Sitemap - Authors (dr - dre)

Dr Erik Smedler - Can the brain understand itself?

Dr Erik Smedler - Kan hjärnan förstå sig själv?

Dr Ewoma - Dear Doctor

Dr Faiez Kirsten - Dr Faiez Kirsten's HWP Report

Dr Ferdinand Santos III - Modern Scientism, Cults and the Age of darkness

Dr Florence Hazrat - Mind the Gap

Dr. Flurm Googlybean - And They Point and Screech

Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi - Dancing Elephants Press

Dr Gary Payinda - Dr Gary Payinda's Substack

Dr. Gena Gorlin - Building the Builders

Dr Genevieve - The HSP Revolution

Dr Genevieve - The Resonant Parenting Project

Dr Georgia Richards - Preventable Deaths Tracker

Dr Gerry Brady - BOOM Finance and Economics Substack

Dr Gervais Harry - Aging and your Hormones

Dr. Gladys Ato - The Break

Dr. Glenn Packiam - Glenn’s Substack

Dr. Grouf's Health Protocols - Dr. Grouf's

Dr. Han VanderHart - Poetry Notes from Han

Dr. Harini Bhat - Today I Learned Science

Dr. Haris Ghole - Smile Gazette

Dr. Hasan Önal - Dünyadan Esintiler

Dr. Heather M. Roff - The AIs of March

Dr Hetvi Soni - The Health Hub

Dr. Huang - Fertility and Hormones

Dr Hung Tran - Sovereign Times

Dr. Ian Cutress - More Than Moore

Dr Ioannis Syrigos - The Modern World

Dr. Iretioluwa Akerele - CyberInfo with Dr. Iretioluwa

Dr J Nasser MD and PHD - Dr José Nasser MD PHD Substack

Dr. Jack Brown - Dr. Jack Brown • Body Language Substack

Dr. Jack McGourty - Innovate & Thrive

Dr. Jaiya John - Sacred Word with Jaiya John

Dr. Jake Tuber - Work Wise

Dr James W.E. Smith - Dr. James WE Smith

Dr Jane Olivier - Bush Doctor

Dr Jane Ruby - Dr. Jane Ruby's Truth In Medicine

Dr. Jason Fung - Dr. Fung’s Newsletter

Dr. Jason Piccolo - The Protectors® Gazette

Dr. Jason Polak - Technology, Environment, and Art

Dr Jean the Cat Vet - Little Big Cat

Dr. Jeff - Mastering ADHD from Chaos to Entrepreneurial Success

Dr. Jeff Perron, MBA, C.Psych - The Psychology of Happiness

Dr. Jen Gunter - The Vajenda

Dr. Jennifer Freed - A MAP TO OUR SOULS

Dr. Jennifer I Considine - Energy Politics

Dr. Jennifer Lincoln - Dr. Jennifer Lincoln

Dr Jessica Taylor - What Would Jess Say?

Dr. Jesus Paula Carvalho - Dr. Jesus Paula Carvalho

Dr. Jim Salvucci - The Dylantantes

Dr Jo Burzynska - Oenosthesia - Blending Wine and Music

Dr. Joachim Raese - The Invisible Glitch

Dr. Joan Fleischman - Reimagining Abortion

Dr. Joanne Swenson - Eight Trails

Dr Joel Yong - The Biochemistry Of Human Health

Dr. Joerg STORM - DIGITAL STORM weekly

Dr. John A. Bernbaum - Reflections on World Politics

Dr John Clifton - Christ in the Margins by Dr John Clifton

Dr. John Duffy - On Parenting and Life

Dr. John Fairless - The Lectionary Lab

Dr John H Watson - Letters from Watson

Dr. John Rutledge - Dr. John Rutledge: Far from Equilibrium Economics

Dr. Jon Chasteen - ReLeader

Dr. Jonathan N. Stea - Mind the Science Newsletter

Dr. Joseph Mercola - Dr. Mercola's Censored Library (Private Membership)

Dr. Joseph Sansone - Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone

Dr Julia Grace Patterson💙 - Call To Action

Dr. Juli-Anne Russo - Caribbean Aquaculture Network

Dr. Julie Gurner - Ultra Successful

Dr. Justine Szabo - Stories from The Magic Guild

Dr K Mandrake & Virginia Haze - A Quickly Changing Kaleidoscope

Dr. Kat Lindley - Dr. Kat Lindley

Dr. Kate Henry - Tending with Dr. Kate Henry

Dr. Kate Wolin - Dr. Kate Wolin’s Substack

Dr. Kathleen Waller - The Matterhorn: truth in fiction

Dr Kathryn N Spencer PMHNP-BC - The White Tiger

Dr. Katie Maher - The hardest part of vet school is... GETTING IN.

