Top 25 NBA Articles on Substack

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Gratitude in Grief: Hanif Abdurraqib and Inside the NBA

Guest Writer: Annaka Saari
If you know us at Flagrant Mag at all, you know we’re huge Hanif heads (buy Issue 06 to read about Hanif from the perspective of his friend and collaborator, Kasey Anderson). You also know we’re divided on the quality of content provided by Inside the NBA, but despite having mixed feelings about Kenny and Shaq (everybody loves Chuck, and Ernie is kinda …
Flagrant Mag ∙ 15 LIKES
Alex Lewis
This was dope, thank you for sharing!
jess p
LOVE this!!! Love Hanif!!

Meet all the new Warriors: Quinten Post, Lindy Waters III, and Reece Beekman

getting there was complicated but this is an excellent haul in the end
The Warriors started the day with the #52 pick. Somehow, they ended up with one of the G-League’s best three-point shooters, Lindy Waters III, and also the best stretch center in the draft, Quinten Post. Reece Beekman, defensive stopper and efficient point guard, came on board on a two-way.
Eric Apricot ∙ 17 LIKES
Captain Jack
Quinten Post
"Mom Can we have Brook Lopez"
"We already have Brook Lopez at home"

Saying Goodbye To Bill Walton

Gov. Jesse Ventura Gives A Heartfelt Tribute To His Friend
This week saw the passing of NBA basketball legend Bill Walton. Gov. Jesse Ventura tells the story of how he and Bill became the dearest of friends way back in the 1970’s and how that friendship fore…
Jesse & Tyrel Ventura ∙ 25 LIKES
John Zelnicker
My deepest condolences for the loss of your great friend, Jesse. I am also in your generation, born in 1950, and I remember well Bill's involvement in the antiwar movement as I was.
He was an inspiration since there were very few professional athletes at the time who participated in the movement. Which is not to say they approved of the war, but I didn't see them marching against the war.
Take care and stay safe.
I wish more pro athletes were aware and protesting like Bill Walton did in the 60s.
Where are the pro athletes now? Are any protesting the proxy war in Ukraine? Where are they now, are they protesting the mass slaughter of civilians in Gaza, funded by Joe Biden?

The Minnesota GOP endorsed an anti-semite for U.S. Senate. Republicans are silent.

Earlier this month, Congressman Tom Emmer (R-MN) blasted college students protesting Israel's military operations in Gaza. "By these students’ own admission, they’re not just standing in solidarity with this pro-Hamas, anti-Sem…
Judd Legum and Tesnim Zekeria ∙ 439 LIKES
Mike McCabe
Royce White has dealt with depression and mental health issues for many years if you go back and look at stories from his playing days. This is not a stable person and the GOP is trying to use him like they used Herschel Walker. This doesn't excuse anything that he's said or written but he is not a healthy person and certainly should not be a candidate for the U.S. Senate.
Greg Parsons
Why isn't Alex Jones penniless and in prison?
Why isn't Steve Bannon in prison?
What the hell is happening?

Canyon de Chelly

A masterpiece of the universe
Because many people read my postings for the first time, I often repeat the history of my family in the Indian trading business since it is foundational to who I am and what I have done during much of my 80+ years. In 1913 my grandfather moved his family to the remote Navajo reservation and built a trading post and family home. For the next 25 years he …
John D Kennedy
James Bruner
John ….. Canon de Chelly is indeed a special place . Sid Wilson and I went in with Felix Martinez out of Chinle . A mystical place and the White House Ruins were a wonder . Regards to you and yours . Jim Bruner

The Take Bakery: Make America(n Basketball Prospects) Great Again

The NBA needs to establish a domestic development pipeline
For America’s best amateur basketball players, March Madness is an opportunity to demonstrate their basketball bonafides in front of an audience of millions. Unfortunately, it’s also likely to be some of the last meaningful basketball they play in their lives.
Ben Krauss ∙ 120 LIKES
Truly the best thing to come out of Slow Boring. A completely unrelated post about an issue that's intriguing, provocative and fun. Never knew this was an issue but I love the proposal.
Hot take?: Joel Embiid is an American. Therefore the most recent NBA MVP was an American.
1) He is literally an American citizen
2) he has committed to play for team USA
3) he has been in the USA since high school and played at Kansas. As such he is a product of the American basketball development system, such as it is.
Though I do agree with gist of article*

Who really "died suddenly"? Anabolic steroid users.

