
Top 25 Google Articles on Substack

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How to use Perplexity in your daily workflow 👀

"I barely use Google anymore (for anything)" says today's guest author.
Hey Everyone,
Michael Spencer and Alex McFarland ∙ 93 LIKES
Norah VO
Thank you for such a good writing. I am a commercial researcher and I do have the same feeling with Perplexity. However, there's one thing I have been trying to crack, Perplexity get any sources available on the internet (blog post, youtube videos, whitepaper or any public pdf files), as long as it returns an answer to our prompt.
This lead me to next question: how can we reduce/increase the quality input when using Perplexity? For this reason, I have also been using Bing and it seems that Bing returns with (skewed towards) whitepaper/reports and articles as their sources. Certainly I know I am using both free options for these tools, so I'm unsure what it gives in paid option.
In short, what is your take on the quality of source in doing market research with AI?
Patrick Jordan
Love this post. Thanks Michael for choosing Alex as a guest poster. Thanks Alex for the great read. I have been a fan of Perplexity for a long while - have collections created, flip between the AI models it uses now and again and so forth. But ... I mostly stopped using it after reading Wired's "Mostly a Bullshit Machine" article on it and the follow-on from that.
Now I'll move past that.
My favorite piece of this post is the use of Perplexity for a morning briefing - in my case that will be on latest cyber threat alerts.

What I Read This Week…

Google is in talks to acquire cybersecurity startup for $23 billion, Crowdstrike software update led 8.5 million Windows devices to crash, record-low U.S. birth rate is driven by women having no kids
Watch All-In E188
Chamath Palihapitiya ∙ 56 LIKES
Jandra C
No longer pursuing this.. maybe they buy crowdstrike now ;)
Your Learn With Me "System" needs to become an automated RAG/LLM AI product for the financial markets. e g.
Finetuned OSS 400B LLM with OSS embedded vector database with post-training on curated Financial domain synthetic data, all packaged into a step by step pipeline for customers to cover use cases on analyzing new markets or comparing companies. Would be used by your team initially. E g. 1. Upload financial documents (into DB for RAG w encoding) 2. Choose collection of raw, corporate-specific financial writing that will be auto-prepped for further fine-tuning. 3. Perform fine-tuning. 4. etc

Can J.D. Vance's Populist Crusade Succeed?

Wall Street is freaking out that Donald Trump picked populist JD Vance as his running mate. But parts of Silicon Valley and crypto venture capitalists are elated. What gives?
On Monday, Donald Trump unveiled his choice for Vice President, and picked a young Senator from Ohio, best-selling author and populist J.D. Vance. Last night, Vance spoke to the Republican National Convention, attacking Wall Street barons, the war in Iraq, multi-national corporations, and trade deals like NAFTA. What he said was shocking for a Republica…
Matt Stoller ∙ 324 LIKES
As always, I'm fairly skeptical of any GOP member implementing any kind of populist policy when the rubber meets the road, because they never seem to actually do it.
JD Vance is positioning himself this way because there's really nothing else to do in a "post Trump" GOP, but we've never seen it actually succeed.
Jack Carter
Crypto bosses need this dark money laundering currency to become legal and non regulated. Imagine the multi billions in bribes that will be flowing around the world thru the use of that shit “money”. Drugs, petrol, diamond, commodities, weapons, etc. A dream coming true. Von trump and co will fill their pockets in a crazy way. Incredible

Confessions of a Cat Lady

In 2021, the junior U.S. senator in my state—and now Donald Trump’s choice for vice president—had thoughts about Kamala Harris and…
Connie Schultz ∙ 1334 LIKES
Stolen from a Facebook post as best I can remember:
No president in the history of our country has ever birthed a child. Suddenly this is a problem?
Merry Koschan
George Washington never had children of his own. I guess Vance doesn't think Washington should have been president either?

What Would Kamala Harris Do About Corporate Power?

