
Top 25 Gaming Articles on Substack

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10 years of Games and Social Impact

Francesco Cavallari recounts the decade-long journey of Video Games Without Borders.
Every time I think about Video Games Without Borders I’m amazed: a simple idea has become an international community, small projects have generated a huge impact worldwide and a professional career has become a personal jouney during which in I’ve met great people and learned a lot from them.

Feb 23

Cannibalising video games 🎮

8 games that inspire rpg scenario design
Murkdice ∙ 27 LIKES
Was just thinking about KOTOR2 yesterday. I have been playing a bit of Rogue Trader, which is billed as a role playing game, but it really isn’t. KOTOR2 was a REAL computer rpg

Nostalgia For a Terrible Time

Masculinity, video games and fathers
Playing Halo in the basement
Sachin ∙ 16 LIKES
wait this goes so hard (awesome work man/boy/mate/lad/homie/mister/dad/son really enjoyed this one)
Timber Stinson-Schroff
Choose your technocrat fighter
Bezos - juiced up gym rat
Zuck - third wave mma hobbyist
Elon - larping rpg kingpin

Sex, Lies and Video Games (Mailbag Pt. 3)

Saucy insider secrets, Chargers and Falcons musings, red zone stats, a (brief) foray into politics, Civilization reviews and memories, and more.
Thanks for all of your questions this week! A few housecleaning items before we start the final segment of Mailbag:
Mike Tanier ∙ 85 LIKES
Cuttin' onions by the end, Mike. Glad you're still at it.
Scott Schrum
Looks like Woody’s “stoopid” genes were inherited intact: If my dad owned an NFL team, the last place I would take my cute date would be to the team’s locker room, where she could compare me to the disrobed professional athletes.

Feb 27

Your Guide to March’s Family Friendly Video Games

The wait for Switch 2 continues, alongside more games aimed at older kids.
We exist in a nebulous world between Switches. There are a number of games coming out in March that I expect will soon announce they’re coming to Switch 2 later this year. Until then, they’re more likely to remain Mario Kart machines—or, in the case of my children at the moment,
Patrick Klepek ∙ 17 LIKES
Ravi Hiranand
“I love co-op games, but I have no one to play them with!”
Ah, adulthood.
Dungeons of Hinterberg was one of the highlights of last year for me. The puzzles scratched the same itch as the shrines in Breath of the Wild did, and the combat was fun enough to make me not wish I could skip it. It was a lot of fun. Might have to dip back in for a new game + run once I'm done with Avowed.

10 Based Video Games You Should Play Right Now

We are all tired of feminism and wokeness. These leftist ideologies have destroyed the best hobby in the history of mankind. However, to destroy something, that something needs to have been great once. Here are 10 absolutely based games you should play right away in your path to reclaim gaming.
Yorch Torch ∙ 12 LIKES
Not a bad list. The only questionable one is Assassin's Creed Black Flag since even the earlier titles had some propaganda in them, but I haven't played it, so I can't be certain.
Notice how all of those are old games? If you want to check out the most based game ever try The Great Rebellion, where you have to liberate Europe from globalism.
Ah, Duke Nukem 3D sure brings back some memories. As does Doom. Another great based first person shooter I enjoyed was Serious Sam. Check it out if you can find it.

