Sitemap - Authors (jef - jen)

Jeff "SuiJeneris" Chau - Best of Twitter/Threads, Analysis & Forecasts

Jeff Sullivan - Jeff Sullivan's Essays

Jeff Taekman, M.D. - HealthHippieMD

Jeff Takacs - Houndstooth of Love

Jeff Tiedrich - everyone is entitled to my own opinion

Jeff Tozzer - Clallam County Watchdog

Jeff Turner - Stronger 2nd Half

Jeff Tweedy | Starship Casual - Starship Casual

Jeff Victor - The Laramie Reporter

Jeff Waldman - Elevated Spaces

Jeff Wang - AI Relevance - Jeff's Substack

Jeff Warren - Home Base with Jeff Warren

Jeff Whitty - BAD FAIRY

Jeff Wise - Finding MH370

Jeff Witzeman - Jeff’s News

Jeff Workman - Into The Blue

Jeff Wright - American Reformed Mafia

Jeff Wrigley - Wrigley, in real life

Jeff Yap - 姐夫說美股

Jefferey Jaxen - Jefferey Jaxen on Substack

JEFFERSON CARDINOT - Private Division News

Jefferson Dias - Boca cheia de terra

Jefferson Graham - Jefferson Graham's PhotowalksTV newsletter - Tech & Travel

Jefferson Morley - JFK Facts

Jeffery Curtis Poor - Rethink - Simple Bible Teachings

Jeffery Lando - Lando Film and AI Substack

Jeffery Mead - Jeffery Mead

Jeffery Saddoris - Iterations

Jeffree Music - Remembering Peace

Jeffrey Alan Love - Jeffrey Alan Love

Jeffrey and Stephanie Bruner - Dutch Letters

Jeffrey Bellone - Mets Fix

Jeffrey Brodsky - New Revelations from Nord Stream Expedition

Jeffrey Bruno - Words & Pictures by Jeffrey Bruno

Jeffrey Carter - Points And Figures

Jeffrey Caruso (né Carr) - Inside Cyber Warfare

Jeffrey Cufaude - Facilitate Better with Jeffrey Cufaude

Jeffrey D Brown - Guitar Business World

Jeffrey Ding - ChinAI Newsletter

Jeffrey Falk - The Most Endangered Species

Jeffrey Fisher - BrainMortgage

jeffrey gormly, editor - choreographnet

Jeffrey Howard - Common Appalachian

Jeffrey Johnson - BASSLINES

Jeffrey Kocher MD - Clear and Present Thinking

Jeffrey Koterba - Jeffrey Koterba

Jeffrey Lambert - Rounders: A History of Baseball in America

Jeffrey Masters - LGBTQ&A

Jeffrey Miller - The Curt Jester

Jeffrey Miron - Libertarian Land

Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D. - Humanities in Revolt

Jeffrey Overstreet - Give Me Some Light

Jeffrey P. Clark, BS, DC, CCWP - Jeffrey P. Clark, BS, DC, CCWP

jeffrey p lubina - jeffrey p lubina

Jeffrey Paller - This Week in Africa

Jeffrey Paul Coleman - The Bridge

Jeffrey Peel - Stop Medical Mandates

Jeffrey Peel - The New Era

Jeffrey Prather - Jeffrey Prather

Jeffrey Ptak - Basis Pointing

Jeffrey Rath - Conspiracy Facts With Jeffrey Rath

Jeffrey Rickman - Jeffrey Rickman’s Substack

Jeffrey Rickman - PlainSpoken

Jeffrey Robinson - Jeffrey Robinson's Writing Factory

Jeffrey Rubel - The Curiosity Cabinet

Jeffrey S. Kaye - Hidden Histories

Jeffrey Scherer - Jeffrey Scherer

Jeffrey Silverstein - Door At The Top of Your Head

Jeffrey Spitz Cohan - The Alignment

Jeffrey Stec - Conversational Alchemy

Jeffrey Strahl - Lockdown Times

Jeffrey Streeter - English Republic of Letters

Jeffrey Sultanof - The Eclectic's Corner: About the Arts

Jeffrey Swisher, MD - Behind Closed Doors - An Anesthesiologist's School of Thought

