Pritesh Usadadiya - Software Testing Notes
Pritesh Usadadiya - TestDevJobs
Prithvi Pudhiarkar - Prithvi's Travelling Circus
Priti Patnaik - Geneva Health Files
Priti Salian - Reframing Disability
Private Debt Investor - Private Debt News: Weekly News and Insights
Priya Iyer - Ten Thousand Journeys
Priya Joi - The Art of Freelance
Priya Kale - Cosmic Diaries by Priya Kale
Priya Mohal - How Round Is Your Roti?
Priya Ramani - Priya Ramani’s Substack
Priyal Motwani - Chasing inflection
Priyanka & Datta - Joyful Offerings
Priyanka Aribindi - Shit I Bought And Liked
Priyanka Bharadwaj - shapely gal
Priyanka Gupta - Looking Inwards
Priyanka Kishore - Asia Decoded
Priyanka Mattoo - The Multitude
Priyanka Nath - Machine Learning Diaries
Priyanka Sacheti - A Home For Homeless Thoughts
Priyanka Somrah - The Data Source
priznani_gayu - Duhovey newsletter
Pro Hockey Video Coaches - Behind The Keyboard
PRO Redaktion - PRO Preußisch Oldendorf
Pro Trader Strategy Ideas - The Pro Trader Strategies Trade Idea Report
Pro Wrestling Illustrated - Pro Wrestling Illustrated
Probability Tree Investing - Probability Tree's Substack
Probablyalexandra - Probablyalexandra
problembear - problembear’s Newsletter
PROBUS Global - PROBUS Global Newsletter
Procure.FYI - Procure.FYI Substack
ProducerLiz - Late Night Scrolling
Product Breaks - Product Breaks
Product Career Hub - Product Career Hub
Producteur À Succès - Producteur À Succès
Productivity Hackers - ProductivityHackers
Productivity Signal - Productivity Signal
ProductTankAMS Digest - ProductTank AMS Digest
Produit Gagnant - Produit Gagnant
Produtos para Humanos - Newsletter Produtos para Humanos
Prof - Weekly recap & Focuslist
Prof. Anthony Lilles editor - Spiritual Revolution: A Journal of Mystical Theology
Prof. Celso Luiz - Mensagens do Pórtico
Prof. Christian Dunn - Wetland News - Prof. Christian Dunn
Prof. Dennys Xavier - Prof. Dennys Xavier
Prof. Dr. Raphael Rocha - O Substack do Prof. Raphael Rocha
Prof. Dr. Samuel McCormick - Lectures on Lacan
Prof. Fred Nazar - Scientific Progress
Prof. ijaz khan - ijaz’s Substack
Prof. Jayant V. Narlikar - Jayant Narlikar's Blog
Prof. Kimberly Nicholas - We Can Fix It
Prof. Matthew A. Tsakanikas - catholic460 "Deification in Christ" (2 Peter 1:4)
Prof. Mauro - Eliminare il Caos in Classe
Prof. Rajeev Srinivasan - Shadow Warrior
Prof. Rand Holman - EasierThanUThink
Prof. Thaddeus Longbottom - The Dundreary Diaries
Prof. Victoria Sutton - unintended consequences
Prof. Wayne Visser - tHrIVE Mind
ProfEduStream - La Quinzaine du Bitcoin
Professional Contrarian - Des Moines Gems, Guides, and Goodies (DSM G3)
Professional Tools - Professional Tools
Professor Afif EL-Khuffash - The Baby Tribe Blog
Professor Anita Baxas,MD - Anita Baxas MD Substack
Professor Axelrod - Professor Axelrod
Professor Douglas Brooks - Rajanaka Studies, Auspicious Wisdom & Soulful Contemplation
Professor George Kallas - Professor George Kallas
Professor John Keane - Democracy and Its Enemies
Professor Kamil Gerald - Signing Is Art
Professor Mike - Michael J. Scott's Newsletter-A Professor Mike Publication
Professor Mikey - Professor Mikey's OLD SCHOOL
Professor Roc - Nutrition Investigator
Professor Toto - Toto's Thoughts - Tomorrows News Today, Behind the Headlines
ProfessorMeredith - Bitchy History
ProFound Insights - ProFound City Insights
Progress Ireland - Progress Ireland
Progressive Education - Progressive Education Bulletin
Prohuman Foundation - Prohuman Pathways
Proinvest Nirmiti - Proinvest Nirmiti Investing Insights
Project 529, Inc. - Project 529
Project Fangirl - Project Fangirl
Project Save the World - Project Save the World's Substack
Project Sunstone - Project Sunstone
Project World Sail - Project World Sail
PROJECT2026 - Richard Greene "The Civics Dean"
Projeto Presença - Newsletter Projeto Presença
Projeto Rodas Literárias - Vem girar com a gente!