The Curious, Unparalleled Ickiness of Video Games

Making Sense of Their Mysteriously Potent Repulsiveness
A few months back, a tweet circulated that ranked hobbies that women found repulsive and unflattering in men, claiming that playing video games outmatched other leisure activities by a wide margin in inspiring negative affect among females. The stats were of questionable provenance and maybe downright phony, but they captured a real phenomenon anyway—li…
B.P.S. ∙ 186 LIKES
Ben Hoffman
Consider two scenarios:
Scenario A: Your partner spends 20 hours a week practicing an instrument that doesn't make sound, but demonstrates increasing technical mastery through a complex ranking system visible only to other silent-instrument enthusiasts.
Scenario B: Your partner spends 20 hours a week on an activity that could theoretically lead them to leave you, but currently just wastes time.
Which bothers you more?
If you're like most people, A feels uniquely maddening in a way B doesn't. This might explain the asymmetric reactions to gaming versus social media use between genders. As the article notes, even a professional athlete's wife - someone with essentially unlimited resources to outsource any neglected tasks - still hectors her husband about gaming. This suggests something deeper than mere opportunity cost or time waste is at play.
The "addiction" theory falls short - other addictive hobbies don't generate the same visceral disgust. The "jealousy over attention" theory seems plausible but doesn't explain why women don't react similarly to other absorbing male hobbies like fantasy football or car restoration. And while many write it off as just being "childish," this doesn't explain why women react more negatively to gaming than to other supposedly immature male pursuits.
What makes gaming special is that it demonstrates male capability for sustained, competitive, hierarchical achievement... being channeled into status systems that women consider illegitimate. It's not just time wasted, but visible proof of ambition misallocated. The Wodehouse reference illuminates this - his characters' leisure pursuits were socially embedded and status-generating within systems women valued. Even "wasteful" male hobbies like golf or social drinking historically served to build business relationships and social capital. They might trigger resentment over time spent, but not disgust, because they at least theoretically improved the man's career prospects or social standing in ways that could benefit his partner.
Modern gaming represents a pure sink of male achievement drive - effort poured into hierarchies that generate neither resources nor social capital that could serve the partnership. It's not just useless, but actively demonstrates a willingness to excel at something with zero partnership payoff.
This is why social media, while similarly "wasteful," doesn't trigger parallel male revulsion - it represents a potential threat of relationship defection, though not a betrayal of potential. A man might feel threatened by his partner posting thirst traps or maintaining a network of admiring followers, though expressing such concerns gets quickly labeled as controlling or abusive.
Watching a capable man spend his energy on purely virtual achievements feels like watching someone with the strength to hunt spending all day practicing spear-throwing at illusory deer. The visceral disgust might be an adaptive response saying "this person is demonstrating high capability but zero actual investment in things that matter."​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Philosophy bear
I kind of have the intuition myself. If a man I was dating was really into computer games- I mean 20+ per week on average over the year- I would find that offputting. There's a synthesis between concern about childishness and concern about ambition sinks. The child displaces their ambition to the world of imaginal play but the adult doesn't. The man who wants to play as a superhero too much is unattractive for exactly the opposite reason that a real superhero would be attractive. A little play shows imagination. Too much play as a hero is an abdication of the attempt to actually be a superhero - even if we can only manage a very limited version of that.

First Impressions: Avowed

What do I think of Avowed after 23 hours of game play?
Margot ∙ 17 LIKES
I bought avowed almost immediately because I’m a massive fan of both Pillars of Eternity games, I don’t think it really lived up to what I was expecting. I was hoping for a big more open world in the sense of like, “please let me open every cabinet and drawer I can see even if there’s nothing in there.” But overall I think it’s a great game, I’m still hoping for a 3rd addition to the Pillars of Eternity series though!
Katya Ryabova
Thank you for your first impressions! Really helpful—I think I'll wait and get it later when I'm more in the mood for slightly more repetition.

Engaging Youth Through Video Games: The Belvedere Museum’s “Art Leap” Initiative

Stella Rollig, General Director of the Belvedere, on ‘Art Leap’ and the Rising Influence of Video Games in Museum Storytelling.
The Belvedere Museum in Vienna, Austria, is one of the most renowned art museums in Europe. Housed in a stunning Baroque palace complex, it features an extensive collection of Austrian art from the Middle Ages to contemporary works. The mu…
MuseumWeek ∙ 1 LIKES

Turning Board Games into Free Games

In the early 1980s, when I was serving in the US Marine Corps, I used the scenarios, boards, and playing pieces from the Squad Leader series of small-unit war games to create both tactical decision games (TDGs) for my Marines and free war games to play with my brother officers. I found this worked ver…
Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson ∙ 16 LIKES

