Cookie Recipes

Top 25 cookie recipes on Substack

Best Cookie Recipes

June 2024 Newsletter

David Lebovitz ∙ 340 LIKES
Sue Heward
Hello from Australia. I totally love your newsletters. My family run a 103 yr old fig and quince orchard- sun drying/chocolate enrobing etc etc. it’s hard work but also a dream. In the off season we dry citrus and persimmons. I’d love to know how to candy/confit clementines- I want to perfect this, is there a recipe you can recommend or experts I should reach out too. Thankyou Sue. Singing Magpie Produce.
Clare Kleinedler
I love the simplicity of your garden dinner - oysters, sausages, cherry tomatoes. I think in America, people always feel like they have to make elaborate dishes or a big centerpiece main course and I love how most Europeans embrace simple things, such as a great roast chicken and new potatoes. I sometimes get caught up in "making" dishes myself, and this photo was a good reminder that often the best and most delicious foods are the simpliest.

A Big Announcement!

My Cookie Book Reveal!
I am so excited to finally share my newest baby with you, Zoë Bakes Cookies! It is available for PRE-ORDER and will be delivered on Sept. 3, 2024. This is my 10th cookbook and the one that has captured my heart. Over the past two+ years I’ve been on a journey to collect all of my favorite cookie recipes and put them together in this book. Not only did I…
Kristy L.
Is it possible to get a signed copy? I’d love to order one from you that is signed.
Davis, Fran
Looking forward to it! Great gift for friends & family.

Introducing "little treats"

a weekly newsletter by Emily Loggans of Linen & Gray
fyi, you are receiving this newsletter because you previously subscribed to my email list :) who i am Hi, I’m Emily! I’m so happy you’re here! I am the creator of Linen & Gray on Instagram where I share royal icing decorated cookies and bakes that are primarily cookie related. I come from a family of foodies who love good food and their treats. Now as a …
Emily Loggans ∙ 6 LIKES

Strawberry Vanilla Sugar Cookies

+ a few other valentine's recipes
I participated in a cute little Valentine’s Day pop-up market last week. For it, I created three new seasonally-inspired cookie recipes and sold gooey little cookies wrapped in cute cellophane. And this month, I’m sharing all three recipes with you! There will be a deep dark chocolate hazelnut cookie swirled with cocoa hazelnut butter and an soft and chewy oatmeal cookie filled with rosemary butter, tart cherries, and shards of white chocolate coming to your inboxes later this month, but today is all about these strawberry vanilla sugar cookies.
Anna Ramiz ∙ 3 LIKES

Is this the best chocolate chip cookie?

Can King Arthur Baking's Recipe of the Year live up to the hype?
I think of myself as the Queen of Chocolate Chip Cookies. I’ve developed dozens of new recipes. My ever-growing recipe collection runs the gamut: there’s a crisp, gooey Irish cream version, a happy pink strawberry chocolate chip cookie and a monster of a
Marissa Rothkopf ∙ 148 LIKES
Patricia Jaeger
I also love King Arthur Baking products and recipes and I already have this one marked to try. I also wanted to ask if you've seen Recipes for Love and Murder, Acorn (I have it through Prime). The first season is available and a second season has begun shooting. It's about a woman who answers readers' letters seeking advice and always adds a cooking or baking recipe as part of the advice, while helping to solve a murder mystery. It's placed and filmed in South Africa which adds different landscapes and ingredients to the recipes and shows the different cultures and customs. It's in a similar vein as DeadLoch.
Oh 4 Crying Out Loud
For the record, the great people at King Arthur Baking in Norwich, VT are fun to hangout with. I have gone over there for a couple of baking classes (and shopping and eating in the cafe) and they are awesome!

