
In the run-up to the 2024 U.S. presidential election, the Substack Election Dialogues will bring together influential political figures, writers, and commentators for live video conversations, confronting the most consequential questions of the political moment.
All dialogues will be live-streamed exclusively in the Substack app. Download the app now to join the conversation.

Live, only on Substack

Dates and times for each dialogue will be announced shortly. We encourage you to subscribe to the publisher for updates.

Matthew Yglesias
Nate Silver

Matthew Yglesias, founder of Slow Boring and co-founder of Vox, will be in conversation alongside renowned statistician and political analyst Nate Silver, founder of Silver Bulletin and FiveThirtyEight.

Jessica Reed Kraus
Tulsi Gabbard

House Inhabit’s Jessica Reed Kraus will be in conversation with former U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of her eponymous Substack.

Judd Legum
Joyce Vance

Popular Information’s Judd Legum will be in conversation with the author of Civil Discourse and former US attorney Joyce Vance.

Dan Pfeiffer
Sarah Longwell

Dan Pfeiffer, author of The Message Box and former White House Communications Director, will be in conversation with Sarah Longwell, publisher of The Bulwark and host of The Focus Group podcast.

Robert Hubbell
Jay Kuo

Robert Hubbell of Today’s Edition Newsletter will be in conversation with Jay Kuo of The Status Kuo.

Ben Domenech
Kmele Foster

The Transom’s Ben Domenech will be in conversation with Kmele Foster of the The Fifth Column.

You can also expect to hear from other influential publishers, including...

Matt Taibbi
News and features by best-selling author and reporter Matt Taibbi, in an independent package molded after I.F. Stone's Weekly. The site contains investigative journalism, satirical commentary, and the America This Week podcast with novelist Walter Kirn.
Michael Moore
I was born in Flint and raised on a dirt street by loving parents, two sisters and a lot of Green Giant in a can. I believe we have less than 8yrs to convince Earth not to wipe itself clean of us.
Sarah Haider
More light, less heat.
Bill Bishop
Writes The Sinocism Newsletter about China, tweets @niubi Human of Tashi the Golden Doodle
Josh Barro
Josh Barro's newsletter about politics, the economy and culture.
Dana Loesch
Syndicated talk radio host; podcaster; TV commentator, author; longtime 2A advocate, dog lover.
Alex Berenson
Alex Berenson is a former New York Times reporter and the author of 13 novels, three non-fiction books, and the Unreported Truths booklets. His newest book, PANDEMIA, on the coronavirus and our response to it, was published in November 2021.
Michael Moynihan
Co-host of The Fifth Column Podcast
Josh Szeps
Journalist. Broadcaster. Professional Fellow at UTS. Host of Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps: a podcast, YouTube channel and live events company. Creating a safe space for dangerous ideas.
Steve Schmidt
Journalist. Broadcaster. Professional Fellow at UTS. Host of Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps: a podcast, YouTube channel and live events company. Creating a safe space for dangerous ideas.
Chris Hedges
Covering US foreign policy, economic realities, and civil liberties in American society.
Chris Cillizza
Chris Cillizza's wit and wisdom on politics -- and a whole lot else too.
Mehdi Hasan
Zeteo is a new media organization that seeks to answer the questions that really matter, while always striving for the truth. Founded by Mehdi Hasan, Zeteo is a movement for media accountability, unfiltered news and bold opinions.

...with more exciting names to be announced.

How do I attend the Substack Election Dialogues?

The Substack Election Dialogues are live video conversations that will take place in the Substack app. Download the Substack app to join the conversations.

How do I download the Substack app?

The Substack app can be downloaded for free on iOS and Android devices.

Do I need a Substack account to participate?

Yes, you’ll need a Substack account to watch the Election Dialogues live. Signing up is easy–just create an account through the app or website to get started.

How do I get notifications for upcoming events?

Make sure you’ve subscribed to the participating publishers. After downloading the app, enable push notifications to get updates and never miss a session.

When can we expect more programming details?

We're adding new details regularly. Check this website for the latest updates on programming and speakers.

Can I ask questions or participate during the live video?

Yes, each live video will have a chat section where you can interact with the publishers.

How do I tune into their live video?

Directly within the Substack app. Click the push notification when the session begins, or find it in the ‘Election’ tab. You can also visit the publisher's profile and click on their profile picture to access the live stream.

Is the live video open to the public or only subscribers?

The live streams are available to everyone.

I’m unable to make the live video session. Can I watch it later?

Many publishers may choose to share the video after the live stream. Be sure to check their Substacks for updates.