Card Games

I played an "informal" card game called "donkey" after nearly 30 years today, and struggled to figure out heuristics of the game, given my experience with Bridge
Back in 2021, at the height of the second wave of the pandemic, and when I was just about starting to settle into my job at Delhivery, I decided I should do a podcast. This was one excuse I’d have to talk to people outside my company - my role at Delhivery being entirely internal-facing.
Karthik S ∙ 2 LIKES
Tanuj Suri
Kartik, long time no see! We used to play this game (called Pabbo or Bhabbo in Punjabi), and still play sometimes - super entertaining, especially if you play with a big group of people. The rule of thumb in my mind is to trap others into getting a turn + get rid of a suit, unless you're in dire straits, e.g., with a few aces in your hand in which case you take a risk and try to get rid of them.
Nice blog btw!
Ravikiran Rao
We too call this donkey

Hunger Games…

Under the Dome-the Boise Capitol-is its own arena.
There are times when I feel like I am participating in The Hunger Games. The latest installment, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, reflects a game of control—one that comes at the expense of those who simply wish to be left alone to work and live.
Big E
We’ve been watching the bills from both the inside and the outside. We’ve watched what’s happening in various committees with chairpersons holding up good legislation while the bad bills sail on — all to benefit donors and lobbyists.
Look at the sunshine reports, folks: https://sunshine.voteidaho.gov/public/cf/publiccandidate.
As taxpayers, we feel outraged and helpless. We can only imagine what you are going through, Sen. Glenneda Z, and we applaud your courage and fortitude.
Perhaps it’s time you ran for Governor! At least then you could veto the never-ending Idaho spending bills into oblivion and propose budgets that reflect both sanity and reality.
Connie Kincheloe
If anyone watches any of the floor actions and committee meetings, one can gain a sense of this. I am just disgusted and angry that there are legislators that have such an ego to affect the whole of the state. I just wish more people would see it and be not okay with this and replace them at the ballot box. Thank you for sharing more of the behind-the-scenes childish games.

Hunger Games

An Ancient Practice that can save lives and the Planet.
A version of this article first appeared in the Hindustan Times on 02/03/2025.
Mridula Ramesh ∙ 8 LIKES
Nawshir Mirza
The Parsis have no custom of fasting nor any other restraint on their behaviour imposed by their customs. In times past this caused such an enormous crush of the practitioners of other faiths to convert to Zoroastrianism as to result in such conversion being banned, so that those faiths could continue to exist. Had the ban not been imposed, Akhand Bharat would have stretched uninterrupted from Seattle to Soul. And climate change would have occurred centuries ago. 😂😂😂
Subhash Chandra Kadur
Lesser the population, more will be the availability of food. And therby crave for food automatically gets reduced.....Controlled intake of food helps maintenance of body...

'Children’s Propaganda Games'

A fascinating guide to popular games produced by German, British and American companies before and during the war
On the face of it, a book about children’s games is a very niche subject. Yet Childre…
Martin Cherrett ∙ 9 LIKES
Jason Repp
Fascinating and Frightening as well

🎮 Second Life for Overwatch, Layoffs for Marvel Rivals and "Revolutionary Video Games" from Elon...

Second Life for Overwatch, Layoffs for Marvel Rivals, "Revolutionary Video Games" from Elon, Assassin’s Creed Shadows is almost upon us and more!
Hello friends,
Alex Stasenko ∙ 16 LIKES
Maurice Klimek
Elon Musk the game maker.
Hahaha, I can't wait to see it.
I can't wait to see how it will fail.
Exploring The Games
Every day that passes, I think about giving WoW another shot, too. Those mythic runs are so cool. I loved running mythics but hated running raids.

Let the Games Begin!

Take a look at the first coaches poll of the season!
Hello, lacrosse fans! While college teams have been hitting the fields for a while this is the first week for high school play in Utah. We have a lot of great match-ups across the state, teams looking to repeat past victories, and others looking to make their marks.
Utah Lacrosse Report Staff ∙ 3 LIKES