chocolate chip cookies

that are just okay, from 1/26/22
These are… what I like to call the okayest cookies in the world. There’s absolutely nothing fancy about them- they exist to scratch the chocolate chip cookie itch you get from time to time. Like a no bullshit chocolate chip cookie, to remind you of childhood before you knew what brown butter was. It’s also like… there’s probably 1,000,000 chocolate chip…
Kassie Mendieta ∙ 1 LIKES

King Tum Tum and the Vulgarians

A potted history of an eerily familiar time.
Consider: A class of people obsessed with being seen to eat the “in” foods; crazy food fads embraced across all classes; restaurants run by celebrity chefs, food writing that turns eating into an art form, an obsession with local and seasonal food, science and technology colluding to create superfoods, an underclass subsisting on a diet based on sugar. …
Marissa Rothkopf ∙ 186 LIKES
Graham Margaret
Many in our billionaire class still equate money with virtue, intelligence, and morality, it seldom does.
Valerie Monroe
This was fascinating. More! More! xo

December 22, 2023

Welcome to Words With Friend

Hi! Welcome to Words With Friend, a place where you’ll find words (duh), eats (mmm), and other cool shit (tbd). A moment on the name: Senior year of high school, we all used to change our Facebook names (it was still Facebook back then) to punny phrases that helped “hide our inappropriate photos” from colleges who might be stalking us on the Internet. Fo…
Nina Friend ∙ 14 LIKES
So excited to read your recs!!!!
emily h.
tells us more about that burger club 😉

December 23, 2023

Grandma Ginny's Spritz Cookies

and a few of my favorite Christmas cookies
Recently, I asked my grandma to send me two of my favorite Christmas cookie recipes. A week later they arrived by mail written on little recipe cards in the small, scrawling cursive that only grandmas seem to have. She sent me two different recipes for spritz cookies and one for her famous date swirls. They’re perfect, I love them, and I thought I’d sha…
Caroline ∙ 20 LIKES

December 20, 2023

the world's most dangerous Christmas cookie

On Holiday Cheer and Spanish Fly
I did not grow up with a Christmas cookie tradition, which was fine — I didn’t long for one; I had, and have, no sweet tooth. We are Entenmann’s people for the most part, and even then, I’d almost always rather have a slice of pizza or a grilled cheese sandwich or even a little whitefish salad on a toasted sesame bagel fro…
Elissa Altman ∙ 111 LIKES
Yum! I used to make these, but rolled them in powdered sugar. I always warned people not to inhale before opening their mouths to bite into the cookie, but there would always be the reckless soul who refused to listen and then coughed for an hour. I like the idea of the granulated sugar -- making today!
Omg, such a great memory. My mother made these cookies, called them Pecan Dainties, and always had a pecan half on the top. (She flattened the dough balls a bit first.) My Aunt Julie also made them, but rolled them in powdered sugar and called them snowballs. (That was too sweet for me.). I think that version are also known as Mexican wedding cookies. I may have to make them for our Christmas brunch for orphans on Monday.

December 22, 2023

My holiday gift to you

It's been an amazing year, and you deserve amazing cookies.
Picture it: Connecticut, 1986. I’m twelve years old, and am probably wearing a paisley shirt from The Limited with little shoulder pads in it. The collar may or may not be popped. My parents are hosting a party for some of my dad’s colleagues and their spouses, and I have just bitten into the best cookie I’ve ever tasted.
Jane Roper ∙ 6 LIKES
Liz Gumbinner
My kids are obsessed with ginger cookies! Just copied the recipe, thank you! (Also substack is doing a weird thing putting a comment for one post on a different post? Hm...)
Wendy Mastronardi
Wait a minute- back up to the first photo- is that macrame on the lamp??
Re: cookies- YES! I came upon this recipe in 1992 from the realtor who sold me this house (49 East Emerson Melrose, MA) I had the same feeling as you, Jane, and have also made them every year. One change- I just drop them in sugar, and cook them sugar side up. Definitely Crisco, not butter, for these cookies.