Jeffrey W. Huge, CMT - HUGE INSIGHTS: The Big Picture

Jeffrey W Massey - Ex Animo

Jeffrey West - This week in Mathematical Oncology

Jeffrey Yamaguchi - Book Publishing Brick By Brick

JeffreyTucker - Brownstone Insights

jefke - No Deep Dives

Jehad Abusalim - Jehad Abusalim

Jehan Laliberté - Explore l'IA avec moi

Jehu - Jehu’s Substack

Jeida K. Storey - Conjure & Coaching Conversations

Jelisha Jones - Jelisha Jones

Jelle Derckx - growthinkers

Jem - Lost Letters

Jem + T - Jem’s Substack

Jem Sandhu - Editorial World: Non-Pitch Remote Writing Jobs

Jemar Tisby, PhD - Footnotes by Jemar Tisby

jemia - Monday Lunch

Jemima - Letters to Life⛄️🫧

Jemma Ashania - Jemma’s Substack

Jemma Neville - the prove

Jen - Recently Enjoyed Things

Jen + Wes @crazythickasians - Jen + Wes @crazythickasians

Jen Aceto - croissant fridays

Jen and Greg Travel - Jen and Greg Travel

Jen B - Jen’s World

jen b. larson - Disappearing Media

Jen B. Wang - Jen’s Midlife Chrysalis

Jen Baxter - The Skillful Scribbler | Jen Baxter

Jen Beeman - Grainline Studio

Jen Bergren - Jen Bergren’s Weekly Newsletter

Jen Berlingo, LPC, ATR - prism by jen berlingo

Jen Blackstock - The Worthiness Revolution by Jen Blackstock

Jen Blair - Under the Jenfluence Newsletter

Jen Bloomer - Creatively Rooted

Jen Bower - Fortuna Money

Jen Bryan - Jen’s Newsletter

Jen Burke Anderson - Jen Burke Anderson: Spiritual/Skeptical/Classical

Jen Butler - Best Mom Never by Jen Butler

Jen Calleja - Jen Calleja (I Wasn’t Expecting You)

Jen Cantwell - The Long Drive

Jen Carrington - Conversations I Have With Myself

Jen Cerero - Spiritual Lounge

Jen Coleslaw - Wake Up And Fight

Jen Deaderick - Dispatches from a Porch Swing

Jen Dean - The Violet Hour

Jen deHaan - Improv Update: A newsletter about improv comedy

Jen deHaan - Neurodivergent Minds in Comedy / Neurodiversity in Improv

Jen Downey - Permission Slipped

Jen Duchene - Akashic Love Field (ALF)

Jen Durbent - Something Clever Occasionally

Jen Dyck-Sprout - pollinators

Jen Eastwood - Sick Sad Lit

Jen Fisher - Thoughts on Being Well

Jen Fountain - Jen’s Substack

Jen Frase - Drool

Jen from Miami Film Lab - Miami Film Lab

Jen Gilman Porat - The Holy Chutzpah

Jen Glantz - Odd Jobs

Jen Glantz - The Monday Pick Me Up

Jen Golbeck - MAGAReport

Jen Goodyer - letters from a soul friend

Jen Grisanti - Telling and Selling Your Story

Jen Gurecki - Redefining Radical

Jen Guzman - Rise Chicago

jen harrington - INSPIRED

Jen Harrison - Hey Jen

Jen Hemphill - Pull-ups in the Basement

Jen Hitze - 5 Big Ideas by Jen Hitze

Jen Horn - Pagbubuo with Jen Horn

Jen Howard - Jen Howard's Newsletter

Jen Huang - GatchaJen

Jen Hubley Luckwaldt - Old Mom Things

Jen Ives - Jen Ives

Jen Johnson - Everyday Mindful

Jen Just - Politics and the Press in Gilded Age Chicago

Jen Knoch - Five Minutes for the Planet

Jen Knox - Here we are

Jen Lancaster & Karyn Bosnak - Meet the Mess

Jen Laun, CFP®️ - Where Do We Grow From Here?