ProLib - Dom Ervolina - Unburdened
Prolificacist - Prolificacist’s Substack
Prometheus Research - Prometheus Research
Promise - Mental Health Revolution
Propaganda In Focus - Propaganda In Focus
Propel Yourself - Propel Yourself
Prosek - Prosek's Digital Download
Proselyte Magazine - Proselyte Magazine
Prosper Igbozurike - Letters from Kaycie
Prosperiti - Prosperiti Insights
Prostalgia HD - LORE: Folktales On The Dancefloor
Protect & Survive - Austrian’s Newsletter
Protect Democracy - If you can keep it
Protect the Parents - Protect the Parents
Protect the Wild - Protect the Wild
Protein Milkshake - Protein Milkshake's 30 Day Transformation Meal Plan
Protestia - The Insurgency News Blast
Protima - Protima’s Newsletter
Protometanoia33 - Protometanoia33’s Substack
Proton Magic - Proton Magic & Co.
Proud Navy Veteran - Proud Navy Veteran
Proudly Ladokite - Proudly Ladokite
Provectus Biopharmaceuticals - Provectus’s Substack
Proven Marketing - Marketing Proven
Provenance Watches - Provenance Watches
Proyecto Grow Up - Proyecto Grow Up
Prépa Réussir les concours - Réussir les Concours
Prudence Brooks - Prudence Brooks
prue batten - Knots in the String
Przemek Gerschmann - 52Notatki
Przeprogramowani - Przeprogramowany Newsletter
Przystanek Dolny Śląsk - Przystanek Dolny Śląsk
Pseudo Agrippa - Pseudo Agrippa's Substack
P-Seven - Rub bitch with P-Seven.
PSFK Weekly - PSFK Weekly from Piers Fawkes
PSFK's Broadmind - Broadmind from PSFK
PSGR - Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids
PSGRNZ - Science, Stewardship & Scalability, PSGR New Zealand
PSI-AZ Chapter - Postpartum Support International - AZ Chapter’s Newsletter
Psic Angela Ibarra - Cartas para el corazón. By Angela Ibarra
Psic. Wanda Bennasar - Psicoterapia de Bolsillo
Psicanalisando - Psicanalisando
Psicoanálisis y Ciencia - Psicoanálisis y Ciencia - Aproximaciones
PsiQUEER - PsiQUEER | Psicoterapia y Espacio de Divulgación
PSLE Journey Team - PSLE Journey
PST - We Are West Coast Sports
Psych With Cancer - Psych With Cancer
Psychedelic Press - Psychedelic Press
Psychic-ish - Psychic-ish’s Substack
Psychologist kakar - Psychologist’s Substack
Psychology & world - Psychology & world
Psychology Meets Writing - Psychology Meets Writing
Psychology of Technology Inst. - Designing Tomorrow
Psychopolitics - Psychopolitics
Psychotherapist and the Shaman - The Psychotherapist and the Shaman
PsyMed Ventures - PsyMed Ventures Newsletter
P.T.Brown - The Erotic World of P.T.Brown
Péter Király - Patterns of Translation
Public & Applied Humanities - Public Humanities Newsletter
Public Health Hiring Help - Public Health Hiring Help
Public Health Policy Reviews - Public Health Policy Reviews Substack
PUBLIC Library - PUBLIC Library
Public Policy India - The Policy Post
Public Power Review Editors - Public Power Review
Public Seminar - Public Seminar
Public Servant - Democracy Defender
Publius - The Socratic Autodidactic
Publius Americus - Nero's Riot
Puck Rietveld - om te zien moet je kijken
