
Top 25 Google Articles on Substack

Latest Google Articles

What happened in marketing: Google Ads makeover, AI influencers & Pinterest’s Gen-Z move

This week: Meta’s AI avatars, Pinterest’s Gen-Z loop & Google’s ad love. All 3 are highlights but a lot more on the plate this week. 🧃
H1 will be over in few hours, I hope you have great plans for the next half. I do, the newsletter is about to get better with new interviews and series. Internal News: I’m doing mid-week marketing recaps on Instagram reels, you can follow the newsletter
Jaskaran ∙ 6 LIKES

Google News Promotes AI-Generated “News”

PLUS: Ukraine’s Fictional “Kill List”; A New AI News Site Hides Its Connection to Trump’s Former Campaign Manager
Welcome to NewsGuard's Reality Check, a report on how misinformation online is undermining trust — and who’s behind it. Today: Google News boosts AI content farms Members of Congress fooled into believing Ukraine has a “kill list” Unmasking a news site linked to Trump's former campaign manager

the WTC vacation house meal plan

a really simple meal plan v.12
You’ve been asking for it… we’ve been working on it… The WTC vacation house meal plan is here just in time for peak summer travel! We’ve compiled a 5-day meal plan with recipes that are perfect for a beach trip, mountain week, lake vacation, etc. The recipes call for only a few simple spice blends that you can pack with you (and/or that your rental hou…
Caroline Chambers and Molly Ramsey ∙ 105 LIKES
Jacqui Singer
NOT ALL HEROES WEAR CAPES!!! This is a MVP move! Thank you!!!!
Samantha Lienhop
I'm going to pretend I'm on vacation and make these lunches and dinners for the vibes.

Bill Gates Funded COVID with Fauci: Big Tech Collusion

Gates is the last person anyone should to for health advice
It’s time to stop collusion between the Deep State and Big Tech. Freedom of speech and freedom of information are more important than ever. Rand Paul’s new proposed bill to protect our freedom of speech is well-timed, seeing the absolute cover-up of important information that would help people in the U.S. make informed decisions about their health and e…
Rand Paul Review ∙ 327 LIKES
Mary Lou Tringali, PhD
Well written and well researched. I knew for many years what had occurred in India and Africa when Gates gave computers and money to small backward villages in exchange to use their children for guinea pigs in unapproved vaccines. Shameful. Deaths ensued and many children were maimed. Sinful.
Trevor Thistle
What about Operation Warp Speed being a military DoD operation? This needs to be top of mind in the context of covid lies.

Briefing: Notion connectors, Alexa’s AI pain, Reddit beats Google

Plus: TikTok’s new mobile strategy, how to maximize your 10x work, a new product for real-time analytics
Hi product people 👋, Startups whose core value proposition is AI-powered knowledge surfacing may need to start working on additional use cases after Notion’s new feature was unveiled this week. Notion AI Connectors allows users to integrate with various third party apps to get answers to specific questions. The feature is launching with a connector to S…
Rich Holmes ∙ 16 LIKES

The President Needs Medical Attention

Something is wrong with Joe Biden. It’s time for him to be assessed by doctors who will tell the American public the truth.
This piece was first published in our news digest, The Front Page. To get our latest scoops, investigations, and columns in your inbox every morning, Monday through Thursday, become a Free Press subscriber today:
Emily Yoffe ∙ 66 LIKES
The degree of collusion between the WH and media makes this a scandal on par with Watergate. So tired of being gaslit by these arrogant fools.
Folks, if your Democrat friends or family bring up Trump being a threat to Democracy, remind them how a dementia patient assisted by a cabal of people no one voted for are attempting to run this country, and also running the same dementia patient with his inept, unpopular VP for another 4 years.

