Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation yesterday recruited one of the most senior statesmen involved in the Iraq war, the former Spanish prime minister José Maria Aznar, as a board member.
The 53-year-old former politician backed the US and British governments over the invasion of Iraq three years ago despite widespread opposition in Spain. His party was voted out of power after his government blamed the 2004 Madrid bombings on Basque separatists when Islamic extremists had in fact committed the atrocities in which 191 people died.
Mr Murdoch, chairman and chief executive of News Corp, said Mr Aznar's experience as prime minister of Spain would benefit the company's board. Mr Murdoch has been friends with Mr Aznar for several years. "Mr Aznar earned worldwide respect for his strong economic record and unflinching stand against domestic and international terrorism," Mr Murdoch said. "His impressive grasp of world politics and the realities of globalisation, as well as his clear commitment to fiscal rectitude, will be of great benefit to News Corporation's stockholders."
Mr Aznar will be News Corp's 14th board member and its first non-native English speaker. Other directors include Rod Eddington, former chief executive of British Airways, and Mr Murdoch's eldest son, Lachlan.
News Corp insiders said Mr Aznar's appointment was not linked to any News Corp interest in Spanish or Latin American media assets. News Corp is currently concentrating its corporate efforts on negotiations with the cable tycoon John Malone over swapping his 18% stake in the group for a mixture of News Corp assets and cash.
Mr Aznar has led the Foundation for Social Analysis and Studies, a right-leaning thinktank, and lectured at Georgetown University, Washington. News Corp described him as "a firm supporter of Spain's close relationship with the US and of the European Union's commitment to promoting greater freedom and economic reforms".