During the initial Covid-19 vaccine rollout, a rare complication called myocarditis was detected, primarily in young males. The incidence of this problem was low and most of the cases were mild. Still, even for people in the highest-risk demographic for vaccine-associated myocarditis, receiving the primary series of the Covid-19 v…
Jeremy Faust, MD ∙ 40 LIKES
Maia Szalavitz
It's not clear that this is *causal*, especially in terms of risk-taking and accidental death, though for the other mortality, it makes more sense to conclude that. Which otherwise healthy young men are more likely to take steroids— those who are highly inclined to risk-taking or those who are not? Trait impulsivity is just as likely to lead to steroids and early accidental death as it is that steroids produce impulsivity..... probably more so.
Little off topic (kinda)…when or if do you think we will move to an annual Covid vaccine? What I really mean is when will as a society we have confidence that this is the best thing to prevent serious illness? Thanks for all you do!

What to Make of Shohei and Ippei

So many unanswered questions about the gambling scandal that has rocked MLB
Admittedly, I have no real skin in this game. All of you who know me (at least the past decade of my existence) know that I have turned myself into a Hanshin Tigers nerd. I started a blog in 2014, a podcast in 2015, got featured in the papers in 2017, received a digital column in April 2018, passed Level 1 (top tier) of the Tigers Proficiency Test in Au…
Trevor "T-Ray" Raichura ∙ 3 LIKES
Sanjay Arora
This is about as comprehensive a piece as anything I’ve read on this developing story so far. Well done!
Ian Haydel
I think at the very least Ohtani knew about Mizuhara’s gambling problem and was genuinely trying to help him out. The team dropped the ball (pun intended) by making a quick statement and then doubling back. I don’t believe Ohtani was directly involved in the gambling per se, but this puts a stain on his stellar image and draws a lot of negative attention to the sport. I am curious as to how the MLB will handle this. I have a feeling they will help protect Ohtani for the sake of the $$$, but either way not what we needed to start off this season. 😔

J.J. Redick's media studies crash course

What are they teaching at Duke?
Good morning. Let’s basketball.
Tom Ziller ∙ 50 LIKES
Scott Tobias
A great essay, Tom. I've been fascinated by Redick's ascent as a podcaster, broadcaster, and media personality since his retirement, because I think he's extremely gifted in all departments but has set himself on a bit of a collision course. We can marvel at the righteousness of him calling out Doc Rivers on "First Take"-- and doing it in prodigiously Stephen A.-inspired language, too-- but he's also taking over for Doc as part of the playoff A-team along with Mike Breen and Doris Burke. That's a little awkward, no? And then he does all these interviews with players for Old Man and the Three that are collegial and full of insight but his withering criticism of guys like Zion Williamson would seem like it could be limiting long-term. I would love to see Redick continue to wear all these hats and continue to shoot at the hip, even if he's off-base at times. (The rant about fan interest in tape breakdown versus his Doc screed didn't make a lot of sense to me.) But I also wonder how sustainable all these enterprises are long term. You're either outside the tent pissing in or inside the tent pissing out. You can't do both at the same time.
Kristin F
I love that Redick is calling out the common fan. Let's be honest the fans he's going after aren't the people reading this post and commenting on it. It's the hoppers vs ballers, the ones who think points are all that matters, that want 2k and Rucker park style of play. The people who quite frankly get their "education" from Kendrick Perkins, Stephen A and other blowhards.
As for the Redick/Doc comments I think an underrated angle is JJ Redick support of Ben Simmons. Listen or re-listen to Simmons on jj's old man and the three podcast. It's eye opening. It basically has an element of Redick apologizing for not being more supportive a better teammate etc to Simmons. That definitely factors into his feelings about Doc. Say what you want about Ben the way doc and Embiid treated him was reprehensible and an independent arbiter pretty much said the same when they settled in Simmons favor for the money the Sixers fined him for.