Jun 28

The Extremely Simple Reason MAGA Wants President Joe Biden to End His Campaign

If you’re a Democratic or independent voter who’s been suckered into the idea that Biden ending his campaign would do anything but ensure a second Trump term, it’s time to awaken from the fever dream.
Seth Abramson ∙ 1014 LIKES
This is the best post-debate analysis I have read. As calming as the Xanax I took last night to get to sleep! I hope with all my heart you are correct as last night’s performance was cringeworthy. I love Joe and he has done an incredible job against towering odds. Yes, I will vote for him and yes, I will donate to his campaign.
All so very true and accurate. Any pundit or analyst, that’s you Wagner and Axelrod calling for a new Dem candidate is out of their ever loving mind and dumb as dirt. They should be silenced. All of Trumps outrageous batshit crazy lies last night should be front and center, NOT BIDEN’s weak voice. Excellent points on this narrative all the way Seth.

Weekly Tech+Bio Highlights #5

ALSO: Google Unveils Tx-LLM for Drug Discovery; Quantum Computing for Clinical Trial Optimization; Anonymizing 1.8 Trillion Records for Biomedical Research; Gen AI is all the Rage in Healthcare
Hi! I am Andrii Buvailo, and this is my weekly newsletter, ‘Where Tech Meets Bio,’ where I talk about technologies, breakthroughs, and great companies moving the biopharma industry forward. If you've received it, then you either subscribed or someone forwarded it to you. If the latter is the case, subscribe by pressing this button:

What if They're NOT 5G Towers? Untold History of GWEN Towers: a Deep Dive into an 80-Year PSYOP

This is officially my second Mindf*ck Monday piece. If you want your mind to be bent so far it almost breaks, here you go... (Yeah, I know it's Sunday. Pretend it's Monday)
My buddy’s nickname is White Hat because he’s always texting stuff he finds on Telegram. The vast majority of the accounts he follows, such as JFK and Marilyn Monroe, are clearly fake but he believes they are real and he believes the White Hats are in Control
Agent131711 ∙ 270 LIKES
Linda Bridges
You are so right about Google Earth. I wanted to see where I was born so I downloaded Google Earth. Sure enough it went straight to the house but being in the mountains of NC there was a lot of trees. I wanted to follow the road off the top of the mountain but the trees were covering much of the image so as I panned in and out I could see very well it all was an AI image!!! The trees were so phony! Agent, we have a hard battle in front of us. I am 76 years old and I plan to fight for my grand children’s future. Thank you for all you do!!!!!!
The King
This made me think - did Google name themselves “Alphabet” because it is part of the Alphabet Agencies? Hidden in plain sight? They love to screw with us, don’t they?

Niall Ferguson on the Democrats’ Choice. Trump’s Immunity. Plus. . .

What’s actually wrong with the president? Big news from the Supreme Court. J.K. Rowling and the ‘Lolita test.’ Kamala and Jill fight fire with cringe. And more.
On today’s Front Page from The Free Press: Yale professor Jed Rubenfeld on a busy Supreme Court session; Emily Yoffe on what’s really wrong with the president; Kat Rosenfield on the functional illiteracy of J.K. Rowling’s critics; Kamala Harris and Jill Biden have a cringe-off; and much more.
Oliver Wiseman ∙ 510 LIKES
The Twitter storm about Lolita is what happens when we stop requiring kids to read the classics in school and only assign YA trash fixated solely on identity themes. I'm not saying high schoolers should necessarily read Lolita. But if they could read things like The Scarlet Letter (which I remember a Harvard professor saying she can no longer assign to her classes because they literally can't understand the language structure--at HARVARD), or Moby Dick or The Grapes of Wrath or whatever, then maybe they would be able to understand human and thematic complexity. But no. The kids only read YA lit that aligns with their own current perspectives (and requires no discipline or focus), a sure recipe for stunted cognitive, emotional, and social development.
I argue that the literature reading list is the greatest failing of contemporary high school education (and that's saying something given all the failures I have to choose from). These teachers aren't just failing kids in terms of education and the great cannon, they're failing society by churning out simplistic, self-obsessed, myopic imbeciles for citizens. Discussing good, complex literature is where we learn to consider another's perspective, to examine complex issues that aren't black and white--skills modern society (especially Gen Z) is sorely lacking. It's no shock that these people can't handle Lolita.
Unsaint Finbar
Reading a prominent historian talk about Trump like that creates this feel in me of white walls and white rooms and orderlies dressed in white. Everywhere it smells of medicine. There are people screaming in the distance, and yet the people close to me are smiling the insane smile of Danny DeVito. Danny DeVito, where was that? Oh yes, "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest".
I'm in an insane asylum. Not doing it today. I'm going to find some trees, birds singing, a blue sky, and maybe a book written by a Democrat with intact reality testing 50 years ago.
I can't do much more of this. I would not walk into the County Hospital and try and convince people that think they are Jesus that they aren't, and for my own peace of mind at some point I am going to leave you people who SHOULD know better to persist in your own ways in your own delusions.
And to be clear, Trump to me is a guy who says unapologetically that the sky is blue, in a world where such things are subject to debate. We have more or less facilitated directly--and in direct defiance of national law--the movement into our country of a rock bottom MINIMUM of 12 million, and probably more like 30 million, mostly military aged men who don't speak English, for whom we don't have jobs, and who are all living on taxpayer dimes that were INTENDED for our own poor. When the money runs out, we are going to have major unrest. This can't go on. This is as obvious as that the sky is blue. If you are not talking about it, you have taken a stand. If you are lying about it, you are also taking a stand. Oy veh.

