
Top 25 Bitcoin Articles on Substack

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What Bitcoin Did Podcast Appearance - June 2024

Check out all of the charts discussed in our June 2024 appearance on the What Bitcoin Did podcast.
G’day Folks! This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with Pete and Danny from the What Bitcoin Did podcast to go over the big themes I am seeing across the Bitcoin market. I love sitting down with these two, and the conversation is always a blast.
James Check (Checkmatey) ∙ 11 LIKES

Bitcoin two months after the halving

Also ETFs flows drying up and the Fed target for inflation
Welcome to the Friday edition of the Ecoinometrics newsletter. Every week we bring you the three most important charts on the topics of macroeconomics, Bitcoin and digital assets. Today we'll cover: Bitcoin two months after the halving No inflows for the Bitcoin ETFs
Ecoinometrics ∙ 14 LIKES
Samuel Tomé
¡Muy buenos datos, gracias por el trabajo!

Free for All... Market Defies Gravity

Bitcoin to move higher
Special Offer: Seminar Replay Available Now! Before diving into tonight's report, I'm excited to announce the release of the replay of the seminar I conducted last fall. If you own the indicators, this presentation is a must-watch. It's six hours of in-depth content, including edited videos and numerous illustrations for trades, understanding PPMs, and m…
The Kendall Report ∙ 9 LIKES

The VWAP Report 1st July 2024

Bitcoin woes & Oil to cool
Covering Bitcoin, ES, NG and WTI Crude. Not the shit show US Presidential debate. The outlook for this week focuses on Friday's NFP data. As mentioned in last week's post, it is hard to imagine anything that can shock these markets to the downside other than a large geo political/ macro catalyst. Launch of ICBMs or Nukes from Russia to target US? Iran brought into direct conflict with Israel via an Israeli invasion of Lebanon? Extremely bad data out of China on manufacturing activity?
Tim Duggan ∙ 1 LIKES

Bitcoin is losing ground

Also weak Japanese Yen and inflation around the world
Welcome to the Friday edition of the Ecoinometrics newsletter. Every week we bring you the three most important charts on the topics of macroeconomics, Bitcoin and digital assets. Today we'll cover: Bitcoin is losing ground against the stock market.
Ecoinometrics ∙ 18 LIKES

I have some debate questions for Donald Trump

number one: what the fuck is wrong with you?
Mr. Trump, can you name all Ten Commandments? ok then, can you name five of them? wait, did you just say that the Second Amendment is one of the Ten Commandments? do you know where Melania is right now? here are six photos of teenage boys. which one is Barron?
Jeff Tiedrich ∙ 2174 LIKES
Songgirl Kim
My very favorite comment from the 2020 debate. Biden: “Will you shut up, man?”
Jeff Tiedrich
I'll bet you all have some debate questions, too. let's hear 'em

JPY at 34-Year Lows & Bitcoin May Be Sending a Warning: TBL Weekly #99

Time to grab a chair?
Welcome to TBL Weekly #99—the free weekly newsletter that keeps you in the know across bitcoin, rates, risk, and macro. Grab a coffee, and let’s dive in.
Joe Consorti and Nik Bhatia ∙ 21 LIKES
Nik K
“Anecdotes lead data” 💯👍
There's also Mike Howell's favorite conspiracy theory that the drop in JPY is a (US-)coordinated move to force China to weaken the RMB to not lose export share to Japan. The RMB/JPY correlation is indeed pretty damn strong ...

She Lost 15 Lakhs in this Crypto Scam

Stay safe during this upcoming Bitcoin bull-run
I am writing this post to spread awareness about the scams circulating around the web. I am a Bitcoin advocate but that doesn’t mean someone falls for a fraud related to crypto because of ignorance. In this post, let’s understand the difference between Bitcoin and Crypto and become aware of the scams out there.
Deepak ∙ 6 LIKES
Hi Deepak. Thank you for this post
I would like to know how you buy bitcoins and transfer it cold wallets because as far as now currently indian exchages do not allow to withdraw.
Whereas foreign exchanges are concerned they are not compliant in India.

Bitcoin Trade Setup

Free Trade Setup
Here’s a quick free Bitcoin trade setup for all our subscribers: Pattern: Inverse head and shoulders Entry: Current price at $61.6k (but before $61.9k) Stop-loss: 2 confirmed hourly closes below $61.2k (max loss = -0.7%) Take profit: $63.7k (profit potential = +3.4%)
Cycles Edge ∙ 12 LIKES
Nice love your content.
I am thinking about paying and joining your service. I like your work!