Jen Lemen - Field Notes from the Soul of the World

Jen Lirette - Melancholic Graces

Jen Lopez - Beauty and the Benchpress

Jen Lumanlan - Your Parenting Mojo

Jen Luo - Gleaners ⋆。✮°✩˚⟡.⭒

Jen Mann - People I Want to Punch in the Throat

Jen Mayer | Makeist - Makeist

Jen Mayer | Makeist - Zinestack

Jen McNeely - The Midlife Rewrite

Jen Miller - Quill of the Goddess

Jen Monroe - Jen the Libertarian

Jen Murphy - Jen’s Substack

Jen O'Donnell - Next Gen Jen

Jen Panaro - Connect Chadds Ford

Jen Panaro - Sage Neighbor

jen parker - jen’s newsletter

Jen Payne - Intuitive thoughts

Jen Pollock Michel - A Habit Called Faith

Jen Price - Neurodivergent Leaders

Jen Psaki - Jen Psaki

Jen Reich - Rhymes For Humanity by Jen Reich

Jen Roberts - Untethered

Jen Rogue - The Rogue Pen

Jen Rose Yokel - Alongside Journal

Jen Ruiz - Jet Plane Crew

Jen Russum - The Truth Teller

Jen Schneider - CRITER

Jen Scotney - Jen Scotney | Writing on Resilience

Jen Shaw (nee Christie) - Tired and Talented

Jen Sherman - Shitty Housewife Gets Nerdy

Jen Siems - Immortal Perfumes

Jen Snow - My Cup Overflows

Jen Sopchockchai Bankard - The Long Take

Jen Sotolongo - The Enlightened Dog Owner by Jen Sotolongo

Jen Terpstra - non sequitur

Jen Thomas - Nature's Wisdom - Life Lessons From Mother Earth

Jen Tindle - All About CRE

jen turner - don't let me forget

Jen Underwood - Un-Traumatized

Jen Vermet - Letters from a learn-it-all

Jen Vincent - Jen’s Story Exploratory Substack

Jen Warner - Tales From The Middle Age

Jen Wilde - Stacks & Spoons

Jen Wyatt - Wander Free & Return to the Wilds

Jen Z - The Jen Z Blog

Jen Zamzow, PhD - A Well-Lived Life

Jen Zug - Pretend You're Good At It

Jena Ball - Pass Along Songs

Jena Ball - Song Flight

Jena Ball - Whales in My Backyard

Jena Carpenter - The Twisting Path..Lessons Learned From a Road Less Traveled

Jena Schwartz - Dispatches from Daily Life

Jena Wade - Jena’s Substack

Jenai Auman - Othered

Jenara Nerenberg - Permission to Change

jenchantress - The Gospel of Jenchantress

Jendella Benson - The Life & Times of Jendella

Jenee - The Heroine Press

Jenelle Aubade - Sunlight Ribbons

Jeni Hankins - Letters from Jeni Hankins

Jenifer Hammond - Jenifer Hammond

Jenifer Hanen, aka Ms. Jen - Ms. Jen's Tidbits


Jenine Baines - A Septuagenarian Sings

Jenise Rouse - Gathered Thoughts

Jenita - cabbage house

Jenks Farmer - Plant People

Jenn - Gathered and Scattered

Jenn - Jenn’s Energetic Updates

Jenn - Jenn’s Substack

Jenn - Jenthevirtualassistant’s Substack

Jenn Bollenbacher - 1 Thing/Week

Jenn Bragg - For Love of France

Jenn Brooks - The Wisdom Sanctuary

Jenn Budd - Jenn Budd

Jenn Coffey - Jenn’s Substack

Jenn Collins - See You On The Trail

Jenn Corrigan - The Kitchen Counter Sisterhood

Jenn Forgie - Jenn Forgie Creative

Jenn Forgie - The Daily Dip with Jenn Forgie

Jenn Galler - The Eclectic Abroad

Jenn Hardy - It Depends

Jenn King ~ Cosmic Numerology - Jenn King ~ THE COSMIC NUMEROLOGIST

Jenn Lueke - the eat goood newsletter

Jenn M. Jackson, PhD - Love Notes

Jenn McClearen, PhD - Publish Not Perish

Jenn Pellerin - Say Goodbye to These

Jenn Pelly - Jenn's Obsessions

Jenn Pilotti - Jenn’s Newsletter

Jenn, RN, BSN - JennRightNow

Jenn Romolini - extended scenes

Jenn Sandra George - Jenn Sandra

Jenn Schuessler - CRACKER

Jenn Schultz - The Revivalist

Jenn Soehnlin - Embracing Life and Praying Scripture

Jenn Soehnlin - Embracing This Special Life

Jenn Sorensdatter - Sober Weirdo

jenn stark - Straying Attention

Jenn Storey - Otherwor(l)dly News

Jenn Todling - Soul Spark with Jenn Todling

Jenn Wiggs - Jenn’s Substack

Jenn Woltjen - Outdoors with Jenn

Jenn Zahrt - The Bound Report

Jenn Zuko - Zuko's Musings

Jenna - MuseFictions Newsletter

🌾🌿 Jenna 🌿🌾 - Our Country Life

Jenna - Sacred Rage

Jenna - The Anvil

Jenna - freshwater musings

jenna - sing to my brain

Jenna Abdou - Entry Points

Jenna Andrix - Jenna Andrix

Jenna Arnold - The Land of AND

Jenna B. Neece - Jenna B. Neece Productions: Stories, Art, & Podcasts


Jenna Britton - And Also

Jenna Brown - Perfectly Abnormal

Jenna Clare - chasing a feeling

Jenna Dayle - Beyond Codependency

Jenna Flug - Powder Room Beauty

Jenna Folarin - The Motherhood Connection

Jenna Giera - Earthen Diaries

Jenna Guerin - Take Care

Jenna Hanan Moore - Androids and Dragons

Jenna Jolysa - Jenna's DIY Beauty

Jenna Kelly-Landes - The Long Road Home

Jenna Kinghorn - Cottage & Countryside Living

Jenna Knapp - Dear Self With Love

Jenna Lee Kim - Exploring with Jenna Lee Kim

Jenna Matecki - Jenna's Relay

Jenna Maye - The Vibrant Path by Jenna Maye

Jenna McCarthy - Jenna’s Side

Jenna Mindel - Jenna’s Column

Jenna Newell Hiott - Spirit Connections with Jenna Newell Hiott

Jenna Nicole Stevens - Letters of Everyday Romance

Jenna Olson Popp - The Refectory

Jenna O'Malley - Soul Writer's Side Quest

Jenna Pacelli, LMFT, SEP - Awake & Embodied with Jenna Pacelli, LMFT

Jenna Park - Everything is Liminal

Jenna Putnam - Ruminations

Jenna Rebecca Francesca - Where Wild Grass Grows

Jenna Rennert - The Edit by Jenna Rennert

Jenna Rozelle - Appetites

Jenna Ryan - Jenna Ryan’s Newsletter

Jenna Satterthwaite - Jenna's Substack - Author + Agent + Human

Jenna Schnuer - I Am a General Interest Magazine.

Jenna Seigworth - Discouraged & Encouraged