May 31

Does Google know how Google works?

Platforms vs. LLMs. PLUS: "All Eyes on Rafah"
Greetings from Read Max HQ! In today’s newsletter: The Google “AI Overview” fiasco, why it was so funny/depressing, and what it tells us about Google A theory about the “All Eyes on Rafah” A.I.-generated Instagram image and why it (and not others) went viral
Max Read ∙ 50 LIKES
Deborah Carver
"What it suggests is that Google’s problem here is not so much a misunderstanding of what LLMs are good at and what they’re for, but--more troublingly--a misunderstanding of what Google is good at and what it’s for."
Yes, yes, and yes. I've been working with web analytics and SEO for a long time, and while most people click on the top answer on the page without thinking about it because we have trained them Google is always right, many others prefer the list of links. Thank you for articulating the "I prefer a list of links" point of view because most people in search, publishing, and marketing think that if you're not at position 1, all is lost forever. But the data says plenty of people click on the archival links, and often.
It also seems that Pichai/Raghavan's vision of Google is starkly different from Page/Brin's vision, in that they are executives looking to make more money, versus idealistic grad students trying to change the world with the product they built. Not that Page and Brin aren't profit-motivated dopes, but with the company's most recent responses insisting that audiences are wrong in pointing out AI-overview errors, I don't think Pichai is fully on board with Don't Be Evil.
That's what struck me from Zitron's piece a couple of weeks ago: why was Raghavan panicked about getting more clicks in 2019? Google consistently has an 80-90% global market share. Does any other company have an 80% global market share of anything? (that is an honest question) But they are trying to get more money-making clicks because their research product doesn't make enough money somehow.
I don't know Google is making significant edits to their existing wildly popular and profitable research product except to seem cool and relevant for all the SV investors and colleagues who went gaga over ChatGPT. And there are likely business reasons that I don't understand. Because the tech industry is obsessed with going up and to the right forever and monetizing every incremental opportunity instead of building stable products for smart audiences.
One thing worth calling out regarding Google's AI answers is how it represents a massive shift in their business strategy.
As a platform, Google connected people who wanted stuff from the internet (answers, whatever) with people who had that stuff, and they skimmed a bit off the top via sponsored results.
Implicit in AI answers is a desire to keep people on Google itself. They no longer want their users to click through to that link to Reddit, or whatever. They have a bunch of users, and they want to keep them there. In that sense they're now behaving much more like a social media company: Facebook, Twitter, etc, which of course are notoriously hostile to external links. But if the underlying ethos becomes keeping users on google.com, then the value of sponsored results would seem to diminish in value. Why would I the advertiser pay for a link that you are actively trying to keep people from following?