Pueblos Vivos Cuenca - Pueblos Vivos Cuenca Boletín
Puiyin Wong - #TELresearchers & #HEresearchers
Puliyabaazi Hindi Podcast - पुलियाबाज़ी Puliyabaazi
Pulse Energy - Pulse Energy Insights
Puneet Seth - North of Patient
Punit Thakkar - Hello Universe
Puntero Izquierdo - o continente além do umbigo
Punyhuman - *Expletive Deleted
purahealthyvida - purahealthyvida
Purdeep Sangha - The Science of Winning
Purple Druid - Wargame Culture Design Journal
Purple Reign - Let Purple Reign
PurpleAmerica - PurpleAmerica’s Substack
Pursuing the Right Tail - Jeremy’s Substack
Push Pull Grappling - Push Pull Grappling
Pushan Dutt - Pushan’s Substack
Puskar Kandel - Power Platform News
put a dog in it - The World Breaks Everyone
Putcha Vijay Kumar - The Pluto
P.V. Perseus - Backstage@Plato's
PWWEAM Systems & Processes - PWW EAM Systems & Processes
Pyramids and Pagodas - Pyramids and Pagodas
Pyry Smolander - Pyryn Uutiskirje
Qal Fessehaye - Urban Chronicles
Qari Mubashir - The Diary of A Hāfiz
Qasim Rashid, Esq. - Let's Address This with Qasim Rashid
QC Advertising - QC Advertising Internship Newsletter
QED Social and Market Research - QED Social and Market Research
Qid Love 🕉️💕🎸🏳️⚧️ - The Prophetex
Qimmah Saafir - tilt your head
⬢ 𝐐𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 - Qriteria Capital
Q-SEO - L'Acquisition by Q-SEO
Quaid Saifee - Monthly Musings: A Curated Reading List
Quality Equities - Quality Equities
Quality Stocks - Quality Stocks
Quality Value - Quality Value Transcript
Quality Value | Gestión Pasiva - Quality Value | Gestión Pasiva
Quan Williams - Prose & Quan's
Quang Hoang - Quang | Googler | Kỹ sư phần mềm
Quant Club - Quant Club’s Substack
Quant Factory - QuantFactory Research
𝚀𝚞𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝙱𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚖𝚊𝚗 - 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐
Quant_David - Quant_David Publication
Quantified Strategies - Quantified Strategies
Quantifying ESG - Quantifying ESG
Quantitativo - Quant Trading Rules
Quantum Leap Labs - Quantum Frontier
Quantum Zeitgeist - Quantum Computing
Quantus Insights - Quantus Insights
Quarrelsome Life - Quarrelsome Life
Quartier Libre TV - Quartier Libre TV / On fait quoi Maintenant ?
Quartz in the Clouds - Quartz’s in the Clouds
Qubilah Huddleston - Black Women Get to Be
Qubit Community - Qubit Community
Quds Mon Amour - Habiba’s Substack
Queen - Grant Writing Academy Newsletter
Queen Anne's Gate Capital - Clearing the Path of the Energy Transition
Queen Hatchett - Growing Together
Queen Kwong - Historical Hysteria
Queen Méabh - Queen’s Substack
Queen Street Analytics - Queen Street Analytics
Queenetta - The Friendship Corner
Queens College Media Studies - The G Building News
Queer Archivist - Queer Archive Fever
Queer Conjure - Queer’s Substack
Queer Hoodoo Housewife - Queer Hoodoo Housewife
queer on the street - queer on the street
Queercoded Angel - Queercoded’s Substack
Queercrips Love Pal - Queercrips Love Pal