Dr. Ken Kearse PsyD. - The Kazi Files

Dr. Ken Springer - Statisfied

Dr. Kenael Segal - Not Your Average Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon - Dr.’s Newsletter

Dr. Kiernan M. Steiner - The Voice Doula

Dr Kim - Life, Love, and Faith with Dr. Kim

Dr. Kim de Peiza - Agitate to Elevate!

Dr. Kim Nicole - Edify

Dr Kimberly Douglass - Future Hearts and Minds

Dr. Kimberly Mallett - Mental Tune-Ups

Dr Kondrot - All About Vision With Dr Kondrot

Dr. Kristen Stuppy - Quest for Health KC

Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng - Solving Healthcare Media with Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng

Dr. Lang Charters - Light and Love with Lang

Dr. Larry Krumenaker - The Galactic Times Newsletter

Dr. Laura Anderson - Therapy in the Headlines

Dr. Laura De Veau - What's Up in The Academy?

Dr. Laura Robinson - Not Peer Reviewed: By Laura Robinson

Dr. Lee Warren - Self-Brain Surgery with Dr. Lee Warren

Dr. Liang Hong-Ming - Taiwan in World History 台灣與世界歷史

Dr Lidiya Angelova - genuineprospect

Dr Lily Dunn - And a Dog

Dr. Louise Schriewer - Joyful Growth & Work You Love Coach 🌟

Dr. Lucy McBride - Are You Okay?

Dr. Lutz E. Kraushaar - Right To Rejuvenation

Dr M Trozzi - Dr Mark Trozzi

Dr. Malcolm Adams® - It's Still Monday Digest™

Dr Manas Chakrabarti - "Out Of Syllabus" by Dr Manas Chakrabarti 😀

Dr. Mardy Grothe - Dr. Mardy's Substack

Dr Margaret Aranda - Renew And Refresh

Dr Margaret Aranda - The Rebel Patient™

Dr Maria Panagiotidi - UX Psychology

Dr. Marian Laderoute - HERV-K102 and Pandemic Responses

Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross - The Feel Good Life

Dr. Mark JS Miller - Biomedical & Nutritional Sleuth Newsletter

Dr. Mark Pack - The Week in Polls

Dr Martin Alexander Gershon - Partnering for BetterHealth

Dr. Martin Erdmann - Betrachtungen des Hofnarren

Dr. Martin Erdmann - Musings of the Court Jester

Dr. Martin Moore-Ede - THE LIGHT DOCTOR

Dr. Mary M. Marshall - Dr. Mary Marshall's Collection

Dr Mathew Maavak - The Eye Opener

Dr. Matt Chalmers - Wellness Insights with Dr. Matt Chalmers

Dr. Matthew Alford - Dr. Matthew Alford's "Worst Year Ever"

Dr. Matthew Wielicki - Irrational Fear

Dr. Matthias Beier - Religion and Society on the Couch with Dr. Matthias Beier

Dr. med. Katja Aschenbrenner - Lebendig Lang Leben

Dr Mehmet Yildiz - Content Strategy, Development, & Marketing Insights

Dr Mehmet Yildiz - Health and Wellness by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Dr Mehmet Yildiz - Technology Excellence and Leadership