Important News from Crux Editor Peter Newport

New daily newsletters, weekly podcasts and an upgraded subscription system.
Everyone will have seen some signs that New Zealand’s news media is facing some really tough challenges. We don’t yet know how all of this will end up in terms of potential Government support, or if Google and Meta will become part of the local funding ecosystem, but we can’t just sit around waiting to find out. And the funding that we did get under the…
Crux Publishing Ltd ∙ 1 LIKES
Anna Thompson
Just singed up for a year. I appreciate what you do, Crux.

The Strange Split Reality of Brooke Fraser

The New Zealand pop star penned Hillsong megachurch's biggest hits.
Update: June 26, 9.50pm PT: I requested comment from CRS yesterday, and got none. However CRS’ Campbell Smith has just released a statement on their website stating that yes, Paul McKessar has been quietly re-instated at CRS. This is his statement: In 2021, Paul McKessar was stood down from CRS, while I commissioned an investigation into his behaviour and…
David Farrier ∙ 286 LIKES
David Farrier
June 26, 9.50pm PT: I requested comment from CRS yesterday, and got none. However CRS’ Campbell Smith has just released a statement on their website stating that yes, Paul McKessar has been quietly re-instated at CRS. This is his statement:
"In 2021, Paul McKessar was stood down from CRS, while I commissioned an investigation into his behaviour and CRS in general. Ms Gillian Warren - an independent investigator - conducted the investigation, which included the participation of Lydia Cole and Possum Plows. Ms Warren followed up with a report in July 2021, which we published, with recommendations and proposed best practices that CRS has followed with absolute exactness.
Ms Warren's report recommendations that are relevant here are that CRS should:
● Require Mr McKessar to undergo treatment or enrol in an appropriate course to address the behaviours that place him at risk of entering intimate personal relationships with young artists, such as his willingness to engage in flirtatious behaviour, and getting intoxicated, either with them or in their presence.
‍● Not reinstate Mr McKessar as a director or artist manager until he can satisfy his business partner that he is no longer at risk of forming such relationships. At that point, CRS Music will need to make a business assessment about the feasibility of Mr McKessar being reinstated to his former roles.
For the years that Paul has been away from CRS, he undertook regular and significant therapy. My hope was that he had the capacity - through this process - to evolve, change and learn.
I am now quite satisfied that Paul's behaviours have been thoroughly addressed, and that he is not at risk of forming intimate personal relationships or behaving inappropriately with artists or work colleagues. I’m also satisfied that he has taken full accountability, learned and evolved.
After his more than 2 years’ personal work and therapy, his consultation with significant industry stakeholders, and in line with Ms Warren’s recommendation, I made a business assessment in 2023 as to the feasibility of Paul’s return to work. My considered assessment was that in the appropriate circumstances, where everyone directly involved is comfortable, including artists, staff and stakeholders, he can return to work in some capacity. He has not been and will not be reinstated as a director of CRS.
I believe that people can change and that redemption must always be possible. I also believe that other people and entities have their own agency. They can each decide with whom they will work and in what circumstances.
CRS Management actively participated in the investigation into Mr McKessar and our company, we took all the steps asked of us in the report. Along with our partners in the music industry, we work to ensure a safe workplace in all situations, spaces and circumstances.
Campbell Smith
I remember her doing a popular cover of the Crowded House song Distant Sun and omitting the lyrics "like a Christian fearing vengeance from above" so it didnt hurt gods feelings.
Its so bizarre to be that pedantic about a detail like that- but not the culture of misogyny and abuse in the organisations you align to and people you associate with.
Pretty yuck

A Supreme Court Justice Is Why You Can’t Buy a Car Right Now

CDK Global, the software firm underpinning 40% of franchise car dealers, has been down for days. It's an economic termite. And it's reliant on a 2004 Supreme Court decision written by Antonin Scalia.
Today’s piece is about why auto sales in the United States are now on the fritz. Over the past week, key software used by car dealers has been disrupted by hackers. So the $1.2 trillion U.S. auto industry is paralyzed, with thousands of car dealers unable to sell cars and tens of thousands of consumers
Matt Stoller ∙ 292 LIKES
Nicholas Parks
I was a car dealer for 15 years. CDK abuses dealer customers and vendors alike. Universally hated in the industry, but the only competitor is Reynolds and they’re equally bad. Both run on 50-60 year old technology and charge 5X what their services are worth.