With Joe Biden not running for re-election, his running mate Kamala Harris is now in the spotlight. Her record on monopolies and financial concentration is mixed. Will she cede populism to the right?
In 2010, Kamala Harris went to Google headquarters, and gave an hour-long interview with David Drummond, the then-chief legal officer who had overseen the YouTube, Android, and DoubleClick acquisitions. Drummond resigned ten years later in disgrace over a sex scandal, but back then he was the legal eagle moving Google through its first existential polit…
Matt Stoller ∙ 211 LIKES
Thanks Matt. I always appreciate your capacity to look at reality in the face, and not get caught up in the distorting Dem demands to 'save us from the fascists on the other side'. It's unrelenting and blinding. And the Democrats certainly don't have the track record to justify their righteousness. Kamala needs to be vetted by voters just as anyone should be, and skepticism is very much in order. My guess is that your pessimism is justified. The very fact that the party bosses were able to circle around her so quickly raises the hair on my back, and until proven otherwise, we're right to suspect the worst. The DNC didn't want a contest, and that's what they got, an anointment. They usually have a pretty good idea of exactly what they're anointing.......
Sean Mann
Genuine question, what makes you think that Vance is anything other than "anti-woke/DEI/whatever buzzword Republicans use"?
You say "If Harris abandons the work, with J.D. Vance on the Republican side, anti-monopoly policy will be ceded to the conservatives, who may run as the party of working people and build a durable governing majority for a generation." Which makes it sound like Vance and Republicans have a coherent, anti-monopoly platform and are pro working people. My impression is that labor reporter Hamilton Nolan's analysis is closer to the truth, that Republicans are still broadly in it for the culture war and don't mind corporate power as long as it supports them. (https://www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/how-the-working-class-republican)
I'm especially skeptical of Vance because of his history in Silicon Valley and venture capital (https://newrepublic.com/article/183971/jd-vance-weird-terrifying-techno-authoritarian-ideas). If you've seen something that makes a different case, I'd be interested to know.

Trump Camp Is Planning to ‘Willie Horton’ Kamala Harris

Can the campaign—and the candidate—stay focused on her record rather than her race?
DONALD TRUMP’S CAMPAIGN IS PREPARING a full-scale blitz on Vice President Kamala Harris, with broadsides on her record that borrow from the ad that came to define dog-whistle politics.
Marc A. Caputo ∙ 392 LIKES
Ed M
It would be rich for convicted felon to try to run on a prosecutor not being tough enough on crime.
It underscores the box Trump is in right now. It’s much easier for Harris to make this a referendum about Trump than Trump trying to make up a reason for this to be referendum on Harris beyond a desperate dog whistle.
The difference is Harris can appeal to real threats of Trump 2.0 (previous corruption, criminal indictments, dangers of Project 2025, impact of Dobbs decisions and Trump Supreme Court) that scare people a lot more than racial dog whistles.
Add to it, Willie Horton attacks weren’t direct. Trump (and Vance) can’t help themselves. Their racist and misogynistic comments on Harris will backfire in 2024.
Hanfei Wang
I don't think it'll work as well as it did in 1988 because she's not running against George HW Bush (if she were, the election wouldn't be close). She's running against a felon, not a decorated World War II veteran with decades of public service to the country, and she is going to make sure that every American knows that he's a felon.

The biggest-ever global outage: lessons for software engineers

Cybersecurity vendor CrowdStrike shipped a routine rule definition change to all customers, and chaos followed as 8.5M machines crashed, worldwide. There are plenty of learnings for developers.
👋 Hi, this is Gergely with the monthly, free issue of the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter. In every issue, I cover challenges at Big Tech and startups through the lens of engineering managers and senior engineers. To get issues like this in your inbox, sign up here:
Gergely Orosz ∙ 304 LIKES
Dominik Haska
When joining Google I was surprised that there are hundreds or more SWEs working on systems for progressive rollouts of binaries or features flags or canary analysis. It’s very satisfying to see in practice after working with such scale how important it is. Thousands of small changes are targeting some small partitions of traffic and some are reverted automatically. It’s unimaginable for such type of company to not have it in place.
Hugh Brown
> The instruction that crashed is the Assembly instruction “mov r9d, [r8].” This instructs to move the bytes in the r9d address to the r8 one. The problem is that r8 is an unmapped address (invalid), and so the process crashes!
I think you have it backwards. I think `mov r9d, [r8]` is destination/source, not source/destination (as your text claims).

Jul 23

next play opportunities 7/23

former early employee from Morning Brew, chief of staff roles, AI platform for institutional investors
Hey, This is next play’s newsletter, where we share under-the-radar opportunities to help you figure out what’s next in your journey.
Ben Lang ∙ 44 LIKES
Faheem Kajee
Hi Ben - how do I join the call tomorrow? I am a "friend of nextplay" already.
Warren Shaeffer
Great post, Ben!

Illuminating Inconsistencies and Addressing Anomalies in the Trump Assassination Attempt

11 Shots fired | 3 Different Locations | Patsy | Eyewitness Accounts | Video Proof | 3 Letter Agencies | Lies, Coverups, Betrayal | All You Need to Know NOW & What Really Happened in Bethel Park, PA ⚠
This article begins with the “official story” of the assassination attempt on the life of President Trump on July 13, 2024. The information contained herein is as of July 19, 2024.
The Truth About Cancer ∙ 1052 LIKES
L Engel
Amazing Read. Thank you.
At that moment he turned his head- something shifted in the universe. God is good. Not for whomever else is responsible for this heinous act., though.
Truth will be told!
Laura morrow
Wonderful breakdown and analysis! Thank you.

