Sitemap - Authors (ret - ric)

RetroShell - RetroShell Weekly Retro Gaming News

Reuben J Rose - Sons of Issachar Newsletter

Reuben Salsa - The Judean People's Front by Reuben Salsa

Reunion - Reunion’s Substack

Reuven Leigh - Chabad of Cambridge

Reuven Leigh - Ksovim

Reuven Spero - Reuvenations

Rev - Rev’s Substack

rev. addie domske - [the "rev" stands for revolution.]

Rev. Alex Jensen - Sermons for the Journey

rev [Alexandre da Silva Souto] - Revalexation

Rev. Andrew Wilkes, Ph.D. - Andrew’s Newsletter

Rev. Angela Denker - I'm Listening

Rev. Benjamin R. Cremer - Into The Gray: Substack

Rev. Cameron Robinson - Cameron’s Substack

Rev. Cameron Trimble - Piloting Faith: An (Almost) Daily Meditation

Rev Dan - Rev Dan

Rev. Darcy Corbitt - Rev. Darcy Corbitt

Rev. David Alexander - The Liberation Lens

Rev. Deacon Michael - Ascending The Cross

Rev Deb Connor - Creative Spirit with Rev Deb

Rev. Dr. Angela N. Parker - Angela’s Substack

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Landrum - Fat Faith

Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval - Liquid Living by Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval

Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis - Fierce Love

Rev Dr Margaret Wesley - With Love from Rev Margaret

Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson - Metaphysics Mysticism Movies and More

Rev. Dr. Shannon Fleck - Red State Resistance: Responding to Christian Nationalism

Rev. Dr. Shannon Fleck - Rev. Dr. Shannon Fleck

Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick - Newsletter by Dr Stephen MK Brunswick

Rev. Dylan Littlefield - A Chaplain's Life

Rev. Evan Ponton - Words If Necessary

Rev. Evelyn Bourne (Ambilike) - Sacred Creative Soul Speaks

Rev. Gabriel Burford - Love For Our Time

Rev. Jack Franicevich - Bible Notes

Rev Jo - Jo’s Substack

Rev. Joash P. Thomas - Jesus, Justice & Joash

Rev. John Naugle - Father John Naugle

Rev. Joshua D. Bowron - Thoughts and Prayers

Rev. Julz - Rev. Julia's Substack

Rev Katie Grace - Solace for Sensitive Souls

Rev. Larry Beane - Most Certainly Beane

Rev. Lizzie McManus-Dail - A Liberated Life: Musings from Rev. Lizzie

Rev. Lotus La Loba - The Dark Divines

Rev. Matt Oxley - The Great Deconstruction

Rev. Matthew Littlefield - Rev. Matt's Newsletter

Rev. Peggy Clarke - Disrupt Church

Rev. Rich Lang - Sermons Never Spoken

Rev. Robert E. Smith - What does this Mean?

Rev Robert Irvine - Robert’s Substack

Rev. Rose - Dragon Rose Temple

Rev Rose’s Rambling - The Rambling Reverend

Rev. Ruth Marston-Bihl - Dandelion Wishes

Rev. Shōren Heather - Spark Zen

Rev. Stephanie C. Bradbury - Jesus and the Enchanted Cosmos

Rev. Timoth - Unboxing the Movement

Rev. Tina - Rev. Tina's Stubshack

Reva Luft - trouping

Reva Santo - Reva Santo

Revd Jonathan Harris | CoB - The Vestry

Rev’d Misty Kiwak - A Word, Please

RevealedEye - RevealedEye’s Newsletter

Revelation Watchers - Revelation Watchers

Revelry Collection - Revelry Collection

Revenoid - Future of Prospecting

Revenue Squared - Revenue Squared

Reverend Bird - Reverend's Crowstack

Reverend Russ - A Religion of One

Reverician - Metaxial Reveries

Reverie - Reverie

Reviewing Afrobeats - Reviewing Afrobeats

Revise & Resub - RevPit Announcements

R(ev)ise and Shine! - R(ev)ise and Shine!


Revista Cult - Revista Cult

Revista de Historia - Revista de Historia

Revista Este País - La semana de Este País

Revista O Grito! - Revista O Grito! Newsletter

Revista Pola - Moda & Champagne

Revista Repeteco - Revista Repeteco

revista USINA - Boletim da revista USINA

Revista Wanda - Wanda

Revival Method - Revival Method

RevKarla - Spirituality Matters with Rev Karla

Revolução AI - Revolução AI

Revolutionary Blackout Network - Revolutionary Blackout

Revolving Door Project - Revolving Door Project Newsletter

REVUE - The Interesting Woman by REVUE

Rewild Africa - ReWilding & the Decade of Restoration 🐘

Rewilding Mama - Rewilding Mama


Rewriting Our Future - Rewriting Our Future - A Mind Control Exodus

Rex - Dr. Tilden's Wisdom by Rex Harrill

Rex Landy - Reality Bites

Rex Ogle - Rex Ogle’s Totally Rad Dispatches from his Book Brain


Rex Woodbury - Digital Native

Rey - Rey and the Archive

rey - aphrodite's cabin

Rey Barceló - The Labyrinth

Rey Clemons - Quiet Power: Productivity & Mindset Transformation.