The social radar: Y Combinator’s secret weapon | Jessica Livingston (co-founder of Y Combinator, author, podcast host)

Brought to you by: • Enterpret—Transform customer feedback into product growth • Anvil—The fastest way to build software for documents • Vanta—Automate compliance. Simplify security — Jessica Livingston is a co-founder of Y Combinator, the first and most successful startup accelerator. Y Combinator has funded over 5,000 companies, 200 of which are now unicorns, including Airbnb, Dropbox, DoorDash, Stripe, Coinbase, and Reddit. Jessica played a crucial role in YC’s early success, when she was nicknamed the “social radar” because of her uncanny ability to quickly evaluate people—an essential skill when investing in early-stage startups. She’s also the host of the popular podcast The Social Radars, where she interviews billion-dollar-startup founders, and the author of the acclaimed book
Lenny Rachitsky ∙ 48 LIKES
Colin Brown
Thank you Jessica for sharing. I am really sorry to hear that your rightful place as a co-founder often goes unrecognised. So unjust.
I just took the "Reading the Mind Behind the Eyes Test" that was not easy!
I also did it before my morning coffee so not sure if that impacts the result...
Anyway I got 29/36 which is pretty good but not your standard.
I will follow your podcast with great interest but I would recommend dropping it on substack as well so that you can get the full benefit of Lenny's and other referrals.
Last but not least I did not realise you had moved to the UK in 2016. Really hope that has worked well for you all. I am originally from the UK but have lived all over the world and for last 2 years we have lived in Helsinki. Finland has really worked for our family and I hope you found what you were looking for in the UK countryside!
Awesome interview and fantastic guest. Thanks Lenny!

Are Retail Investors Beating Institutions To The Bitcoin Spot ETFs?

To investors, A few people have been asking me why bitcoin spot ETF inflows have been occurring, but the price of bitcoin is not drastically increasing. This is a good question, so I figured I would do my best to answer. We must first understand that financial markets are highly complex. There is almost never a single answer for why the price of an asset …
Anthony Pompliano ∙ 38 LIKES
Ryan Walsh 🟢
Wow, thanks for sharing this Jim Bianco quote. I hadn't heard this.
It's surprising and a bummer but important to know.
sivasakthivel s
GBE online trading platform share market.anthony club Bitcoin BTC/USDT TRADING PLATFORM They cheated me completely. They gave me different Upid. I also paid in them. They said they will get all the money with profit at the end of seven days. But till now I have not received the money back. They are still asking for money back. please help me sir

Another trip around the sun OR Raphael's deadly debauchery and the AI Zebras

In the immortal words of Dwight Schrute: "It is your birthday." I'm spending part of it with you fine folk, giving your brains something that I hope will be worthy of celebrating.
Thank you for reading The Garden of Forking Paths. In this edition, we’ll learn about birthdays before getting into some excellent brain food to satiate your mind.
Brian Klaas ∙ 99 LIKES
Margaret Morgan
Happy birthday to you and your alter ego, and please don't die.
Susan Linehan
GREAT Post, and happy birthday. I love the idea of "stripes on side recognition software" and wait for police departments in cities with zoos with inadequate anti-escape mechanisms to use them.
The two best cards I've ever received were both from my (younger) brother. The first was a picture of a redwood grove with a suitably anodyne thought on the front about grandeur and deep thoughts. Inside it said "Thank you for planting them."
The other was a picture of a woman in a dress sitting on a sofa, legs crossed, holding a piece of birthday cake on her lap. Beside her was a dachshund looking in the direction of the cake with eager eyes. Inside it said:
"Grab the cake or hump the leg?"

House Prices hit New Record

Prices are sky high but nobody's buying
Home prices just hit a fresh all-time record, even as homes sold plunge. So much for the housing bubble unwinding so prices could come back to earth. Pretty much on-brand for this miracle economy of ours: nothing's selling, but it's all really expensive.
Peter St Onge ∙ 77 LIKES
Become an illegal and you get free housing. Problem solved. They are building new housing for us slaves in the form of concentration huts. They plan to move us out of our homes and let the illegals have them.
gretchen r
as long as values of houses climb so too will property tax revenue.

Prepare For A Volatile Second Half Of The Year

To investors, Many financial assets are trading sideways as we enter the summer months. This can cause investors to question whether certain investment ideas have been disproven and/or should be shut down. Humans are really bad at being bored. But Charlie Munger said it best when he stated, “
Anthony Pompliano ∙ 38 LIKES
Jeremiah Anderson
thanks POMP!
Sal Norge
"Volatility can show up in different places at different times" means DeFi Technologies?!

Welcome to the #1 traders substack!