Dr Melissa McCann - Dr Melissa McCann's Substack

Dr. Merrilee Fullerton - Dr. Merrilee Fullerton

Dr. Michael Chivers - Absolute: The Art and Science of Human Performance

Dr Michael Liffman AM - Beyond The Faultlines

Dr. Michael Robillard - Michael Robillard's Newsletter

Dr. Michelle Martin - Dr. Michelle Martin | Aging Naked

Dr. Michelle R. Weise - Skilling Me Softly

Dr Michelle Tolfrey - From The Other Chair

Dr Michelle Wong - Lab Muffin Beauty Science Updates

Dr. Mihail Pautov - Dr. Mihail's Newsletter

Dr Mike Broadly - Health Science Research By Dr Mike Broadly

Dr Mike Yeadon - Dr Mike Yeadon

Dr Milan Milanović - Tech World With Milan Newsletter

Dr. Émile P. Torres - Émile’s Substack


Dr. MLE, Beach Witch - Dr. MLE’s Soul Sauce + Floss

Dr. Molly Maloof - Dr. Molly's Newsletter

Dr. Mona - Belonging Reimagined with Dr. Mona

Dr. Nafeesah Allen - Dr. Nafeesah Allen’s Substack

Dr Nagy Marcell - Munkaegészségügy

Dr Nancy Buck - Growing Good Family & Mental Health

Dr Naomi Fisher - Think Again

Dr. Naomi Wolf - Geneva Bible Readings by Naomi Wolf

Dr Naomi Wolf - Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf

Dr Natasha Punia - InflamMed Community

Dr. Nathan Jacobs - Theological Letters

Dr. Nathanial Bork - What the Other Side is Saying - Guides for Good Debates

Dr Nia D Thomas - Knowing Self Knowing Others

Dr. Nicholas Corrin - Dr. Nicholas Corrin's Newsletter

Dr Nicola Guess - Dr Guess’s Blog

Dr. Nicole Truesdell - Dr. Nicole Truesdell's Abolitionist Dreamscapes

Dr. Nii Addy - The Addy Minute

Dr Nilimesh Halder - AI, Analytics & Data Science: Towards Analytics Specialist

Dr Obvious (DoctorObvious) - Dr’s Substack

Dr. Ogi Ogas - The Dark Gift: Living the Good Life with Autism

Dr. Owen Anderson - Dr.A’s Substack

Dr Paddy Barrett - Dr Paddy Barrett

Dr. Pamela Rutledge - Digital Brains & Behavior

Dr. Paul - Dr. Paul

Dr. Paul - Men’s Psychology®

Dr. Paul - Romantipedia®️

Dr. Paul - Women’s Psychology

Dr. Paul & DeeDee Hoover - Kids First 4 Ever: Dr Paul and DeeDee

Dr. Paul Alexander - Alexander MAGA Trump news; fake PCR created non-pandemic

Dr Paula Thomas Mark - Wellness Works

Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin - Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators

Dr. Peter Grinspoon - Grinspoon on Drugs

Dr Phil Price - The Progress Theory

Dr Philip McMillan - Long Covid Analysed

Dr Philip McMillan - Vejon COVID-19 Review

Dr Philippa Hardman - Dr Phil's Learning Futures Digest

Dr Philippa Hardman - Dr Phil's Learning Research Digest

Dr Philippa Hardman - Dr Phil's Newsletter, Powered by DOMS™️ AI

Dr Piers Robinson - Piers Robinson's Substack

Dr Pippa - Pippa's Pen & Podcast

Dr. Prashanth Parameswaran - ASEAN Wonk

Dr Rachel David - The mind–body adventure

Dr Rachel Knightley - InkCouragement: Dr Rachel Knightley at the Writers' Gym

Dr Rachel Morris - Five By Five Times

Dr. Rae - Dr. Truthfinder

Dr. Rak - RAK ON

Dr. Ralph La Guardia - Medical Underground

Dr. Rashmi Das - The Autistic Student

Dr Richard Louis Miller - Mind Body Health & Politics

Dr. Rob Campbell - The Busker

Dr Robert Beckett - Communication Ethics Diary

Dr. Robert Castellano - Dr. Robert Castellano's Semiconductor Deep Dive Newsletter

Dr Robert Lyman MBE - The War Room

Dr. Robert Priebe, MCIP, RPP - Parks Are Like Icebergs

Dr Robin Youngson - Becoming a Healer

Dr. Roger McFillin - Radically Genuine

Dr. Roy C. Starr PhD - What if you don't die?

Dr. Ryan Truchelut - WeatherTiger's Hurricane Watch

Dr S J Nana - Dr. Nana's Healthy Habits Update

Dr Sam Bailey - Dr Sam Bailey

Dr Sam Sterling - Notes on Next

Dr. Samantha Boardman - The Dose

Dr. Samira Davalbhakta - MedWithSam: Science Simplified

Dr. Sandeep Krishnamurthy - Dr. Sandeep Krishnamurthy

Dr Sara Pugh - Dr Sara Pugh's Quantum Health Substack

Dr. Sarah Carnes - Unconventional Information with Dr. Sarah Carnes

dr. sarah duignan - anthrodish essays

Dr Sarah Schwitalla - Mikrobiom Studienbrief

Dr Sasha Dovzhyk - Ukrainian Killjoy Dispatch

Dr Scott Carlin - Scott Carlin’s Substack

Dr Scott Masson - The recovered image

Dr. Selda Koydemir - Modern Virtue

Dr. Seth Dobrin - Silicon Sands News

Dr Sharon Blackie - The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie

Dr. Shelby - Biocene thoughts

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Dr Tenpenny - Walking With God

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Dr. Tenpenny's Eye on the Evidence

Dr Shireen Kassam - Plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine updates

Dr Simon Rogoff - Narcissism, Trauma and Celebrity

Dr. Simone Gold - The Gold Report

Dr. Sircus - Dr.Sircus

Dr. Sorina Soescu - Medic cu Experiență

Dr. Stacey Rubin - What's on Your Mind?

