Sitemap - Authors (jac - jak)

Jackie McNair - Beyond The IEP

Jackie Ralston - Music of the Day

Jackie Rossi - Jackiki

Jackie Shao - CRUNCH time - a cooking newsletter

Jackie (she/her) - Disability & Determination

Jackie Singh - Hacking, but Legal

Jackie St. Louis DPA, MSC LMHC - Tethered Together: Perspectives on the Human Experience

Jackie Stanley - Put Your Face In It

Jackie Summers - Jackie Summers

Jackie Wolven - Do Good Work

jackie.buxton - Nice News

Jacklyn Miller - Curiosity Inc

Jackpot! Recording Studio - Jackpot! Recording Studio's Substack

jackProcessus - Le Substack de jack

jackraines - Young Money by Jack Raines

Jackson Baris - This Week In Regenerative Agriculture

Jackson Bliss | ジャクソン - Mixtape by Jackson Bliss | ジャクソンのミクステープ

Jackson Clark - The Corvus Initiative

Jackson Dahl - Thoughts + Things from Jackson Dahl

Jackson Gray - Jackson's Distractions

Jackson Greathouse Fall 🃏 - Notes from the Cosmic Field

Jackson Greer - Reading Jack with Jack

Jackson Gunn Barrett - Jackson’s Substack

Jackson Katz - In the Arena with Jackson Katz

Jackson Kerchis - The Happiness PhD Project with Jackson Kerchis

Jackson Long - The Mountain Athlete Journal

Jackson Metcalf - The Levels Letter

Jackson O. Lynch - Talent Sherpa

Jackson Painter - In Plain Sight

Jackson Rezen - A Few Good Stories and a Shark

Jackson Strike - Jackson Strike

Jacky - Answer HQ

Jacky Kapadia - Jacky Publication

Jacky Power - Jacky Power | The Therapeutic Poet

jackycooksherbooks - Jacky Cooks Her Books

Jaclyn Konzelmann - AI Product - Thursday Thoughts on AI - Jaclyn Konzelmann | AI PM @Google

Jaclyn London - The Business of Wellness w/ Jaclyn London, RD

Jaclynn Joyce - The Taiwan Report: Truth Over Ideology in the ROC

Jacob - Gerda

Jacob - Left on Reed

Jacob Allee - Study the Great Books

Jacob Ames - From This Corner

Jacob B - Pleasant Realms

Jacob B - The J. Nicholas

Jacob Bartlett - Jacob’s Tech Tavern

Jacob Baugher - The Archetypist

Jacob Blickenstaff - That Million Dollar Bash

Jacob Calta - 365 Infantry

Jacob Carter - SciLight

Jacob Chattman - Jacob Chattman & The Borzois Of Mantis Manor

Jacob Dean - A Year in Oaxaca

Jacob Falkovich - Second Person

Jacob Garchik - Macrotones

Jacob Giles - To The Ends of The Earth: Boston Church Plant (Giles)

Jacob Grant - On Second Thought

Jacob Hornberger - Jacob for Liberty

Jacob J - JJF1

Jacob Jans (He/Him) - LitWorth

Jacob Jolibois - The Glimpse

Jacob Kishere - culturepilgrim

Jacob Kyle - Into the Void

Jacob L - Ukraine Weekly Updates and other random stuff

Jacob Lehman - Intellectual Odyssey

Jacob Lowy - Musings From the Brink

Jacob Mascarenhas - Jacob Mascarenhas

Jacob Melancon - Jacob’s Substack

Jacob Michael Lehman - Jake's Blog

Jacob Miller - The Why Behind AI

Jacob Morgan - Future Ready Leadership With Jacob Morgan

Jacob Nordangård - The Pharos Chronicles – Jacob Nordangård, PhD

Jacob Pegs - Modern Maker

Jacob Pettit - The Merge

Jacob Powley - Jacob’s Substack

Jacob Redman - Everything Briefing

Jacob Rees-Mogg - Letters from an Englishman by Jacob Rees-Mogg

Jacob Riley - Something is Happening

Jacob Robinson - The Astukari Newsletter

Jacob Rowe - Rogue Funds

Jacob Ruecker - Jacob's Community

Jacob Rushfinn - Retention.Blog

jacob seiryo gendelman - keep sweeping

Jacob Shapiro - Intersubjectively Transmissible

Jacob Siegel - Light in the Times

Jacob Silverman - Jacob Silverman

Jacob Sotak - Hookswain

Jacob Souva - Drawing a Blank

Jacob Stephen - Jacob’s Substack

Jacob (@StonksJacob) - Charts by StonksJacob

Jacob Sutton - JSuttHoops

Jacob Sweet - Jacob Sweet Eats

Jacob Ward - The Rip Current by Jacob Ward

Jacob Westendorf - Jacob’s Substack

Jacob Wohl - Jacob Wohl's Newsletter

Jacob Z. Hess - Publish Peace

jacobvandersteen - Jacob's Path

Jacopo Di Miceli - Osservatorio sul complottismo

Jacopo Gozzi - Filii Historiae

Jacopo Perfetti - CORRENTE

Jacque Aye - Diary of a Sad Black Woman.