If you’re serious about trading profitably, you’ve come to the right place (see content overview below).
To access the live video trading tutorials (every Sunday), value bets, event previews & crypto posts (every Friday) and other paid subscriber benefits, upgrade to a paid subscription You can unsubscribe in one click. Referral program: When you use the referral link below, or the “Share” button on any post, you’ll get credit for any new subscribers. Simply …
Anyman Trading ∙ 9 LIKES

Bitcoin Is Infiltrating Public Company Balance Sheets

To investors, The public markets are starting to embrace bitcoin globally. MicroStrategy started the game with their announcement of a bitcoin treasury strategy. MicroStrategy owns 214,400 bitcoins as of May 1, 2024. The company claims the average purchase price of these bitcoin is $35,158 per bitcoin with a total cost of $7.5 billion.
Anthony Pompliano ∙ 55 LIKES
Please do an update on DEFTF. It has been on a tear. I appreciate you bringing it to our attention in April.
Takarudana Mapendembe
It's fascinating to see how more companies are adopting bitcoin as a reserve asset. MicroStrategy, Tesla, and Block paved the way, and now others like DeFi Technologies, Metaplanet, and Semler Scientific are joining in. The trend suggests a shift in how corporations manage their balance sheets, favoring long-term assets like bitcoin over traditional ones like US treasuries. How do you think this shift will impact the overall market and corporate strategies in the future?

The Emperor Has No Brain: New Issue Of JOHNSTONE Magazine

I publish my work in print form every month in a collection called JOHNSTONE magazine. The new edition is now available to order in print or download in pay-what-you-want e-book version. During the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Americans got a harsh reminder that their nation is run not by their official elected leaders bu…
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 238 LIKES
Patricia Blair
Excellent title! America is a chaotic mess due in part to Biden, Trump, Zionism, Racism, Militarism, lack of Justice or critical thinking by “ we the people”.
Robert Billyard
The Nixon-Kennedy debates are available on You Tube as counter point to what a farce they have become. Biden finished at the bottom of his law class and plagiarized a term paper.
Biden and Trudeau are both humpty-dumpties who have had suffered great falls, and become voters nightmare.

What Happens When You Destroy Money: The Challenges of Everyday Life in Turkey

Living Under the Lira. Your Sunday Morning Thought Piece
Over the last decade, the Turkish lira has seen declines of more than 95% against the US dollar. It took just ₺1.50 to buy it dollar ten years ago. Now it takes ₺33. The lira has been one of the world’s worst-performing currencies - and in a fiat world, that is saying something - rivalled only by the Venezuelan bolivar and the Argentinian peso.
Dominic Frisby ∙ 53 LIKES
I am so happy that I came across Dom and his ideas about five years ago. Along with other You Tubers like Mike Maloney, the ideas of 'sound money' had never even crossed my mind, let alone the ideas of fractional reserve banking, derivatives and taxation. I have made provisions to leave the UK and never really want to return. The MATRIX has been revealed and once seen, you can't unsee it. The task to change people's thinking on health, wealth and freedom is I think at least two generations away. An enlarged STATE SECTOR, with final salary pension schemes et al, means there is a parasitic component of the UK society (17.3%) who on receiving the King's shilling, obey the government and are complicit in doing their bidding. This is the way the elites control people. They don't need to be a tyrant like Erdogan and enact 'false flag events' like the one in 2016 to take control. They can orchestrate the situation from behind the scenes and be the puppet master who controls the individual players and characters. People can bang their pots and pans in support of the NHS (and make the PLANDEMIC that never was, real to non-thinking people) or 'take the knee' like the England football teamto reinforce the idea of 'institutionalised racism' oozing out of every facet of UK life. As I said, once you uncover the 'playbook' it is the same story but with a different facet every time.
Low Status Opinions
Absolutely fascinating. No wonder so many people are on the move.

