Mental(izing) Health: On Madness
Newsletter, #60
Struggling to welcome the new year? A brisk, no-nonsense beginning might be fitting: “madness” is the word that pops into my mind. And then I wonder: is madness is still a meaningful term? Has it become politically-suspect, conjuring images of people who are wild, regressed and scary? Is it an inherently stigmatizing attribute? But w…
Michael Golden
Thank you for this, Elliott. I've just released a book today with a whole bunch of mental health vignettes -- of my own 'manic mind'!
Elliot Jurist
Jan 3
I am all for a contagious, renewed kind of sanity; not sure about transfigured. One of things that is so scary now is Trump facing major crises around the world with no knowledge or curiosity about history. I agree with you about how much hope matters during these times. Thanks for sending your thoughts.