For Lovers of Peanut Butter

And those that love them. These are the recipes you need.
I’ll be posting a new recipe for very chocolate-chocolate shortbread later today for the people who want nothing to do with peanut butter. In the meantime, for all the peanut butter fanatics out there, and the thoughtful people who bake for them, here is a list of recipes to consider. Some of my favorite cookie recipes are on this list.
Marissa Rothkopf ∙ 85 LIKES
I’m the PB lover in the family & it’s smooth for me. Not a chunky fan! I’ve won two cookie exchanges using PB! The comment from a neighbor was, anybody can win with PB! The next year she made PB thumbprint cookies. Spoiler alert: she didn’t win! So I guess not everyone can win with PB! 🤣🤣
Valerie Monroe
The peanut butter breakfast cake: Link doesn't seem to be working and I'm hungry. : ) xo

December 11, 2023

ETCH Weekend Reading 12/10/23

The big Kahuna
Hello! This is the last Weekend Reading of 2023. I will post 1 more Funding + M&A Update later this week and will post a year-end reflection and predictions for 2024 sometime in late December/early January. Weekend Reading will return in early January - please feel free to reach out with questions, comments, book recommendations, cookie recipes, surf vid…
Matthew Tower ∙ 4 LIKES

The Vegan Shortbread Sessions

ICYMI, this post is part of a series wherein I veganize all the cookies from the New York Times Cooking Cookie Week, arguably my favourite part of the holiday season. The challenge kicked off with an emotional introduction and some easy vegan butter and egg recipes
Julia Tausch ∙ 15 LIKES
Jessica Poon
"a woman possessed, lightly coated in flour at all times." This is such a good phrase (amongst many).
Michael Corthell
Some great recipes, thank you!

Ask Me Anything: Great Places to Eat in Montreal and Charleston

This week, I also take questions about "Holiday Party With Andrew and Zoë,” NYT holiday cookies and French tacos.
This whole week we have removed the paywall from our posts on Spilled Milk. They will remain that way through the weekend. Take advantage of the deal below and become a paid subscriber so you don’t miss any of the action for a whole year. 2024 will feature live events and other new activations that will be FREE for subscribers, so now is the time to sign…
Andrew Zimmern ∙ 11 LIKES
Hi Andrew! I'm a new subscriber. My husband and I love your Wild Game Kitchen show and we're inspired to create an outdoor cooking area. Do you have suggestions as to how many pits to have (one for coal production, one for cooking?), heights of each (to spare the back), whether they should be fitted for grates, spits, tee-pee contraptions, etc? Do you have any other resources, hints or tips for the design of the ideal outdoor cooking space?
I have been very satisfied with pans from Sardel. It's heresy but I sometimes use metal forks and they have held up under my abuse.

December 3, 2023

Occasional Cookie #2: Mostaccioli

A recipe for a spiced Christmas cookie with ancient origins and a confusing name
Welcome to Buona Domenica, a weekly newsletter of inspired Italian home cooking (and baking!). I’m Domenica Marchetti, journalist, cooking instructor, occasional tour guide, and author of eight cookbooks on Italian cuisine. Before we move on to the newsletter:
Domenica Marchetti ∙ 35 LIKES
Elaine Hartman
I was listening to Untold Italy today and heard these cookies were St Francis of Assisi favorite cookies and when he knew he was close to death he asked a friend to bring him some to enjoy before he passed!
Jennifer Billock
Mostaccioli the pasta is a big deal in Chicago and has been for generations. I remember having it at family parties when I was little. The history of it is specific to Chicago and the upper Midwest. I thought it was a nationwide delicacy until my husband (from Texas/Florida) had no idea what it was!