Bitcoin Goes Mainstream

With President Trump now endorsing Bitcoin the orange pill is going mainstream at honey badger speed. Recently, Zerohedge reported that 52% of major hedge funds now own Bitcoin. Meanwhile, thousands of companies hold Bitcoin as a corporate asset. And -- most important, politically -- President Trump gave Bitcoin his full-throated endorsement in his recent…
Peter St Onge ∙ 57 LIKES
Dan Star
Trump will say anything to get elected. Empire is over.
what's the DILL?
Bitcoin is a Deep State Operation to Pre-program & Pre-condition the public into accepting, using, transacting and transitioning to the new digital monetary system CBDC. Bitcoin is used as a social and psychological stepping stone. It also serves as pig pen to herd the public into to be slaughtered and kept away from hard assets, while the "elite" hoard hard assets at pennies on the dollar, with no competition from the public. Because the public is crypto crazed.
Trump is a globalist and that is why he is reinforcing this psychological operation and deep state creation. The same man who committed genoicde with Operation Depopulation warp speed death shots and instead of draining the swamp, he hired more gang members to fill the swamp.
People will say if trump is a globalist, why is he being attacked by the system. Why? Because it's part of the dog and pony show. Its to give the role/character he's playing authenticity and trustworthy-ness among the population and to be able to steer them trustingly, to the avenues they want. Like Bitcoin.
The deep state wants people to go digital. And peoples genuine idea to fight back against a System that wants them to go digital; is to go digital? Sounds foolish to me.
-Dillon Critique from; what's THE DILL? (Substack)

Really Think About What It Means That The US President Has Dementia

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 641 LIKES
Vin LoPresti
The bold title of a-hole Thomas Friedman's column in today's Times defines the denial and delusion: "Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race."
A good man participant in genocide overseas and the immiseration and environmental toxification of his own people at home. A good president whose administration routinely defecates on the Bill of Rights and the separation of powers and daily surrenders its nation's autonomy, wagging its tail any time Israel shouts "heel, bitch".
Since the reality of Old Joe's Dementia hit his supporters over the head during the debate, might they AND Republicans be open to questioning their other beliefs? You know - beliefs like:
Ukraine is winning.
Putin bad - um kay?
The CIA never even heard of Bolivia.
A war-time president with Dementia is wonderful!
The IDF isn't Genocidal.
AIPAC/Zionists don't control the U.S.
Starting a war with China makes sense!
The economy is just fine.
Crime is down.
Nah, just kidding!

This Obvious Genocide Is Not What It Looks Like

Listen to a reading by Tim Foley:
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 357 LIKES
Make no mistake. Israel could drop a bomb on Manhattan. IDf will conduct it's own investigation. Results? Mistaken target. Next time passionate lover, be more careful. Case closed. Biden-My God man I'm still ironclad. Here's a cargo ship of bombs to replace the ones that you dropped on my people by accident. Austin- I'm not sure what happened as I am only the Secretary of Defense. Kirby-(With my cool hair dye and former status as an Admiral you'd think I could lie better). The Israelis used a force component not in keeping with the standard rules. The rules if engagement were murky due to solar flares and electromagnetic interference. We must evaluate the action for future reference. Sullivan- Today , after reaching puberty, I just realized have no idea what we are talking about. We did not detect the IDF jets as we were told to switch off our east coast radar.
Connie Nash
Time to listen to our top peacemakers no matter how old or forgotten. If Permanent Ceasefire isn’t called and implemented soon -- what’s left to discuss and who’s left for whom ti vote??

Assange Is Free, But Justice Has Not Been Done

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 588 LIKES
Vin LoPresti
Last evening, when I first saw reports, I shouted "yes", then laughed / cried simultaneously. Finally, I screamed "F-you, American 'justice' system'" for forcing yet another plea bargain from yet another innocent. How could a government, a system, stewing in its history of grotesque injustices ever hope to produce a just outcome satisfying to anyone except those whose moral compass lives in a toilet. Nevertheless, I breathe easier this morning, Julian because you do.
Feral Finster
I wonder what the real motivation is here...

How Does Anyone Still Care About This Bullshit?

Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 541 LIKES
There’s a genocide going on in Palestine, people are sleeping on the streets by the White House, and these two are arguing over their golf handicap. They might as well be playing golf on the moon. In fact… b’bye! Watch out for that radiation belt, I hear it’s a doozy.
Feral Finster
Forgive me for repeating myself:
Democracy, as a practical matter, is basically an exercise in passing the buck, in avoiding responsibility. The technical term for this is a "beard".
Everyone in power claims to answer to and derive their authority from someone else, going ultimately back to "the people" who themselves do not directly exercise power, and who would find it difficult to exercise as a collective action problem, even if they had the formal authority to do so.
What this means is that real power is often in the hands of unelected bureaucrats, who typically don't even want to stand for election because they don't want the voters to know what their programs are, much less to exercise any oversight. Robert Moses is the classic example here.
Even that minimal level of scrutiny is too much for some, and real power is often exercised by people not formally part of any government structure. Corporate lobbyists or Robert Kagan come to mind .
Taking into account how wildly unpopular most western politicians and their policies are with their respective publics, "democracy" as it is practiced is basically a cover for rulers to do what they want.
After all, your elected representatives approved this. If you don't like it, you can vote for a different carefully vetted corporate imperialist muppet, so until then, shut up and fall in line!