, balanced-sounding daughters’ phones! (In the next newsletter please. Have just deleted my own Instagram account in horror 😉) I loved and valued the time and thought you’d ploughed into this interview / newsletter. Thank you ❤️

Running a Marathon is Like Climbing a Mountain

What the video game Celeste, Grinnell Glacier, and running a marathon have in common.
Greetings! As you may have noticed, there was no Running on Sentences last week, even though I fully intended there to be an issue. I think I overestimated my ability to write when helping Kimberly after her labral repair surgery. Having hip surgery is a big deal! My brain translated being at home all week to “so much writing time” when in reality that …
Sydney Bollinger ∙ 4 LIKES
It's all clicking for you! You're taking even more from this experience than you're putting in it - and that's A BUNDLE! The marathon is not about the race - it's the mirror that it holds up for you to see yourself.
Lindsay Merbaum she/her
Yes, there must be a "why!" This applies to so many hard, painful things. You got this!

Young Men Alone--with Guns

What do neglected widows have to teach us about lone shooters?
Jesus changes everything.
Lori Roeleveld ∙ 16 LIKES
Sandra Lacy
Love your tender, reeling heart! Sadly evil is not confined to loners. Judas lived daily among the 12 and even with Jesus Himself! . The larger picture is that our nation is reaping what we have sown when we allowed them to kick God, His Word and Ways out of the schools and most every public arena. We did not contend for the faith! Judgment is what we are experiencing, and there are signs that severe mercy is indeed waking us up. 3 states have directed the Bible to be taught in schools again. There are other encouraging things happening. Hang on to the hem of His garment and pray we wake up quickly! II Chron. 7:14 😘💖🌟
Nancy K. Sullivan
I watch my daughter and son-in-law as the doors of their home are wide open to friends of their two teen sons. My daughter car pools them as she does her own, no matter the distance or time. Their "bonus sons" get to witness a Christian, loving home. Some are now heaven bound - to God's glory - because their sons invited them to church where they are now part of that family as well. I'm not claiming bragging rights, rather sharing how God is using them because charity/love begins at home.

Smart categories create variety

Design your lists to better serve you
Longtime readers know that I tend to suggest people plan their upcoming weeks on Fridays. Part of that advice is to create a 3-category priority list. What is most important, over the next week, for …
Laura ∙ 20 LIKES
100% agree. I make 3 categories for my weekend to-do list: out and about, house and relax. Often the relax category is empty unless I am intentional about reading a book or watching something on Netflix
Leanne Rose Sowul
This year, I took my categories a step further and aligned them with my word of the year, which was RAINBOW. I have a category for every color (and of course it’s fun to color-code them)! It’s more categories than most would like, but it encourages me to create separate buckets for things like “friends” and “hobbies” and “personal growth.” It reminds me that my life is a beautiful spectrum and work is only one strand.

Canzano: Embracing the sweet sound of summer

A football column... but not really.
I bumped into Portland State quarterback Dante Chachere at Langdon Farms Golf Club last week. He volunteered to play in a local celebrity golf tournament that benefits children. It was 102 degrees when his group teed off.
John Canzano ∙ 129 LIKES
Greg Galbraith
John, please keep bringing great human stories like this one. Life isn’t all about the sports on the field.
Al Van Houten
Once again, John your able to bring out the things that are really important to all us. We must never forget to give back to those who aren't as fortunate as we are. I relate first hand to your email Sunday. I was raised in an Orphanage. My brother and I didn't know what it was like to have grandparents or a Mom and Dad. Our 1 week 🏕 ⛺️ camping trips each summer ☀️ was the highlight for both of us. Our very first football game was to see the Colorado Buffaloes, in Boulder Colorado. They the Buffaloes had big brother day for us Orphan kids. The lesson we learned was to give back to those who are less fortunate then yourself. The catholic nuns taught us well, in that regards. We both took that lesson learned and continued to move it forward. Thank you 😊 once again.

Aren’t You Lonely?

Friendship has become another joyless thing to do on a screen
The most common question people ask me when I say I don’t use Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or TikTok is: aren't you lonely? Aren’t you cut off? How do you stay in touch? In a way these are strange questions.
Freya India ∙ 1371 LIKES
Stephen Moore
The biggest irony of social media is that in pursuit of their goal to “connect the world” they made everyone more disconnected than ever.
It scares me thinking of the generations who have/will grow up with social media/devices/headsets etc from the get go. Those childhood years of just fucking around and not giving a shit are so critical.
Amy From Michigan
Excellent excellent article and all very true. A huge stumbling block for this generation is the inability to be bored. I don’t think they know what to do in moments of silence and always turn to their phones. So much can happen when you are bored and let your mind wander. I don’t know how they ever think about anything because they never give it a rest with all the scrolling and videos on and notification, pings, etc. I’ve stopped using my phone and the computer on Sundays and it’s been a real revelation for this 53-year-old. I highly recommend it! start slowly cutting some of this crap out of your life, and I think the benefits will far outweigh whatever you might think you are missing.