One Young Man And His Puppies

A huge mountain to climb
If I broke down all the things we have to do to fix the street dog problem, it would be a very boring and mundane email. I think what helps everybody to understand what we are trying to do is a real life example.
Niall Harbison ∙ 381 LIKES
500,000 puppies already saved from a life of being hungry, homeless and unwell. It’s so brilliant. What you are doing and planning to do on an even bigger scale is genuinely world changing. So few people have both the vision and the character to do this - you didn’t give up when the hurdles started coming and decide it’s too big - and I really admire you for it. I followed you when you had about 40k followers and it’s been incredible to see it snowball as more and more dog-lovers get onboard with your mission, donating and sharing the message.
I’m hoping that gre as t young man will become part of your family! He deserves it.

Debunking Myth #9: “Inflation is caused by wage increases and too much government spending.”

BUNK! It’s caused by corporate power. And what would President Harris do about it?
Robert Reich ∙ 1061 LIKES
Interesting article. Trump will surely reverse any progress made regarding monopolies and pricing; as he is always for sale.
Jill Holloway
We are in Mauritius in the tourism industry and wholly dependent on Google for our promotions and advertising. Since we joined in 2016, Google has forced up our contribution 10 fold, and their service is non-existent now. In 2016 as a Google One Member I had direct access to a Google adviser 24/7. Now their website sends me around on a circular pattern without an end or any assistance.

Kamala Faces Her First Political Test: Defend Lina Khan, or Buckle to Corporate Power

Billionaires have launched a public campaign to axe their FTC adversary
The first domestic policy contest over the direction of the Kamala Harris campaign has broken into full view, with major Democratic donors pressing the vice president to break with the Biden administration’s popular and populist antitrust policy by ousting Lina Khan from her post as chair of the Federal Trade Co…
Ryan Grim ∙ 256 LIKES
Mary Murphy
Kahn is a shining star in Biden’s administration. Firing her is not “going forward”. I hope she doesn’t cave to donor pressure, but I’m getting used to being disappointed by politicians.
Evan Ball
It is my greatest wish that a Harris administration does not roll back the (surprising) progressive gains of the Biden administration.

What is Old is New Again

The past 18 months have seen major change reshape the tech industry. What does this mean for businesses, dev teams, and what will pragmatic software engineering approaches look like, in the future?
👋 Hi, this is Gergely. I give one conference talk per year: this was the one for 2024. It’s my best attempt to summarize the sudden changes across the tech industry and what they will mean for the next few years of software engineering.
Gergely Orosz ∙ 336 LIKES
Hey Gergely, amazing talk and article! This was really relieving to see. I think it would be interesting to go back to the ideas that were brewing around the post-dotcom-bubble era to see if there's more lessons to learn. I wanted to ask, in your talk you made a comment about how its an open secret that every company made their own NIH version of React Native. I'd love to hear more about that, and maybe some reporting about how the companies that have embraced React Native (Microsoft, Shopify, Amazon, Walmart) have been able to take advantage of the benefits. Thanks!
Thank you for gathering the data, analyzing trends, creating plots, and writing this analysis, Gergely! Your newsletter saves me a lot of time that I would otherwise spend doing these tasks to understand the software engineering industry. I appreciate that you explain the reasoning behind your conclusions so I can trace back to the data and understand both the outcome and how you arrived at it. It is very valuable!
So, GenAI is like the Cloud but with 5% interest rates? What would that look like? I don't have personal experience with the Dotcom era as I wasn't in the industry yet. However, I am familiar with the Cloud and am curious about how GenAI will differ. Can you write a post on this?

Worldwide Internet Outage TRUTH BOMBS: What Nobody is Talking About

Many people asked for my thoughts on this topic so here it is:
Agent131711 ∙ 206 LIKES
Another excellent deep dive and analysis! Thank you.
I love your sentiment: " Because everything is a lie on top of a lie that is smothered in fib and served with a side of hoax...." Yes, indeed.
Bruce Coary
Nice point about lack of chemtrails. I'm just south of Chicago and was admiring the natural clouds and blue sky during the "outage". Didn't think about them being related. Thanks.