Rey Esteban Comics - El Newsletter de Rey Esteban Comics

Rey Katz (they/them) - Amplify Respect

Rey Ventura - Bruno & Taro's Newsletter


Reyna Eisenstark - Already the Past

Rez Rahman - Rezervations - Food & Travel

Reza Bird - NXT ANIMAL

reze wong - Empower Oakland


RG Morse - Morse's Code

Rgreenequote - Rgreenquote's Newsletter

r.h. Sin - Sin's room

Rhea Borja - After the Fire

Rhea Lieber - Rhe Rhe’s Recs

RheAnn - wordies

Rhett Miller - Time & Temperature

Rhianna - onehollowleg

Rhiannon D'Averc - Crowhill Cove

Rhiannon Thomas - Rhiannon’s Newsletter

Rhiannon Tyndell - Liebemarlene Gardens

Rhishi Pethe - Software is Feeding the World

Rhoan Garnett, PhD - Rhoan’s Substack

RhodeIslandACT.Com - RhodeIslandACT

Rhodes Center Podcast - Rhodes Center Podcast

Rhodes Perry - Imagine Belonging w/Rhodes Perry

Rhodri ap Dyfrig - Y Newid Mawr / The Great Change

Rhonda Crosson - Working Stiff Projects Substack

Rhonda Dicksion - Let's Play!