Dr. Stephanie Han - Woman. Warrior. Writer.

Dr. Stephanie Lovely - Parks People

Dr. Stephen Phinney - The End Times Chronicles

Dr. Steven Hassan - Dr. Steven Hassan

Dr. Suneel Dhand - Lose The Gut & Level Up

Dr. Sung Won Sohn - The Economy and Investing with Dr. Sohn

Dr. Sunita Sah - Defiant By Design

Dr Surekha Davies - Notes from an Everything Historian

Dr. Susanna Søberg - The Thermalist® Journal

Dr. Syed Haider - Dr. Syed Haider


Dr. Tamar Ron Marvin - Stories from Jewish History

Dr. Terry Martin - No Couch Therapy, with Dr. Terry Martin

Dr. Thomas J. West III - Omnivorous

Dr. Tiffany Lester - The Minimalist MD

Dr Tim Butcher - Generation Create

Dr. Timothy X Merritt - Directed Fiction

Dr. Tom Daniel - The Academy of Southern Music

Dr. Tom LeGrand - The World's Worst Pastor Blog

Dr. Tracy A. Pearson, J.D. - Deeper Thoughts by Dr. Tracy A. Pearson, J.D.

Dr. Tyna Moore - Dr. Tyna Show Podcast & Censorship-Free Blog

Dr. Udim Isang - The Sunny Side of Healing

Dr. Uma Naidoo MD - Mood Food with Dr. Uma Naidoo MD

Dr. Uriesou Brito - The Perspectivalist

Dr Vicki Connop - The Therapy Room

Dr. Vidur Jyoti - Musings of a Mystic Medic

Dr Violet Sherwood - Conversations in the dark

Dr. Vipin Sreekumar - The Strategy Scholar's Weekly Linkage

Dr. William Makis MD - COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis

Dr Y Nithiyanandam - Takshashila Geospatial Bulletin

Dr. Zeest Khan - Long Covid, MD

Dr Zoë | She's A Crowd - Dr Zoë's Substack

Dra. PhD Miryam Al-Fawal - Dra.’s Substack

Dára Sobaloju - The Eleapsis

Dracula Technologies - The Harvesting Revolution

DraculaDaily - Dracula Daily

Draghoul - Draghoul’s Substack

Drago Dimitrov - Drago's Musings

Dragon's Den Investing - Dragon's Den Investing

Dragos Alexa | - Wisdohm

Dragos Nicolaescu - Dragos’s Newsletter

Drake Dukes - Stealth Startup Spy

drakeondigital - drakeondigital’s Newsletter

Draw and Talk - Draw and Talk Comics

Draw Near to Me - Draw Near to Me

Drawing Capital - Drawing Capital Research

drawingXpressions - dX exPress


Drawn Distant - Drawn Distant

Draxtor™ - The Draxman’s Substack

DrBines verbales Vitriol - DrBine’s Newsletter

DrDwayneMD - The Assignment with Dr. Dwayne

Dre Thomas - Everyday Ribbons

Drea Gordon - You Deplete Me Podcast

Dream Baby Press - The Dream Baby Press Substack

Dream Databall - Dream Databall: From Fan to Football Strategist

Dream Mission - Dream Mission

DreamscapesInk - Heart Hugs (A Daily I Love You)

Dreamtotem - Nota marginala

Dreamweasel - Weasel Words of Wisdom

dreary dendrophile - dreary dendrophile

Dree McCarrel - dree loves you

Dren Productions - Dren Production’s Newsletter

DressageIndex - DressageIndex

Dressed Down - Dressed Down

Drew - Drew’s World

Drew & Natalie Dee - Garbage Brain University

Drew A. Koehler - Drew Koehler: Thoughts on Truth, Justice and the Kingdom Way

Drew Allen - Drew Allen

Drew Austin - Kneeling Bus

Drew Briney - Forgotten Mormon Teachings

Drew Brown - Slow Faith

Drew Carlson - The In-Powered Coach

Drew Chancey - Marvelous Wonders