Billionaire Orders Kamala Harris to Fire Lina Khan

LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman gave $10 million to Harris' campaign and demanded an end to Biden's tariff and antitrust policies. Bernie Sanders reacted angrily.
As I’ve written, for the last few weeks, there has been a campaign among big business advocates to eliminate the new trade, antitrust, and labor policies put in place over the last five years or so. When Kamala Harris took over the Democratic nomination from Joe Biden, that campaign ramped up.
Matt Stoller ∙ 470 LIKES
Dennis Angel
The arrogance is mind boggling. Does he have any idea or even care how many Americans are disenfranchised and impoverished by the concentration of wealth. Lina Kahn is the single most important individual in government fighting for Americans to be protected from the market power of monopolistic corporations and the power hungry billionaires.
Tax them enough to silence them. Keep up the good work Lena.

Biden Must be Held Accountable for his Actions.

Election interference can not be tolerated by either party.
The most immediate key person in the organizational chart below who was responsible for the assassination attempt fiasco has now resigned; Secret Service (USSS) Director Kimberly Cheadle, who reported to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Mayorkas is the next person who must go.
Robert W Malone MD, MS ∙ 678 LIKES
Ned B.
I notice that the "Who is Bobby Kennedy" YouTube video that you embedded in your post has an overlay (put there by YouTube) which states: "Covid-19 vaccine. Get the latest information from the CDC."
The full-spectrum narrative control never stops.
Robert W Malone MD, MS
"Trump - A climate change victim"
The shooter was on the roof for at least 20 minutes and maybe up to an hour, with the USSS knowing that he was there and armed, and the USSS officer on the roof leaves! Their excuse being that they left the roof, because they were "too hot"? How is that even possible?
From Sen. Josh Hawley:
"And what this whistleblower tells my office is that there was at least one law enforcement person assigned to the roof itself. In other words, the plan called for a law enforcement individual to be on the roof at all times during the rally. And that did not happen. And what the whistleblower tells me is the law enforcement individual who was assigned to that roof abandoned it."

How the "Working Class Republican" Scam Works

A brief description of how this is all gonna go.
The Republican Party under Trump would like to opportunistically cast itself as a “working class” or “pro-worker” party. As a starting point to today’s conversation: this is bullshit, and the pundits who give it credence only help the bullshit spread more widely. Many labor journalists i…
Hamilton Nolan ∙ 164 LIKES
Andy Funk
Whenever an allegedly pro-worker Republican starts talking about the perils of immigration, I'd also like to hear about his plan to crack down on businesses that hire undocumented workers.
Stansfield Smith
Everything you say can be also said about the Democrats. But you don't. That says a lot. And that makes your argument amount to a nothing burger. Both of them are corporate parties and both "Working Class Democrat" and "Working Class Republican" are scams. If you are pro-working people, you would say that.

The phony populism of JD Vance

It's a cynical branding exercise.
Noah Berlatsky ∙ 457 LIKES
Kim Kohrt
Your fellow journalist on this platform, Jessica Valenti, wrote yesterday about the nyt deceptively editing a quote from Vance to make it sound like doesn’t support a national abortion ban when he absolutely does. He said rape victims shouldn’t be allowed abortion care bc 2 wrongs don’t make a right. As much as I’d love for you to interview Jessica Valenti for the newsletter, I’d love even more if you dove into how misogynistic he is & how much the policies he supports, national abortion ban or getting rid of no fault divorce, will hurt women.
Robert Spottswood, M.A.
Nice laying out the logic behind the tragic.
Thank you.
A neighbor offered that Trump always picks vice presidents with one syllable last names.
Not to be upstaged.

Why OpenAI may well be completely Zuck’d

Regular readers of this Substack will recall that I have never been bullish on OpenAI. Last Fall, I warned that they might someday be known as the WeWork of AI, and in late January I wrote an essay about some of the strong headwinds they faced, despite their seeming invincibility, called “
Gary Marcus ∙ 112 LIKES
Tarek Kettaneh
Driverless cars, Google glasses, Metaverse, and now AI. We just live in a world of hype unsupported by hard facts. Ultimately, the market will make the choices
Charles Fadel
I generally agree with lack of technical moat, and certainly with the profitability gap - we'll see if their investors are as patient as Amazon's were.
But there is also a brand recognition moat of "ChatGPT" as the default go-to. Easier for Google than for Anthropic to crack, via installed Search hegemony.
As to LlaMa 3.1 it is meant for connoisseurs so far, not for the general public. They are trying to be the Unix of the LLM world.

