Malachi X - Malachi’s Substack
Malaika R. Simmons - The Writer's Block Party!
Malaika Ross - Malaika Ross - Artist, Writer & Breast Cancer Survivor
Malak El-Gonemy - Broadcasting Marginalised Voices
Malaka Gharib - Malaka’s Newsletter
Malana Hokulani - MALANA SPEAKS OUT
Malathi Raghavan - Ukraine Matters
Malaury de Blutopia - La lettre d'ondine
malavika kannan - diary of a wimpy mal
Malavika Mudit - Diffuse Attention
malchijah - my voice cannot be severed from my location
Malcolm - Climate Club Queensland
Malcolm Brooks - View From the Bluff by Malcolm Brooks
malcolm burn - Malcolm Burn's The Long Way Around Substack
Malcolm Fleschner - Culture Shlock
Malcolm Gilderdale - Strategy for Life
Malcolm Handoll - Five Senses Rewilding
Malcolm J McKinney - Malcolm’s Newsletter
Malcolm Jenkins - LOVE, ART, & WAR
Malcolm Jolley - Malcolm Jolley's Wine Box
Malcolm McCracken - Better things are possible
Malcolm Nance - Special Intelligence
Malcolm Ocean - Intentionality
Malcolm Payne - Social work bites
Malcolm Richard Clark - The Secret Gender Files
Malcolm Webber - Malcolm’s Musings
Malee Ojua - Sacred Fire Creative
Maleeha Bengali - MB Commodity Corner
Malena Higashi - Un Japón propio
Malena Sallesses - Un Cuerpo Paisaje
Malena Vain - Una cierta sabiduría
Malerie Baldazo - Matters of the Heart
maleyreport - The Maley Report
Mali Davies - Mali Davies Photography
Malibu Invest - Malibu Invest Newsletter
Malick Abdullah - The Thought Base
Malignant Midwife - Malignant Midwife
Malik Alimoekhamedov - The Mechanics of Knowledge Management
Malik Djinadou - Diaspora Dollars
Malik Haelstrom - mLEAK the News 📰
Malin Ekman - Stockholm Report
Malin Mycelium Christensson - Village Medicine
Malisa Santigul - Stories from Earth
Malivoyage 🖌️A Dos De Pinceaux - À dos de pinceaux par Malivoyage
Malka Alweis - That Productivity Mom
Mallard Research - Mallard’s Substack
Mallary Tenore Tarpley - Write at the Edge
Maëlle CARAVACA - Hello Friday ✦
Mallie Hart - Mallie’s Eclectic Playlist
Mallika Basu - In Good Taste by Mallika Basu
Mallory Carra - West Coast Media Jobs
mallory corr - brainwaves + souljunk
Mallory Day - Ink & Inspiration: From Book Lover to Book Editor
Mallory Everhart - Becoming Sanctuary
Mallory Grimm Tubbs - LATE LATE SUMMER
Mallory Mosner - Lazer Focused
Mallory Shotwell - Mallory Shotwell
Mallory Staples - State Freedom Caucus Network | Under the Dome
Mallory Taylor - This Could Be Embarrassing
Mallory Wyckoff - In The Waves
MALLY K. GOLDMAN - Catching Up
Malmesbury - Telescopic Turnip
malpaniventures - Malpani Ventures
Malthi SS - Product Talk with Malthi
Malu Miranda - O Substack de Malu
Malwina Gudowska - Motherlingual
Mamie Rheingold - ChatGPT for Education
mamou - Yves Mamou : Decryptages
mamytologija - mamytologija’s Substack
Man in America - Man in America
Man of the Atom - Atom Valley Bulletin
Man of the Flower - Man of the Flower
Maína Mello - Palavras Místicas
Mana Wāhine Kōrero - Mana Wāhine Kōrero on Substack
ManageBetter - The Thoughtful Leader Newsletter
Managed Decline - Managed Decline
Managing Editors- New Digest - The New Digest
Mandi Bossard - Mandi’s Substack
Mandi Gerth - Mrs. Gerth Teaches
Mandi Robertson DipWSET - A Walk on the Wine Side
Mando Trading - Markets with Mando
Mandolin Brown - Have the Audacity to Live your Best Life
Mandy + JD Roberson - Travel with Kids
Mandy Cai - Finding Confidence In Birth & Motherhood
Mandy Clark - For the Love of Bread & Wellness
Mandy Froelich - Rooted Wisdom with Mandy Froelich
Mandy Hofmockel - Journalism jobs and a photo of my dog
Mandy Lee @oldloserinbrooklyn - Cyclical
Mandy Len Catron - The Loneliness Project
Mandy Mazzawi - Mustard Seeds and Wildflowers
Mandy Stadtmiller - Ignore Previous Directions
Mandy Tamm (she/her) - Rare Originals
Mandylion Press - Mandylion Press
Maneesha Sem - Maneesha's Angel Mail
MANG MANG Editorial - 莽莽 MANG MANG
Manger pour demain - La Banzaï News
Mangiasogni - Lettere da una civiltà in declino
Mangrove Valley - Mangrove Valley
Manifest Wallstreet - Manifest’s Substack
Manifold Markets - Above The Fold
Manik Anthony George Corea - The Upward Call
Manisha Arora - Tech Growth Series: PrepVector
Manisha Gupta - What We Remember
Manisha Rose Snoyer - The Modulo Community
Manjiri Indurkar - Unfixing the map pin
Manjit Gauba - Instant Relief for Stressed out Chiropractors
Manjula Padmanabhan - READING WITH FRIENDS
Manley Stockton - Manley’s Substack
Manlio De Domenico - Complexity Thoughts
Mannequin Madness - Judi’s Substack
Manny de Souza - The Monday Manager
Manny Faces - Hip Hop Can Save America!