What Happened to People Magazine?

How the Most Important Celebrity Magazine of the Last 50 Years Started Endorsing "The Best Air Purifiers of 2024"
Real talk: I made the decision to keep this long, reported essay outside of the paywall, because I want to keep as much Culture Study freely accessible as possible. But this post is the result of many hours of labor — and without your subscriptions, there’s no free Culture Study. If you believe in this project,
Anne Helen Petersen ∙ 456 LIKES
Thank you for explaining the origins of The Spruce! I've been puzzling over its weird affect for a while now.
Side note on About.com: I freelanced for an About in the late aughts, to about 2013. (I launched and ran the culinary travel coverage, this after about 15 years of writing for top tier magazines.) I get why you used scare quotes for “articles,” and the quality on the site certainly did vary — but by the time I came on it was hard and competitive to get hired, and there was a lot of oversight and support to create quality content. (This was the time when it was being prepared for sale, which likely accounts for a lot of that.) I do understand that there plenty to mock about the site — it looked terrible for one thing — but when I was there, the people who were hired to run their topic areas —whether it was IBS or rollercoasters—were genuinely passionate about their subject and worked hard to make good content. (About was also often confused with similar and way more crappy sites, which often leads to more shade and tarnish than deserved.) With that perspective said, thanks for such an interesting read as always! I had no idea that I’d be reflecting on my About.com time when I woke up this morning. :)

5 Bay Area Hikes for July

While it may be triple digits in some places, these five hikes will keep you cool and on the trails...
July is here, and the Bay Area trails are calling! Before we jump into this month's trail recommendations, consider a premium subscription: benefits include prioritized spots in group hikes, exclusive secret spot reveals, and access to my comprehensive California map featuring hundreds of pinned locations that include my reels and AllTrails links.
Dan Outdoors ∙ 5 LIKES
So many hidden gems nearby makes hiking and discovery such an adventure

Deep Cluster: How Influential Elites Actually Make Decisions

Who are the shadowy Svengalis whispering in the ears of the nominally powerful front men whom we naively think actually rule us? Who makes up this Inner Party of terrifying omniscience? Who are the real life equivalents of the characters Mustapha Mond and O’Brien, the brilliant and sinister controllers who come on at the end of
Steve Sailer ∙ 57 LIKES
Justin D
I think the need to believe conspiracy theories is metaphysical. The idea that our lives are ruled not just by random chance, but also by the random stupid mistakes that powerful people make is hard to swallow. It's difficult to believe that horrible policy mistakes the ruined the lives of millions was just human error and not some evil plot.
Marc Svetov
Since none of the Dem legacy media has ever dared to report on what the Lightbringer is doing in D.C. and who he sees and talks to, that’s what I mean when I say they’re blowing smoke in our face …

This Is Why I Blocked You

A list for my MAGA trolls.
Dear MAGA Trolls: Since Boy Elon’s takeover of Twitter (I will refuse to call it X until you’ve got my genitals hooked up to jumper cables and a power drill working on my kneecaps, and even then, it’s unlikely), the platform has descended into a deeply unlaudatory new space where the moments of laughter, felicity, and occasional enlightenment have vanish…
Rick Wilson ∙ 1140 LIKES
Kerry Truchero
Well, that about does it. Thank you so much, Rick, for providing this kind of guidance with regard to social media. All those people can, as Jeff Tiedrich has so eloquently stated, go fuck right off to Fuckoffistan.
Susan Kemp
I used to enjoy Twitter but I quit it shortly after the current owner took it into deepest maga land and I refound my people on Substack.