Jacque Gorelick - Heartmatters

Jacque Wills - whereabouts

Jacquelin Cangro - The Compassionate Editor

Jacqueline - sacrificial lamb

Jacqueline Alves - Depois Eu Te Conto

Jacqueline Bellefontaine - Recipe Crumbs

Jacqueline C - Private View

Jacqueline Colette (JC) - beside every boss | love & dating content for entrepreneurs

Jacqueline Combs - Jacqueline’s Substack

Jacqueline Dooley - The Halfway Path

Jacqueline H. Wolf - Urgent Care

Jacqueline Keeler - Jacqueline’s Newsletter

Jacqueline Kehoe - The World is F*ing Cool

Jacqueline Lafloufa - Umas coisas que eu li por aí

Jacqueline (MamaJ) Hollows - The Impact Activator

Jacqueline McCormick - Jacqueline McCormick

Jacqueline McKinney - Keeping a Quiet Heart

Jacqueline Medicine Weaver - Hunt. Gather. Mother.

Jacqueline Medicine Weaver - Under Grandmother Cedar

Jacqueline Nesi, PhD - Techno Sapiens

Jacqueline Rendell - Post Post Modern

Jacqueline Saville - Ponderings of a Part-Time Writer

Jacqueline Soule - Gardening With Soule

Jacqueline Strawbridge - The Delicate Ship

Jacqueline Suskin - Poetic Purpose

Jacqueline Toboroff - Supermoms Activated

Jacqueline Woodson - Jacqueline Woodson

Jacquelyn Mitchard - Everything, Edited

Jacques Jefferies - Off The Range with Jacques Jefferies

Jacques Libresco-Puckett - Small Panacea

Jacques Meir - O Substack de Jacques

Jacques Natz - Jacques’s Substack

Jacqui Devaney - Dinner Music

Jacqui Hodder - Jacqui Hodder

Jacqui James - Jacqui James

Jacqui Shine - well, actually

Jacqui Taylor (she/her) - Inner Source

Jacqui Toumbas - The Flavour Journal

Jacqui Wakelam @ TheBeagle - The Beagle For Beauty

Jacquie - Jacquie

Jacquie & Ellie - The Well Within

Jacquie Bullard - Urban Yoga Mama

Jacquie Verbal - Chronicles of Change

Jacquin Cunningham - PISS MAGAZINE

Jacynth - And Another Thing!

jad - Shelf Magazine

Jad Abi-Ali - The Strategy Playbook

Jad Al Masri - The Multifaceted Perspective

JAD (TNChristianPatriot) - JAD's Comms

Jada Henry - so, hear me out...

Jada Ogle - Jada’s Substack

Jada Simone - the pour

Jada Vogt - To be unperfect

jade - Jezebel Dreams

Jade Adia - Back To The Book Fair

jade b. - Field Notes from An American Hostage

Jade Beguelin - happy, pretty, busy by Jade Beguelin

Jade Belzberg - The Thread

Jade Bodley - Jade Bodley

Jade Buffong-Phillips - Inside Small Giants

Jade Eby - The Rebel MFA Way

Jade Elana - The Soul Salon Inner Circle

Jade Fabello - I love words and you.