How To Appoint a Commissar (Part 5) - Dallas Mavericks CEO Cynt Marshall (she/her)

How many times has Dallas Mavericks owner and DIE advocate Mark Cuban violated civil rights law by hiring and firing based on race and gender?
Comrades: In honor of DIE enthusiast Mark Cuban, I have created The Cuban Rule. “The harder someone virtue signals, the more skeletons they have in their closet. Behind every DIE commissar is a woke white man shielding himself from criticism.” For the past few weeks, Cuban has been simping for DIE on Twitter.
Yuri Bezmenov ∙ 216 LIKES
Victor Orona
The utter ignorance and stupidity of these woke people is astounding 🤦🏻‍♂️
Jim Marlowe
I'm ashamed that Cuban went to my alma mater, Indiana University. That university mandated mRNA injections for all students when it was known that those products do not stop transmission. The highest court sanctioned (*edit*, as in upheld) the mandate.
Do not support any public university. Instead support the University of Austin. The college is offering full ride scholarships to its first class of students in Fall 2024.
Niall Ferguson and Bari Weiss are on the Board of Trustees. David Mamet, Glenn Loury and Ayaan Hirsi Ali are on an advisory board. Michael Shellenberger is among the faculty. Let's hope the university and its students succeed!

The Truth About Wages (part one)💵

The £4.3m tackle - cracking the code of injury compensation in the Premier League
The best kind of journalism – built on extensive research and infallible evidence – stands the test of time. It’s what first attracted me to Substack and it is why – for my first post – I’m revisiting a story that I started reporting on over two decades ago. The idea started in my head and ended up in the High Court. It changed lives along the way. Not …
Nick Harris ∙ 46 LIKES
Ivan Cohen
An interesting and very well-researched article.
As an Economist (who once did a few calculations in the USA for loss of earnings) I am intrigued as to how the lump-sum compensation was arrived at: logically it *ought* to be the present value of the stream of lost future earnings, plus any premium for emotional distress etc. Of course, the difficulty in calculating PV would be the choice of discount rate.
Paul Natton
Thanks for the first article Nick. I’ve signed up primarily because of the work you’ve done around exposing Manchester City and their charges and just want to be able to support you - even in a small way - in continuing that and other similar work.
Sports journalism at its best addresses these issues of power, money and corruption but few journalists do it at all never mind well. So thanks for all you do and good luck with this venture.

What's the return policy on an NBA head coach?

The Bucks abruptly end the Adrian Griffin era. Is the Doc Rivers era next?
Good morning. Let’s basketball.
Tom Ziller ∙ 29 LIKES
Let's get both Van Gundys (Van Gundi?) on an ESPN2 simulcast a la the Manning Cast.
Chris Shorts
I think we are all overlooking the more serious issue with the Bucks potentially hiring Doc: Who will ESPN get to replace him alongside Mike Breen and Doris Burke? My pick? BRING BACK JEFF VAN GUNDY!

Canzano: Leave some room for the heart

One 'bucket list' that delivered.
The email arrived 17 years ago this week. I’ll never forget it. Dr. Jeffrey Werner, a cardiologist, had a question for me. He wanted to know if I’d ask Trail Blazers’ coach Nate McMillan when he planned to play Dan Dickau. Fantasy-league question? I thought the same thing, at first. It turns o…
John Canzano ∙ 195 LIKES
Doyle H Bransom
This is your best column ever John. I lost my son to colon cancer on September 20th 2023, and this article really meant a lot to me as I miss him greatly. He also had a list and completed most of them before he died. Appreciate your article.
Dam# it, who is chopping onions in here?
Great piece, John. What a story.
Loved all of it and OF COURSE the good Doctor was a Trojan.