Manny Mohamed - Manny’s Substack
MannyNoahDevan - NO SUCH THING
Manoj Dias - Field Notes From Samsara
Manoj Kewalramani - Tracking People's Daily
Manoj Radhakrishna - 1 Idea Newsletter
Manoj Ranaweera - UK Tech Investment News (weekly) by Deal Lite
Manon Fargetton - Les mains dans les mots
Manon Lagrève - My Little French Life, by Manon Lagreve
Manon Loisel et Nicolas Rio - Lettre aux 500 000 (futurs) élus municipaux
Manon Nova - Je ne sais pas si c'est tout le monde
ManoNatsumi - Let's TalQ : Voyages Intimes et Politiques
manopauksciai - manopauksciai’s Substack
Manorama - Seeing Through Yogic Eyes
Manpreet Kaur Kalra - rewritten.
Mansal Denton - The Darkness Between Worlds
Mansi - The Ripple Maker: Tokens & Tales by Mansi
Mansi Hukmani - Mansi’s Substack
Manson Chen - Parabolica - The AI x Growth Marketing Newsletter
Mansoor - Something's Happening at Midnight (SHM) Substack
Manthan Rastogi - AlphaWealth Avenues
Manu Chatlani - Newsletter sin nombre
Manu Lamela - La Biblio de Manu Lamela
Manu Rujano - Segundas Derivadas
Manu Vatayan Jha - The Curious Investor
Manuel A. Garcia - Fitting the Pieces
Manuel Babolin - Digital Spectrum
Manuel de BCN - Los #MakeEmLaugh de Manuel de BCN
Manuel Delgado Tenorio - It's All About the Data
Manuel Fernández Navas - Memorándum
Manuel Hinds - Manuel’s Substack
Manuel Ibáñez - RocketCarrot | Manuel Ibáñez
Manuel Koelman 🏴☠️ - 🏴☠️ Making Business More Human
Manuel L. Quezon III - Manolo Quezon is #TheExplainer
Manuel Lacayo - Granada English Academy - Granada, Nicaragua
Manuel M. Novillo - Curva de aprendizaje
Manuel Mas - 🏗️ Construyendo Negocios Digitales
Manuel Osorio Solano - Interfaz de Producto
Manuel Pedron - Parallel Perspectives
Manuel Sola Arjona - The Nature of Training
Manuel Veloso - La Estrategia Tranquila
Manuel Vera García - Manuel Vera García (@elvalordelenegrama)
Manuela Marini - Manuela’s Substack
Manuella Coelho - diário da fuê
Manufacturing@MIT - Manufacturing@MIT’s Substack
Manvel Asratian - coldwarrenaissance
Many Arrows Music - Many Arrows Music Notes
Manya Kheria - AI x Consumer Retail
Manzana de las Luces - El Nuevo Argos
Mapa de Barmaids & Afines - Mapa de Barmaids & Afines
Mapamundi literario - Mapamundi literario
Maple Lam - Learning Comics & Graphic Novels
Mar | the extraordinaries - Criar sin Ruido
Mar | the extraordinaries - Estrenando mundo
Mar Gallego - Obrera de la incultura
Maré Hieronimus - The Sacred Body Writings
María | Vaivén & La sencilla - Vaivén Magazine
Mara Baer - Chronic Pain Chats
María Cano Bonilla - Laboratorio Intersección by María Cano
María Crespo - Cuentos de amor y mar
Maíra Dal'Maz - Catedral vazia
Mara Di Berardo - Futures Digest
Mara Explains It All - Mara Explains It All
Maíra Ferreira - Café com caos
María Fornet - Punto de Inflexión
Mara G. Aspinall - Sensitive & Specific: The Testing Newsletter
María Gordon - The Inner Forest
Mara Gordon, MD - Chief Complaint
Mara Grimm - De Tafel van Grimm
María Jesús Molina Cimadevila - Aprende con Danio (Science for all)
Mara June - Grief Spells with Mara June
María Luz Rodriguez - Raíces & Ramas 🌎 🛫
María Padilla - Notas de Vuelo
María Vargas Aguilar - Staring at the Ceiling
Maral Salmassi - Maral’s Substack
Marat Khairullin - Marat Khairullin Substack
Marat Oyvetsky - Life In Parts
Marathon Macro - Marathon Macro
Marc - Bungaku: Literatura japonesa en català
Marc - CyberLife Coach Publication
Marc - Nude and Happy - A Passion for Nudism and Naturism
Marc Abrahams - Marc’s Improbable Stuff
Marc Arginteanu - From Brain to Mind
Marc Bañuls - Manual del Corredor
Marc Baumann - 51 Insights – Web3 x AI for Business
Marc Baumann - 51x - Crypto x AI
Marc Boulos - The Voice of the Shepherd
Marc Brimble - poems without parents
Marc Castillo - El Rotulador de Zeljko
Marc Frau - Ingresos Extra Online
Marc Friedman - Marc’s Substack
Marc Friend - Marc’s ANC 7D06 Newsletter
Marc Gafni - Center for World Philosophy and Religion
Marc Girardot - The Bolus Theory Series
Marc Goldsmith - Write the World by Marc Goldsmith
Marc Greenberg - The Long and The Short of It
Marc Guggenheim - LegalDispatch
Marc Hamer - Notes from my meditation mat
Marc Harrington - Extracts: Selections from The Journal of Claude Fredericks