Evolve Hack Crisis: Russia-Linked Cybergang Leaks Records On Millions

Major fintechs like Affirm, Mercury, Dave, Wise, Airwallex, and countless others impacted by massive data breach
Hey all, Jason here. You know, I was hoping that with the Synapse bankruptcy settling into a slower phase, things would calm down… alas, here we are. For those that missed Friday’s special edition of Fintech Business Weekly on the latest BaaS enforcement action against Thread Bank,
Jason Mikula ∙ 13 LIKES

Pixel, Paris, and Prime Day: Your Tech Summer Preview

Plus, a way to get free calls, text and even some "essential" data.
I hope you’re having a great day! Last week, I took some time off to head to NJ to see my family. We also took a side trip to NYC and stayed right in the heart of Times Square. We did lots of walking and took cars, planes, trains and even a boat tour to see sights like the Statue of Liberty and the various bridges connecting Manhattan to the rest of the w…

Meet your Lenny’s Newsletter Fellows ✨

Welcome Tara Seshan, Natalie Rothfels, and Jules Walter 👏
When I announced the launch of my fellowship program three months ago, I had no clue how this idea would land—much less how popular it would turn out to be. The caliber of applicants and the effort they all put into their applications was beyond anything I could’ve hoped for. I received over 1,600 applications, many of which came with heart-melting messages, laugh-out-loud-funny videos, and even a ChatGPT injection attempt 🤣
Lenny Rachitsky ∙ 112 LIKES
Marily Nika
Congratulations, all! Well deserved. Can’t wait to learn from you! 🙌
Mary Liu
Congrats! Excited to learn from your insights, Tara, Natalie, and Jules!

It's Week 1 of the Big Amazing Read

So let's all read the Introduction together!
Hello! This is Everything Is Amazing, a newsletter about science and wonder that embraces tonal whiplash by lurching between the cheerful science of applied kindness and the morbidly creepifying biology of human overheating. In a day or so I’ll be returning to the Inboxes of paid subscribers with a roundup of some of science fiction’s wildest ideas, and …
Mike Sowden ∙ 33 LIKES
Riccardo Vocca
In addition to the explanation itself regarding loss aversion and a series on the science behind happiness that I find absolutely fascinating, I think an interesting contribution of this article is also the way it is written. For me, who writes my newsletter by reading and talking above all about what researchers talk about in their papers, it is an excellent comparison and inspiration of clarity, of alternation with technical insights at different levels and alongside graphs, in addition to the intriguing world in which everything is told. I strongly recommend reading it, thanks for sharing.
prue batten
Thanks for this Mike. I look forward to investigating Threadable.

Andrew Kitching
It’s a tragedy that Biden has been vain and stubborn enough to seek reelection. He has achieved a great deal in one term, and he now needs to orchestrate changeover to the new generation: Whitmer? Newsome? Somebody mainstream
No one hates democracy like the super-rich. It's taken only 100 years to completely undo the work of Teddy Roosevelt, sadly

What happened in marketing: TikTok and Meta's AI fever + YT's Community notes push

This Week: Cannes marked launch of a million updates, retail media to OOH. Meanwhile, we have some crazy stats to worry about this week. 🧃
Cannes is over. If you were there, at least you got some rest. If you weren't, a handful of updates are below. As always, data to help with decision-making is at the end of the newsletter Before you go further, Attention is like money–you can waste it or invest it. If you invest it in my paid newsletter, you'll get dividends for years.
Jaskaran ∙ 6 LIKES

Briefing: Figma Slides, Retool External, Slack superpowers

Plus: A new way to write documentation, Notion sites, VR funding plummets
Hi product people 👋, Welcome to the 240+ new subscribers who joined us this past week! Documentation is super helpful if it’s kept up to date. But the problem is that plenty of teams don’t have the capacity or discipline to keep it up to date. This week, we came across a new startup which has a different take on documentation:
Rich Holmes ∙ 13 LIKES