The one sure-fire way Giannis Antetokounmpo can ensure he has the right game ball

Each Wilson NBA basketball is individually numbered. Find out what number was used during the game, then match it to the ball. Case closed.
What you see above is an official game ball. It has the league logo, a team logo (in this case, for the Mad Ants in the G League) and a specific ball number. There are three Wilson game balls hand-picked off the ball rack for each NBA…
Scott Agness ∙ 11 LIKES
Rob C.
Obviously as a Pacer fan I'm biased....but G.A. does not come off very well in this whole situation. I've definitely lost a bit of respect for him. The remaining games against the Bucks should be just a little bit more interesting.
John Joven
The Jan 3rd game in Indy will be racous!

December 28, 2023

Mailbag 12-28-2023

Questions About Diego Pavia, Former Aggies Basketball Greats and More!
AGGregator is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. I spent 5 hours writing the Tony Sanchez - Bishop Gorman thing. I was really proud of it, and because of that hard work, a few of you became paying subscribers. Thank you so much for that. I promise you, you give me the su…
James Baca
Mauro Orta
Firstly, thank you for your work providing great content. Secondly, I have a question I hope you can shed light on. What became of Aggie men’s basketball player Damien Bradford. I see he is no longer listed on the roster but I never heard or read of an explanation unless I missed it. Thanks again.
Kevin Watchman
Lets focus on #1 our Mens and Womens BB program...Jason is kicking ass...ya 5 tough losses...hes building a new dammmmm proud hes our coach....FB...let it go IMO

What the NBA Cup showed us

A potential antidote for Tyrese Haliburton, a reminder of the Lakers' extra gear and LeBron's complete record.
Good morning. Special Sunday edition! Let’s basketball.
Tom Ziller ∙ 39 LIKES
I would like to see the all-star game replaced by the IST Final - Individual cities would still host but the finale of the weekend would be an actual game that people would enjoy watching (and players playing). And it would make a ton of sense to hold it the week that the NFL takes off prior to the “Big Game” when fans are starved for action.

November 1, 2023

This is 60: Diamond (Michael) Scott Responds to The Oldster Magazine Questionnaire

"I see this period of my life as an opportunity to step into my legacy years with unbridled freedom and grace."
From the time I was 10, I’ve been obsessed with what it means to grow older. I’m curious about what it means to others, of all ages, and so I invite them to take “The Oldster Magazine Questionnaire.” Here, journalist, editor, and “global book ambassador”
Sari Botton ∙ 106 LIKES
Diana M. Wilson
"You'll never see me retire." Amen to that!
Alison Krupnick
I admire his attitude and love the line about stepping into the legacy years with unbridled freedom and grace. For me, part of that unbridled freedom is to eat as many delicious meals as possible.

2020 All Over Again? No, We Are Prepared This Time

As the establishment begins signaling new COVID measures (well, the same old measures deployed before), it is up to We The People to use our resilience to push back and not comply
Article by Scott Armstrong | Rebunked News | @RebunkedNews Clips from The Daily Wrap-up with Ryan Cristián: As COVID Psyop/Election Cycle Begins Anew Censorship Explodes & FDA/ADL Caught Lying (Respectively) (8/20/2023) For more, please visit
The Last American Vagabond ∙ 82 LIKES
T Brown
Time to man up people!
Chris Youngblood
The Pandemic Tracker was hilarious but also felt like post 911 times with the terrorist color level threat. People actually would associate colors on a screen with how threatened they felt (which was all imaginary).

August 1, 2023

Trying to see the sunny side in the midst of the NBA's scorching hot dog days

A source of potential comfort as we all await some tangible progress in Miami's trade chase of Portland's Damian Lillard: August shouldn't be as barren for NBA fans as it usually is ... or so we think
Damian Lillard's trade demand is essentially one month old and generating little pressure on the Portland Trail Blazers with training camp so far in the distance. Media Day is a full two months away for 28 of the NBA's 30 teams … and it falls on Sept. 29 for the twosome of Dallas and Minnesota before the Mavericks and Timberwolves travel across the world…
Marc Stein ∙ 32 LIKES
James Madison
Marc, Gut feeling on any big trades made before start of regular season? Above or below 50%?
Bill C
As a committed southpaw, please include in your "world’s most authoritative annual All-Lefty Team" only lefties, i.e., none of those ambidextrous types who try to play it both ways (I'm looking at you, Mason Plumlee).
One deserving member is Goran Dragic. Another, of course, is Manu.