Feasting in Florida 🌴

With visits to Zak the Baker, Joe's Stone Crab, and New York Prime.
Hey everyone, Have you recovered from Thanksgiving yet? Last night, after landing at LaGuardia, getting back to Brooklyn, and reuniting with our beloved child/dog Winston, I zipped over to Union Market and stocked up on bananas, pears, radicchio, broccoli, and as many other fruits and vegetables as I could carry back in my mitten-less hands. Call it a cl…
Adam Roberts ∙ 13 LIKES

End of Year Wrap Up

A good bologna sandwich and a commitment to be truly From the Hip
“You know, it’s called ‘From the Hip’”, I said to my friend as we sat in Robert’s Western World, the only good thing still left in Nashville, listened to some Sunday night Honky Tonk, watched the eld…
Lisa Donovan ∙ 12 LIKES
Putting Cruze Farm buttermilk on the international map in NYT magazine???!!!
Shannon Truss
Bring it, Lisa. Your thoughts, your recipes, your recommendations. I love it when your words pop up in my inbox. 💜

A 'Minor Memorandum'

My dad's recollections of Kristallnacht, November 9 and 10, 1938
“In order to have faith in our quality as human beings, we need to remember!” This morning on Threads, I saw a video of a college student at Concordia University in Canada, shouting the “K” word (rhymes with “bike”) at a fellow student after a teach-in that appears not as effective as maybe hoped.
Marissa Rothkopf ∙ 164 LIKES
Thank you for this. I lived in Germany, as a high school student. We took a field trip to Dachau and, eventually, Auschwitz-Birkenau. I'm not sure if it was my imagination or some sort of spiritual connection but it was as if I could feel agony, particularly in the showers and crematoriums. I was 16. I had to leave and wait on the bus because it was so overwhelming. As an adult, I worked at the State Department, here in DC. Before the Holocaust Museum opened, they had a display in the front lobby of where I worked. They had blown up photos of life, in concentration camps, to life size. It was very visceral, walking through there every day, seeing these photos so up close and personal. So now, seeing the hatred and idiocy again just makes me mad and proves to me that time is cyclical rather than linear. And I'm doing what I can to fight against hate.
Nancy Smith
My family was lucky. Both sides of grandparents left Russia (what is now Ukraine) before the turn of the 20th century. But we were taught the horrors of the Holocaust. Many of my childhood friends had parents whose forearms bared their concentration camp tattoos. We have always said, "Never again" and believed it. I no longer believe it. Any society that can elect the likes of Trump, Gaetz, Greene, Jordan, can be easily led down that path. They need someone to blame for the struggles in their lives- conveniently forgetting that we all have struggles. Thank you for sharing your father's very poignant words, and of course for honoring his love of cookies.

October 27, 2023

November 2023: SUPER CAKE PARTY!

We're building an 8 foot long cake and you just have to be there to see and taste it - when else are you going to see a cake this big and beautiful?
Hi friends, I hope the late summer, early Autumn is finding you well. I love this time of year — the promise of Christmas, the seasonal visits to pumpkin patches, the rotation of menus towards warmer and more cozy bites, pulling out the warm sweaters, snuggling and cuddling a little bit more. Even just writing this makes my heart feel a bit happier.
Elisa | saltedrye ∙ 3 LIKES
weee!! how amazing is this!? it breaks my heart that i don't live closer!! i'm genuinely so freakin excited to see how everything turns out 💘💘💘 this sounds like it would be the best day everr!!

Your Baking Questions Answered

This week: How to sub whole wheat and oat flour in recipes, plus, to sift or not to sift?
Last week, one of my readers wrote with a slew of great baking questions, including: Why use whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose? Can you substitute oat flour for wheat? Does flour need sifting or whisking and why? Starting today, Your Baking Questions Answered will be a regular weekly feature going forward, so please leave your queries below. From…
Marissa Rothkopf ∙ 90 LIKES
Glen Egley
I have a recipe for Snickerdoodles which I LOVE, but many times my cookies turn out sort of crumbly. Any suggestions on de-crumbling my cookies?
Ra Pra
I am a newbie here and likely have missed the answer to this question. When you call for butter, do you mean salted or unsalted?
Thank you and Happy New Year!