Rhonda Havig - Not Null Book Reviews

Rhonda Joy - Pink Pineapple XO

Rhonda Linn - Earthen Jar; Stars

Rhonda Mason - ANTHOLOGY

Rhonda's Musings - Rhonda's Musings

Rhya Johnston-Wallace - The Outset Journal

Rhyan Geiger, RDN - Postcards from Phoenix Vegan Dietitian

Rhyanna - redefined

Rhyd Wildermuth - A Beautiful Resistance

Rhyd Wildermuth - From The Forests of Arduinna

Rhys - Rhys on Rugby

Rhys Darby - Rhys Darby

Rhys Laverty - The New Albion

Rhys Lindmark - Rhys' Pieces

Rhystic Studies - Rhystic Studies Substack

ri - forever & always

RI Theatre Listings - RI Theatre Listings

Ria Elciario-McKeown - Mixed Bag

Ria Jairam, N2RJ - Ria’s Ham Shack

Ria Tagulinao - Skinny Deep

Ria Wolstenholme - In Order to Bloom

Riaan Research Initiative - Riaan's Newsletter

riagan - wordvomit

Riah - velvet honey

Rian Chad Whitton - Doctor Syn

Rian Stone - Rian’s Substack

Rianne Meijer - Rianne Meijer

Ribines - Ribines Mag

ric - regenerative innovation with Canay

Ric Bohy - Ric Bohy’s Substack

Éric Grenier - The Writ

Ric Hudgens - The Brink

ric leczel - Compass Star Wordsmith

Ric Orlando - Think About Food

Ric Rhinehart - Look At You Go - a few thoughts about coffee

Ric Serritella - All Access Football

Érica Christieh - Quase uma desconhecida

Ricardo - Extra Fine Writing

Ricardo Andrade - Diário de uma migração para dados

Ricardo Azevedo - Newsletter Ricardo Azevedo

Ricardo Böck - Avenida Incendiária

Ricardo Brito - Burning Thoughts

Ricardo Brito Reis - Borracha Laranja

Ricardo Corrêa - Ramp Up - A Newsletter B2B

Ricardo de Carvalho - Cartas da Ilha Grande

Ricardo Domingo - Sublimar

Ricardo Maganhati - Canal Hacker

Ricardo Martini - Lambe Lambe

Ricardo Martini - Locked Groove

Ricardo Moura - Escrivaninha

Ricardo Rico Soto - Ricardo Rico Soto

Ricardo Romo, Ph.D - Latinos in America

Ricardo Simmonds - Galileo's Ghost

Ricardo Thomé - Projeto Conselho

Ricardo Viel - È un mondo difficile

Riccardo - Il Substack di Riccardo

Riccardo - BCMI - Bitcoin & Crypto Magazine Italia

Riccardo Astolfi - Gastrocene

Riccardo Bassetto - Technicismi

Riccardo Causo - IT Untold

Riccardo Cecco - La Cantina Dei Dannati

Riccardo Chiarion - Riccardo Chiarion - Music Room

Riccardo Esposito - My Social Web

Riccardo Staglianò - LO STATO DELLE COSE

Riccardo Tacconi - Infra Weekly Newsletter

Riccardo Valle - Militancy Chowk

Riccardo Vocca - The Intelligent Friend

Ricdshaman - Ricdshaman’s Substack

Rich - West Coast Football

Rich Bolus - The Dad Mindset

Rich Curtis - FutureBrand Australia

Rich DeMuro - Rich on Tech

Rich Feldman - A Muse Letter

Rich Freeman - Channelholic

RICH HARDIN - Canine Chronicles: The Double H Digest

Rich Heimann - GenAI: More Than You Asked For

Rich Herschlag - Sweating the Small Stuff

Rich Holmes - Department of Product

Rich Houck - Dark Academia with Rich Houck

Rich Johnston - That Bloody Rich Johnston

Rich Laverty - Women's Football Chronicles

Rich Maloy - VC Minute

rich mironov - Rich Mironov's Product Bytes

Rich Moore - Along the Way

Rich Rivera - Seek The Peace

Rich Rivera - Un-Naming

Rich Rosa - Real Boston

Rich Slutzky - Counterspin: Lies, Damn lies, and Spin!

Rich Sobel - Taking the Good Road

Rich Stayman - MavsDraft’s Substack

Rich Tea - Rich Tea

Rich Thurman III - Move Better, Feel Better, Do More!

Rich Turrin - Cashless: Fintech, CBDC and AI at the speed of Asia

Rich Villodas - Rich Villodas

Rich Young - Rich Young

Richa - Mindful Momentum

Richa Vadini Singh - Here's What I Think

Richard - Innovative Technology

Richard - Life after the daily grind

Richard - Yanksy

Richard - Out Walking - Whilst Out Walking - 1001 Species

Richard - Out Walking - Whilst Out Walking ... Snapshots

Richard A Viguerie - Richard’s Substack

Richard A. Werner, D.Phil. - Richard Werner’s Substack

Richard Ackland - Postcard from Down Under

Richard Allaway - How do you know what you don’t know?

Richard Anglin - The Well Fed Skier

Richard Ashworth - Richard’s Substack

Richard Aufrichtig - One More Song

Richard Bailey - The Dionysus Theatre Project

Richard Baird - BP&O Weekly

Richard Baird - Logo Histories

Richard Barrow - Asian Train Guide

Richard Bausch - Richard’s Substack

Richard Beck - Experimental Theology with Richard Beck

Richard Beddard - investing etc.

Richard Bernabe - Richard Bernabe's Beyond The Lens

Richard Blankman - The Blankman List: Things to Do in NYC

Richard Brisebois - The Craft of Management

Richard Brody - Richard’s Substack

Richard Bryant - Elevate the Discourse with Richard Bryant

Richard Buckner - EXTRACTIONS

Richard Bush - Good Theology Matters

Richard Byrne - Stage Write

Richard C. Cook - Three Sages

Richard Cadena - Richard’s Substack

Richard Capener - The Emergency Kisses

Richard Careaga - Two outta three ain’t bad

Richard Carter - science • history • nature

Richard Cheverton - Portland Dissent

Richard Clarke - Happier at work - 5 minute hacks to build happier teams

Richard Congress - Blues, Jazz, Politics and Irony

Richard Conniff on Nature - Richard Conniff’s Substack

Richard Crim - The Crisis Report

Richard D. Bartlett - Microsolidarity

Richard D. Bartlett - What I'm paying attention to

Richard Dahlstrom - Richard’s Substack

Richard David Hames - The Hames Report - Limited Edition

Richard Dawkins - The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins

Richard Delevan - Wicked Problems

Richard Demsyn-Jones - Simplicity is SOTA

Richard DeWald - Richard’s Rants

Richard Donnelly - Bookish by Richard Donnelly

Richard Duncan - Macro Watch On Substack

Richard Edwards - De l'esprit de Richard Charles Edwards

Richard Elliott - Songs and Objects

Richard Erschik - Right-ings by: Richard Erschik

Richard Excell - Stay Vigilant

Richard F. Purcell - MoxieGTM

Richard Fairbairn - Content Aware

Richard Fang - CornerTech & Marketing Newsletter

Richard Farr - Farrmageddon

Richard Fawal - 6 to 64

Richard Fidler - WhatNow

Richard Flohil - Stories from the Edge of Music

Richard Flyer - Symbiotic Culture

Richard Freeman - A New England

Richard Freeman - The Brighton Connectiv

Richard G - Richard G

Richard Gage, AIA - Architect - RichardGage911

Richard Galant - Now It's History

Richard Godwin - The Spirits

Richard Goldberg - Food and Nutrition News

Richard Goodman - Richard Goodman's Newsletter


Richard Green - A Piece of the Pi: mathematics explained

Richard Griffin - Griff’s The Pitch

Richard Grossinger - Jovian Bricolage

Richard Gwyn - Raids on the Underworld with Richard Gwyn

Richard Haass - Home & Away

Richard Hanania - Richard Hanania's Newsletter