Jade Farrington - Jade’s Neurodiversity Newsletter

Jade Fox - Consider This By Jade R. Fox

jade hurley 💌 - JADE FAX

Jade Iovine - Live From Bed

Jade Johnson - From the Desk of Jade Johnson

Jade Kearney - Lean While Black

Jade Kim Monsen - Jade Kim Monsen

Jade Knorre - Prepara o mate

jade kong - the strawberry gazette

Jade McGlynn - Jade’s Substack

Jade Norby - Jade Norby’s Law of One Substack

Jade Patoureau - Luxury News ✨

Jade Sharrer - Colorado Mountain Towns

Jade Teta - Next Level Human Substack

Jade Walker - A Bit of Good News

Jade Walker - The End Files

Jade Wilson - Tech Unfiltered

Jade Wootton - Jade Wootton

Jaden Ramsey - Awake in the Dream Newsletter

Jaden Vann - Oceanside Sports

Jadna Alana - Escritas de mim

Jadrian Wooten - Monday Morning Economist

jadyn arii - poco a poco press

Jadyn Barrett - Jadyn's Erotique

Jadyn Lam - Jadyn’s Substack

Jae C. - Oak & Bower

Jae Hyun Kim - Pastor Jae’s Journal

Jae Oh - Jae's Corner | Solving Money's Naming Problem

Jaedon - Jaedon

Jaelyn Elizabeth - Jaelyn’s Moon Notes

Jaelyn Wratchford - chatty cheeks

Jaelynn Lawrence - Shire Bonsai Network

JaeSwift - Just Another Enemy

Jaewon Jung - Systematic Investing with QuantMage

Jafari Joseph - STEM Grew Petals

JaffaBranding - Monetize With Design

Jafree Ozwald✨ - Enlightened Beings

Jagandeep Singh - Seldon on Markets

Jage - Words from the Wharf

Jagger Waters - Jagger’s Substack

Jago Rackham - Greed

Jagoda Jovanović - Stand Up & Priče iz Života

Jaharn Quinn - Reclaimed by Jaharn

jahnavi - The Good Side of the Internet

jahnavi - thodi

Jai Michelle Louissen - The Winged Moon Literary Magazine

Jai N. Clarke-Binns - A Load Of Orgness 🫠

Jaime Arredondo - Bold & Open

Jaime Blanco - Mundo Jablago

💎 Jaime Buckley - Life of Fiction

Jaime Clemente Hevia - La Sobremesa

Jaime Curtis - Option Zero

Jaime Derringer - Blob

Jaime Green - TBD (maybe never)

Jaime Hoerricks, PhD - The AutSide

Jaime Jessop - Climate & Covid: Challenging Unenlightenment 'Science'

Jaime Lewis - What I Write When I Should Be Writing My Book

Jaime López - Intranet from the Trenches

Jaime Martín - Aerospace Insider

Jaime Novoa - Dealflow France

Jaime Novoa - Dealflow Latam

Jaime Novoa - Newsletter

Jaime Ramos - Perennidad Del Ser

Jaime Rebanal - Clouds of Gaia

Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago - Kaizen

Jaime Simpson - Jaime’s Substack

Jaime Sotomayor - Innovación Sin Barreras Podcast por Jaime Sotomayor

Jaime Tanna - Energy Therapy's Substack

Jaime Wilson - bittersweet

Jaime Wright - moon missives

Jaimee Marshall - Jaimee’s Musings

Jaimine - Jaimine’s Newsletter

Jaimini Dodia - Echoes of the Self

Jaineel Mistry - Lead From Within with Jaineel Mistry

jairme caracortada - Bem-vindo ao meu churrasco

Jairo / Aldea Value - Aldea Value

Jaison Thomas - Jaison's Marketing Mixtape

Jaju Pierogi - Jaju’s Substack

Jak Major - Feminine Genius

Jakari Wing - Illumination Diaries by Jakari Wing

Jake - Concrete Avalanche

Jake - Rat Report

Jake Adelstein - Tokyo Paladin with Jake Adelstein

Jake and Stake - Infinite Search

Jake Bell - Who Do You Know?

Jake Bible - Brain Squeezins

Jake Browne - Mana Club

Jake Bullington - Jake Can Write

Jake Claver - Strategic Wealth Briefing with Jake Claver, QFOP

Jake Clemens - Fishing for a Reason

Jake Communications Link - Starr and Staff

Jake Creps - The OSINT Newsletter

Jake Dell - Experimental Sermons

Jake Doberenz - Smashing Idols with Jake Doberenz

Jake Duncan - Stewarding Your Life Well

Jake Eagle - The Unorthodox Therapist

jake elliff - subtle steadies with jake elliff

Jake Elm - Money Talks

Jake Freudinger - Win The Night

Jake Gillis - Sababoosh

Jake Goldstein - Playtime

Jake Goodman, MD, MBA - Mental Health Movement by Dr. Jake

Jake Griggs - Working Order

Jake Handy - Handy AI

Jake Hanrahan - BIN WORLD

Jake Hanrahan - GARGOYLE MODE

Jake Haupert - Travel for Tomorrow by Jake Haupert

Jake Heyen - The Active Times

Jake Hill - Jake’s Journal

Jake Jabbour - Physical Medium Talent

Jake Jackson - Kaizen and The Pursuit of Truth

Jake Johannsen - Jake Johannsen Newsletter

Jake Kaplan - Jake’s Takes

Jake Koehn - Handful of Paradise

Jake Kokot - Jake’s Journal

Jake Kulju - Hinterland

Jake Lahut - StraightFromThe Hut

Jake LaMotta - Raging Bull Investments

Jake Landau - Jake Landau is Getting Tired

Jake Maia Arlow - Jake's Takes

Jake Malooley - Expanding Dan

Jake Marquez and Maren Morgan - Death in The Garden

Jake Matthews - MediCurious


Jake Mobley - The Emerald Tablet

Jake Morley - Jake Morley’s Famously Loss-Making Email Newsletter

Jake Novak - Jake’s Takes

Jake Owensby - The Woodlands

Jake P. Taylor-King - scTrends

Jake Parker - Jake's Desk

Jake Pollard - Gaming&Co

Jake Porter - Jake Porter's Analysis & Investigations

Jake Redlawski - Stoic Nomadic

Jake Rivard - Stowaway - A Fantasy Novel by J.M. Rivard

Jake Ryan - The Age of Autonomy Update

Jake Schneider - Atlas Analytics

Jake Sheehan - Jake’s Substack

Jake Smith - Legit Smitty's Underground Binder Clip Society