We’ve Forgotten Trump’s Shooter Already

In the story we’re telling about the assassination attempt, the villain is a fumbling bureaucrat—not the man who pulled the trigger.
Can you remember the name of the man who nearly killed Donald Trump?
Kat Rosenfield ∙ 221 LIKES
Jim Veenbaas
We may never know why this kid shot Trump, and it doesn’t really matter. The problem isn’t that a political party or candidate calls their opponents bad names. It happens far too often in an era where politics has become theatre, rather than policy making.
The real problem is that the Dems entire campaign strategy revolves around dehumanizing their opponents and calling Trump the next Hitler. It’s the essence of who they are - and we know they don’t actually believe it because they donated $10 mill to the most extreme MAGA candidates in the Republican primaries. Their actions put the lie to their words.
This hatred has been amplified and mainstreamed by the regime media. They have both twisted facts to suit their needs. Biden told us his reason for running in 2020 was because of Trump’s comments in Charlottesville. This is next level George Orwell dystopia - changing history to suit your needs today. Someone ran for president because of comments his opponent never said, which could have been easily debunked with a two-minute internet search. Not one person in the regime media pushed back against this entirely fabricated narrative. Hell, half the country still believes it. And it just keeps going and going and going. The big story yesterday was JD Vance’s misogyny - because he made some cat lady wisecrack a couple years ago.
I can’t stand the Dems for their Machiavellian politics, but my real contempt is reserved for the regime media. As much as we
hate and distrust the regime media - it’s not nearly enough.
Eric R.
There is a lot about this assassination attempt we will never know because it makes the left look bad, and with its control over the government bureaucracy and media, it will never come out.
To give you some idea how powerful their ability to cover up and lie about things like this:
a) Many people to this day think that the JFK assassination was a right-wing plot. Yet Oswald was a Marxist who spent time in the Soviet Union.
b) Isn't it amazing how the Las Vegas shooting investigation was shut down? A guy kills 56 people at a country music festival, so you can guess the political affiliation of most of the victims. They get a hold of the guy's computers and phones, and still come up with nothing? Really?
c) Do you know who James Hodgkinson is? He's the Bernie Bro who tried assassinating a bunch of Republican Congressmen in a softball game and came within literally a millimeter of succeeding on one of them. Yet he has been scrubbed from history.
The media not only shills for the far left, but also cheers on the violence by the far left.
As we Republicans say, "No matter how much you hate the MSM, you can't hate them enough,"

Lesson 1 | The sexy history of love in poetry & how to develop your personal style.

Crushing Hard: Defining what makes a love poem "good", cliche mistakes to avoid, and poets gone wild.
This is class 1 of 8 from Shannan Mann’s Forever Workshop “Hot and Heavy: Writing Love & Sex Poems that will Actually Get Published and Have Readers Begging for More”
Shannan Mann ∙ 42 LIKES
marina ramil
some of my canon: li-young lee makes my writing more lyrical and prosodic, mary oliver helps me love the natural world better, gustavo hernandez' work is a masterclass in loving care for settings, torrin a. greathouse and stacey waite are butch guideposts making my writing better as a femme dyke
some of my canon, with an eye towards desire, intimacy, sex, love:
Eileen Myles for their unequivocal colloquial style, threaded through with matter-of-fact queer desire and mundane details (e.g. “Peanut Butter”. Frank O’Hara for his rattling off of scenes and names and the intimacy of the scenes he makes here (“having a coke with you” the most obvious, but my favorite, the ode to love and friendship and desire and hope: “Poem Read at Joan Mitchell’s”). Olena Kalytiak Davis (I’ve long been obsessed with her “Shatter Sonnets”) for her sounds and rhythms as an inheritor of Gerard Manley Harris—and in her later work she leans more towards the colloquial rumination of Myles and O’Hara that I love. Jane Kenyon for her lucent, simple, images and subtle sensations. I am also drawn to the fleetingness of love in her poems. Garth Greenwell’s substack introduced me to the most sexy poem: “September Garden Party” and I’m also partial to “Otherwise” as a marriage poem.

Friday Funnies: It's a Slippery Slope

All the world's a stage, and Enshittification continues to progress
Robert W Malone MD, MS ∙ 668 LIKES
James Goodrich
We have all had set backs in our lives. Some are small, some are life changing. We all need some time to dwell on something negative that’s happened to us, but we should never make a lifetime of it. If all could look objectively at Trump you have to give him credit for not dwelling on what he has been through. How he keeps getting up time after time even when the weight of the most powerful government in the history of the world is out to get him, he triumphs over them. It’s been a life’s lesson to watch this man succeed to his 3rd nomination and whatever happens in this election we should all take a note, when things look like they are going horribly wrong, and it seems impossible, we should never give up, never bow down to evil. Put it behind you as soon as you can and keep moving forward. Success only finds those that search for it. J.Goodrich
About the IT fiasco - It's not too early for "We told ya so" is it?
Asking for a friend.