July 4, 2023

The Tuesday Newsletter Extravaganza

Even on a national holiday, yes, we're here to set up what to watch for next in the NBA, share another round of Numbers Game gems and pretend, just for fun, that this can also be a Tech Substack
You only had to survive 21 days without NBA basketball. How did you do? The league largely went quiet Tuesday to observe the July Fourth holiday, but there were five summer league games played Monday in Sacramento and Salt Lake City, including the long-awaited return of Oklahoma City's Chet Holmgren. Highlights enclosed:
Marc Stein ∙ 51 LIKES
Richard Penninkhof
I have to say Marc that your work ethic is second to none. Very impressive! Posting on the 4th - even in Canada we are 👏👏👏👏👏 you!
David Goldberg
Love the tidbyt. Pre-smart phones I had this amazing white pager with scrolling scores. Never left home without it as I did a little gambling in those days.

June 22, 2023

A stab at who the Spurs will draft after Victor Wembanyama

No long lists, no maybes, just a straight-up take on who I believe San Antonio is targeting.
In lieu of writing a long list of prospect profiles covering players the Spurs could be interested in ahead of tonight’s draft, I thought it might be entertaining to start a new tradition of sorts. When San Antonio was picking No. 9 overall last summer, I thoroughly enjoyed biting down on tape, talking to people and trying to identify one or two players…
Matthew Tynan ∙ 12 LIKES
Pablo A.
We missed our chance to draft Rupert at 33 - could have ended up with three Frenchmen. Like the Cissoko pick at 44
Tomasz Waszewski
Rupert has been invited to the green room. Do you think that Spurs will have to trade up if they intend to draft him?

Welcome to biocentric: a community for people challenging the status quo and loving the planet.

Hello, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Max Wilbert. I was born in Seattle, Washington, but for nearly a decade I’ve lived in rural western Oregon. I’m madly in love with our planet. Wild places make me absolutely giddy. I find it deeply meaningful to guide people — especially young people — into the wilderness, and to introduce them to deeper relations…
Max Wilbert ∙ 10 LIKES
Utah Tar Sands Resistance
Thanks Max. We are looking forward to this! ~UTSR
Todd Daniel
I appreciate all that you do. Keep up the great work.

How Airtime Scouting could change the game in Australia and New Zealand

Airtime is a passion project on a mega scale. Michael Houben and Stevie Cozens' new platform could transform the lives of young players in Australia and New Zealand.
A few short years ago, Michael Houben and Stevie Cozens were just two guys sharing spreadsheets full of basketball prospects. With Houben in Australia and Cozens in New Zealand, they’d trade information about up and coming players across the Tasman Sea, and use a growing Twitter audience to shine a spotlight on those that were looking for college opport…
Jacob Doole ∙ 3 LIKES

April 12, 2023

Where Is My Mind?

Researchers Have Found This Chemical May Be Driving Up Cases Of The Fastest-Growing Neurological Condition In The World
Yesterday (April 11) was World Parkinson’s Day. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive and debilitating neurological disorder affecting millions of people throughout the world. Despite significant advancements in treatment, there is still no known cure for the disease, and those living with Parkinson’s must navigate it…
Suzanne Boothby and Erin Brockovich ∙ 49 LIKES
Michael Hootstein
Excellent article. TCE is a DNAPL (Dense Non Aqeous Phase Liquid) that may coexist in liquid, dissolved and in vapor form. So an unwitting victim passing by may be exposed to migrating TCE in the water one drinks and the air one breathes.
Please let me know if I can be of any assistance. This Legacy Environmental Group hydrogeologist has a 30 year passion for protecting drinking water and human health.